Loot Viewer
Aagron (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Aaryonar (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Abalin Goret (0.0-1.0; povalor)
abandoned wanderer, an (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Abbis (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
abhorrent, an (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Abigail (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Abluo Mulier (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
accountant, an (0.0-0.0; highkeep)
Ace Slighthand (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
acidic mist, An (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Acolyte of Affliction, The (0.0-1.0; potorment)
acolyte of pain, An (0.0-1.0; potorment)
acolyte of Pain, An (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Acolyte Wivlx (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Actuarii Boyn (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Actuarii Buccarn (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Actuarii Othal (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Actuarii Panus (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Actuarii Runol (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Actuarius Guard, An (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Adamantium Horror, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Adelin Crow (0.0-1.0; echo)
Aderius Rhenar (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Aderyn Goldleaf (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Adilan Lemansa (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Adipiscorus Glipo (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Adjutant Brunkin (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Cryyrn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Daggeruk (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Darggon (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Dkan (1.0-99.0; kithicor)
Adjutant Droggren (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Frinvan (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Gelbenden (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Hadreac (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Hoggren (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Icetorch (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Khellendor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Kyrem (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Lynlrom (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Meljror (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Ragrek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Skjell (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Stormkeeper (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Thyek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Adjutant Velsharek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Admiral Tylix (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Adon McMarrin (0.0-1.0; halas)
Adrian (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Adult Rockhopper, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Advisor Czatl (1.0-99.0; kithicor)
Advisor ShOrok (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Advisor Vyenz (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Advisor Zekuzh (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
advisor, an (1.0-99.0; mistmoore)
AerinDar (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Aeris Greymalkyn (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Aero (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Age Old Rockhopper, An (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
aged caretaker, an (0.0-1.0; sleeper)
Agent of Innoruuk, an (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Aggressive Rockhopper, An (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud/letalis/scarlet)
agile bloodtribe warrior, an (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
agitated forest spirit, an (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Agnarr the Storm Lord (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
agony mephit, an (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Ahcaz (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Ail the Elder (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
aimless adventurer, an (0.0-1.0; postorms)
air elemental, an (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Air Infused Defender, An (0.0-1.0; poair)
Air Phoenix Noble, An (0.0-1.0; poair)
Air Phoenix Scout, An (0.0-1.0; poair)
Ajorek the Crimson Fang (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Akbaq Salid (2.0-99.0; erudnint)
Aken Feldmin (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Akhevan lifetaker, An (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Akksstaff (1.0-99.0; najena)
Akuel Centi (0.0-1.0; akheva)
AkuelTekar (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Alabaer Escorioan (3.0-5.0; bazaar)
Alania Peaceheart (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Alaria Mujan (1.0-99.0; paineel)
Albain Tinderbrand (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Alchemist Granika (1.0-99.0; overthere)
Alchemist Jorrum (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Alchemist Valrona (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
Alchemists Acolyte, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
AlCorisalm (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Alden Koden (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Alec McMarrin (0.0-1.0; halas)
Alkus McNeeson (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
alligator, an (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
alligator, an (0.0-1.0; cazicthule/feerrott)
Allix (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Allizewsaur (0.0-1.0; oot)
alluring siren, an (0.0-1.0; oot)
Alorienal TaKirilso (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Alpine (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Alrik Farsight (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Alrik Pasdar (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Altar Priest (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Alun Bilgum (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Alzekar Kerda (1.0-99.0; qey2hh1)
Ambassador DVinn (0.0-1.0; crushbone)
Ambassador KRyn (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Ambassador Rylan (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Amcilla (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Amnquetil Brynjulffr (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Amontehepna (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
amorphous mass, an (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Amygdalan knight (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Amygdalan warrior (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Anafora Silverlake (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Anario Dirkog (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Anchorite of Brell Serilis (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
ancient crawler, the (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
ancient cyclops, an (0.0-1.0; sro)
ancient cyclops, an (0.0-1.0; oot)
ancient darkwing bat, an (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
ancient frost guardian, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
ancient guardian wurm, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Ancient Guardian, An (0.0-1.0; povalor)
ancient guardian, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Ancient Guardian, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Ancient Guardian (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
ancient ice wurm defender, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
ancient Jarsath, an (0.0-1.0; firiona)
ancient mummy, an (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
ancient regrua sentinel, an (0.0-1.0; powater)
Ancient Rockhopper, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
ancient sea turtle, an (0.0-1.0; twilight)
ancient sentry, an (0.0-1.0; sleeper)
