EverQuest Classic
Ak'Anon (akanon)
Befallen (befallen)
Blackburrow (blackburrow)
Butcherblock Mountains (butcher)
Castle of Mistmoore (mistmoore)
Crushbone (crushbone)
Dagnor's Cauldron (cauldron)
Domain of Frost (myriah)
East Commonlands (ecommons)
East Freeport (freporte)
Eastern Plains of Karana (eastkarana)
Erud's Crossing (erudsxing)
Erudin (erudnext)
Erudin Palace (erudnint)
Everfrost Peaks (everfrost)
Gorge of King Xorbb (beholder)
Greater Faydark (gfaydark)
Grobb (grobb)
Guk (guktop)
Halas (halas)
Halls of Injustice (injustice)
Halls of Injustice 2 (injustice2)
Halls of Injustice 3 (injustice3)
Halls of Injustice 4 (injustice4)
Halls of Injustice 5 (injustice5)
Halls of Injustice 6 (injustice6)
Halls of Injustice, 20 Ward (injustice20)
Halls of Injustice, 30 Ward (injustice30)
Halls of Injustice, 40 Ward (injustice40)
Halls of Injustice, 50 Ward (injustice50)
Halls of Injustice, New Ward (injustice10)
High Keep (highkeep)
Highpass Hold (highpass)
House of Mischief (mischiefhouse)
Innothule Swamp (innothule)
Kedge Keep (kedge)
Kerra Isle (kerraridge)
Kithicor Forest (kithicor)
Lair of the Splitpaw (paw)
Lake Rathetear (lakerathe)
Lavastorm Mountains (lavastorm)
Lesser Faydark (lfaydark)
Lost Temple of CazicThule (cazicthule)
Misty Thicket (misty)
Nagafen's Lair (soldungb)
Najena (najena)
Nektulos Forest (nektulos)
Neriak - 3rd Gate (neriakc)
Neriak - Commons (neriakb)
Neriak - Foreign Quarter (neriaka)
North Freeport (freportn)
North Kaladim (kaladimb)
North Qeynos (qeynos2)
Northern Desert of Ro (nro)
Northern Felwithe (felwithea)
Northern Plains of Karana (northkarana)
Oasis of Marr (oasis)
Ocean of Tears (oot)
Oggok (oggok)
Paineel (paineel)
Permafrost Caverns (permafrost)
Plane of Fear (fearplane)
Plane of Hate (hateplane)
Plane of Justice (pojustice)
Plane of Sky (airplane)
Pocket Dimension: Faydark (faydarkfragment)
Qeynos Aqueduct System (qcat)
Qeynos Hills (qeytoqrg)
Rathe Mountains (rathemtn)
Rivervale (rivervale)
Ruins of Old Guk (gukbottom)
Runnyeye (runnyeye)
Shard of Decay (sodecay)
Solusek's Eye (soldunga)
South Kaladim (kaladima)
South Qeynos (qeynos)
Southern Desert of Ro (sro)
Southern Felwithe (felwitheb)
Southern Plains of Karana (southkarana)
Steamfont Mountains (steamfont)
Sunset Home (cshome2)
Surefall Glade (qrg)
Temple of Solusek Ro (soltemple)
The Arena (arena)
The Arena Two (arena2)
The Bazaar (bazaar)
The Crypt of Decay (codecay)
The Estate of Unrest (unrest)
The Feerrott (feerrott)
Toxxulia Forest (tox)
Trial of Fire and Ice (Instanced) (fireice)
West Commonlands (commons)
West Freeport (freportw)
Western Plains of Karana (qey2hh1)
The Ruins of Kunark
Cabilis East (cabeast)
Cabilis West (cabwest)
Chardok (chardok)
Dulak's Harbor (dulak)
Field of Bone (fieldofbone)
Field of Bone (Alt) (towerbone)
Firiona Vie (firiona)
Fragment Lost in Frost (frostfragment)
Frontier Mountains (frontiermtns)
Kaesora (kaesora)
Karnor's Castle (karnor)
Kurn's Tower (kurn)
Kurn's Tower (Alternate) (towerfrost)
Lake of Ill Omen (lakeofillomen)
Mines of Droga (droga)
Mines of Nurga (nurga)
Oops, All Goos! (plaguecrypt)
Ruins of Sebilis (sebilis)
Skyfire Mountains (skyfire)
Swamp of No Hope (swampofnohope)
The Barding Wood (bardingwood)
The Burning Wood (burningwood)
The City of Mist (citymist)
The Crypt of Dalnir (dalnir)
The Dreadlands (dreadlands)
The Emerald Jungle (emeraldjungle)
The Gulf of Gunthak (gunthak)
The Hole (hole)
The Howling Stones (charasis)
The Overthere (overthere)
The Tunnels of Guk (guka)
Timorous Deep (timorous)
Trakanon's Lair (Hard) (sebilis_hard)
Trakanon's Teeth (trakanon)
Veeshan's Peak (veeshan)
Veeshan's Peak (Hard) (veeshan_hard)
Veksar (veksar)
Warsliks Woods (warslikswood)
The Scars of Velious
Cobaltscar (cobaltscar)
Crystal Caverns (crystal)
Dragon Necropolis (necropolis)
Eastern Wastes (eastwastes)
Iceclad Ocean (iceclad)
Icewell Keep (thurgadinb)
Kael Drakkel (kael)
Plane of Growth (growthplane)
Plane of Mischief (mischiefplane)
Siren's Grotto (sirens)
Skyshrine (skyshrine)
Sleeper's Tomb (sleeper)
Stonebrunt Mountains (stonebrunt)
Temple of Veeshan (templeveeshan)
The City of Thurgadin (thurgadina)
The Great Divide (greatdivide)
The Wakening Land (wakening)
The Warrens (warrens)
Tower of Frozen Shadow (frozenshadow)
Velketor's Labyrinth (velketor)
Western Wastes (westwastes)
The Shadows of Luclin
Acrylia Caverns (acrylia)
Akheva Ruins (akheva)
Echo Caverns (echo)
Grieg's End (griegsend)
Grimling Forest (grimling)
Hollowshade Moor (hollowshade)
Jaggedpine Forest (jaggedpine)
Katta Castellum (katta)
Marus Seru (mseru)
Mons Letalis (letalis)
Netherbian Lair (netherbian)
Nexus (nexus)
Sanctus Seru (sseru)
Scarlet Desert (scarlet)
Shadeweaver's Thicket (shadeweaver)
Shadow Haven (shadowhaven)
Ssraeshza Temple (ssratemple)
The City of Shar Vahl (sharvahl)
The Dawnshroud Peaks (dawnshroud)
The Deep (thedeep)
The Fungus Grove (fungusgrove)
The Grey (thegrey)
The Maiden's Eye (maiden)
The Paludal Caverns (paludal)
The Tenebrous Mountains (tenebrous)
The Umbral Plains (umbral)
Twilight (twilight)
Vex Thal (vexthal)
The Planes of Power
Bastion of Thunder (bothunder)
Drunder, the Fortress of Zek (potactics)
Halls of Honor (hohonora)
Plane of Air (poair)
Plane of Disease (podisease)
Plane of Earth (poearthb)
Plane of Fire (pofire)
Plane of Innovation (poinnovation)
Plane of Knowledge (poknowledge)
Plane of Nightmares (ponightmare)
Plane of Storms (postorms)
Plane of Time (potimeb)
Plane of Tranquility (potranquility)
Plane of Valor (povalor)
Plane of War (powar)
Plane of Water (powater)
Temple of Marr (hohonorb)
The Lair of Terris Thule (nightmareb)
Torment, the Plane of Pain (potorment)
Tower of Solusek Ro (solrotower)
Aviak Village (aviak)
EverQuest Tutorial (tutorial)
Loading (clz)
Marauders Mire (erudsxing2)
Nektropos (nektropos)
Neriak Palace (neriakd)