ancient shard wyvern, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
ancient shard wyvern, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
ancient shardwurm, an (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Ancient Shissar Servitor, An (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
ancient shrieker, an (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
ancient sky drake, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
ancient sky drake, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Ancient Stonegrabber, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
ancient sun revenant, an (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
ancient sunflower, an (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Ancient Thought Leech, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
ancient tigerclaw racnar, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Ancient Totem (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
ancient treant, an (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
ancient wyvern, an (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
Ancient Zelniak, An (0.0-1.0; mseru)
ancient zelniak, an (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
ancille cook, an (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Andres McMarrin (0.0-1.0; halas)
Anehan Treol (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Anex (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Aneya Mallar (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
angered spirit, an (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
anglerfish, an (0.0-1.0; powater)
angry chef, an (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Animated Earthwalker, An (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Animated Guard, An (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Animated Guardian, An (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
animated scarecrow, an (3.0-99.0; qey2hh1)
Animated Soldier, An (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Anival the Blade (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Ankhefenmut (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Annaelia Wylassi (1.0-99.0; feerrott)
another piece (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Anson McBale (1.0-99.0; highpass)
Antinime (0.0-1.0; oot)
Anumnan Dathry (3.0-99.0; sro)
apparition, an (0.0-1.0; citymist)
Apprentice Cartographer, An (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Apprentice Herbalist, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Apprentice Keeper (0.0-1.0; akheva)
apprentice kennelmaster, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
apprentice lorekeeper, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Aqaar Aluram (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
aqua goblin bosun (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
aqua goblin mariner (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
aqua goblin mariner (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
aqua goblin shaman, an (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
aqua goblin shaman (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
aqua goblin tidal lord (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
aqua goblin wizard, an (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Aqualan Deepwaters (0.0-1.0; twilight)
arachling, an (0.0-1.0; podisease)
arachnae aster, an (0.0-1.0; podisease)
arachnae bumbler, an (0.0-1.0; podisease)
arachnae crawler, an (0.0-1.0; podisease)
arachnae defiler, an (0.0-1.0; podisease)
arachnae parian, an (0.0-1.0; podisease)
arachnae terranis, an (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Aramin the Spider Guardian (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Arbiter Korazhk (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Arbogast (0.0-1.0; katta)
Arborean Earthshaker, An (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
arch arisen skeleton (0.0-1.0; towerfrost)
Arch Duke Iatol (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Arch Inspector Nibizi (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Arch Mage Alchtonion (0.0-1.0; poair)
Arch Mage Yozanni (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Arch Menoch Vanim (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Arch Tormentor Zhesz (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
archaic model, an (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
archer, an (0.0-1.0; echo)
Archpriest DelMaque (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
arena spectator, an (0.0-1.0; kael)
arena spectator, an (0.0-1.0; kael)
Arglar the Tormentor (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Argyn Shieldstan (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Arinna Trueblade (0.0-1.0; freportw)
arisen skeleton (0.0-1.0; towerfrost)
Arlyxir (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
armantis wayfarer, an (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Armor of Zek (0.0-1.0; kael)
armored shadow, an (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Armorer Dellin (0.0-1.0; freportw)
army behemoth, an (0.0-1.0; citymist)
Arreken Skyward (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Arrias Arcanum (4.0-99.0; felwithea)
Artah Medrino (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Arthon Spiritsight (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Arx Guardian Brightway (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Arx Guardian McHaer (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Arx Guardian McMara (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Arx Guardian McMurto (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Arx Guardian Silverkey (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Arx Guardian Truefoot (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Arx Guardian, An (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Arx Praetorian, An (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Ascania Halvbin (0.0-1.0; oot)
ash gargoyle, an (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
ash hornet, an (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Ashenbone Broodmaster (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
ashenbone drake, an (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Ashenpaw (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Asherah the Torch Bearer (0.0-1.0; cshome/cshome2)
Ashkarn the Unbound (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
Ashkarn the Unbound (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
Ashkarn the Unbound (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
Ashkarn the Unbound (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
Ashley (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Assassin Kakoo (0.0-1.0; codecay)
assassin protector, an (0.0-1.0; echo)
Asther (0.0-1.0; echo)
Astral Projection (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Atdehim Sqonci (1.0-99.0; paineel)
Aten Ha Ra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Atheki Norkhitter (0.0-1.0; kaladimb)
Atheling Plague (1.0-99.0; burningwood)
Atlaar Mignar (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Atle Cloudburst (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Atpaev (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
AtulinaeVius (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Atwin Keladryn (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Auliffe Chaoswind (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Auraline (1.0-99.0; kedge)
avalanche golem, an (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Avatar of Abhorrence (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Avatar of Agony, The (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Avatar of Anguish, The (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Avatar of Fear (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
Avatar of Fear (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
Avatar of Pain, The (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Avatar of Suffering, The (0.0-1.0; potorment)
avenging caitiff, an (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
avenging gazer, an (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
aviak avocet (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
aviak darter (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
aviak egret (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
aviak guard, an (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
aviak harrier (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
aviak quetzel, an (0.0-1.0; oot)
aviak rook (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
aviak tanager, an (0.0-1.0; oot)
aviak turaco, an (0.0-1.0; oot)
Axe Broadsmith (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Ayillish (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
azarack, an (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Azdalin (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Azomnius (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Azureake (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Azzar Habbib (2.0-99.0; paineel)
Babnoxis the Spider Queen (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Baenar Swiftsong (1.0-99.0; southkarana)
Bait Masterson (0.0-1.0; freporte/qcat)
Balen Kalgunn (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Balrezu (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Baltaldor the Cursed (0.0-1.0; poair)
Baltron Werters (0.0-1.0; povalor)
bandit leader, a (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Bandit Lookout, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
bandit, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
bandit, a (0.0-1.0; timorous)
bandit, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana/lakerathe/qey2hh1/rathemtn)
bandit, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana/lakerathe/qey2hh1/rathemtn)
Bandl McMarrin (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
baneful shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
banished kerran, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Baobob Miller (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
barbarian mercenary, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
barbarian mercenary (0.0-1.0; wakening)
barbed bone skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
barbed bone skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
barbed scale piranha, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
barbed succulent, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Barducks Darkpaw (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Barg Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Bargynn (0.0-1.0; kurn)
Barkeep Shlek (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Barn Bloodstone (0.0-1.0; highpass/qeytoqrg)
Barnacle Bones (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
Baron Yosig (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Barry Karmme (0.0-1.0; povalor)
basalt drake, a (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
basalt gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Basher Avisk (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Banzuk (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Bibeka (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Bugak (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Gamuk (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Ganbaku (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Glaum (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Gobzin (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Gubaku (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Kankuk (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Kigak (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Kumek (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Nagkuma (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Nanrum (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Oggrik (0.0-1.0; innothule)
Basher Rakguk (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Razbaz (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Roruma (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Scintok (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Sklama (0.0-1.0; innothule)
Basher Smag (0.0-1.0; innothule)
Basher Stizik (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Sutok (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Thintan (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Trak (0.0-1.0; innothule)
Basher Uvgin (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Wisthak (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Zabaak (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Basher Zazluk (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Bashil Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
basilisk, a (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
batling spiritchanneler, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Battle Horror, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Battle Master Skatu (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Battle Wraith, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Battlelord Paluk (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Battlewizard Unak (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Baxo Numbalin (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Bazzt Zzzt (0.0-1.0; airplane)
Bedlavar (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Beef (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Beeliz FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
beggar, a (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Beimage Trite (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
bejeweled elemental (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Bekerak Coldbones (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Beldion Icewind (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
beleaguered ent, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Belijor the Emerald Eye (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Bello Fruegnos (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Beriol Talorakoir (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Berk Thurstone (0.0-1.0; katta)
berserk air elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
berserk earth elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
berserk fire elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Berserk Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
berserk water elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
berserk zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Bertol Flagerty (0.0-1.0; twilight)
bespectled grol baku, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Bevlok Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Bezeb (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Bidils the Quickhand (2.0-99.0; misty)
Bidl Frugrin (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Biggle Limbokker (0.0-1.0; freporte)
bile golem, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
bile sentient, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Bile Spew (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Bilge Farfathom (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
Bimlee Mellswar (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Bin Fiddlekins (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Bindlegrob (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Binkl Dirkwafer (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Binpral Rockfoot (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bishop thingy, a (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Bit (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Bizzznawa (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Bjoron Axefall (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Bjoskhua Blackfist (0.0-1.0; kael)
Bjrakor the Cold (0.0-1.0; kael)
Black Dire (1.0-99.0; mistmoore)
black panther, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
black pinewolf, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
black ravenger, A (3.0-99.0; swampofnohope)
black reaver, a (0.0-1.0; citymist)
Black Scar (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
Black Sending , A (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
Blackbone (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
blacksmith of RyGorr, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Blackwing (1.0-99.0; rathemtn)
blade storm, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Blademaster Kelsitch (0.0-1.0; echo)
Blaize the Radiant (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
blarian larva, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
blasting stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
blazing elemental, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
blazing elemental (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
Blazing Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Blazzax the Omnifiend (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Bledrek (0.0-1.0; velketor)
blessed underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Blinde the Cutpurse (1.0-99.0; rathemtn)
Blinza Toepopal (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Blixkin Entopop (0.0-1.0; misty)
blizzard dervish, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
blizzard hunter, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
blizzard spider, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Blizzent (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Block Foreman, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
blood claw raptor, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
blood familiar, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
blood fin piranha, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
blood leech, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
blood of chottal (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Blood of Ssraeshza (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
blood raven hatchling, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
blood raven, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
blood raven, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
blood soaked guard, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
blood soaked guard, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
blood wolf, a (1.0-99.0; mistmoore)
Bloodcrazed Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Bloodeye (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
bloodgill barracuda, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
bloodgill goblin, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
bloodgill marauder, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
bloodsaber defiler, a (3.0-99.0; qrg)
Bloodskull (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
bloodthirsty ghoul, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
bloodthirsty lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Bloodthirsty Moss Warlord, A (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
bloodthorned spectre, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Bloodtribe Agitator (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Bloodtribe Ancient (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Bloodtribe Bonecollector (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe chanter, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe firetalker, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe gem collector, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe hopeful, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe lightwarrior, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe lorekeeper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe martialist, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe ornamentalist, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Bloodtribe Prophet (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Bloodtribe Seer (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe shaman, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe shaman, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe shaman, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe shaman (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe shaman (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Bloodtribe Sneakster (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe sunworshipper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Bloodtribe Surveryor (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe warrior, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe warrior, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe warrior, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodtribe waterkeeper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Bloodtribe Wiseman (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
bloodvein mosquito, a (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Bloodwretch (0.0-1.0; umbral)
bloody wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
bluesky stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
blurry image, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Bob the painter (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
body guard, a (0.0-0.0; highkeep)
Bodyguard Marganel (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Bodyguard Nergan (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Bodyguard Stoneberg (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
bogling cultist, a (0.0-1.0; echo)
bogling scout, a (0.0-1.0; echo)
bogling warrior, a (0.0-1.0; echo)
bogling, a (0.0-1.0; echo)
bok ghoul knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Boluen Areden (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Bombardier Bixie Bernice (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Bone Spiked Golem, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
bonebinder, a (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
BoneCracker (0.0-1.0; najena)
Bonlarg (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bonn McMarrin (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
Boog Mudtoe (0.0-1.0; oot)
boogeyman, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Boondin Babbinsbort (0.0-1.0; befallen)
Bordir Bjomolf (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Borean Soggybeard (0.0-1.0; katta)
borer beetle, a (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Boridain Glacierbane (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Boruk hunter, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Boruk lacerator, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Boruk minion, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Boruk painharvester, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Boruk ravager, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Boruk skin harvester, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Boruk tormentor, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Boruk torturer, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Borxx (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
bottomless devourer, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
bottomless devourer, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
bottomless feaster, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
bottomless feaster, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
bottomless gnawer, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
bottomless gnawer, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
Boulder Thrower, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Bouncer Bak (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Bigboot (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Bouncer Bogglebin (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Bouncer Druk (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Flerb (0.0-1.0; feerrott)
Bouncer Fug (0.0-1.0; feerrott)
Bouncer Gronk (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Haraan (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Hurd (0.0-1.0; feerrott)
Bouncer Krik (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Mrang (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Praag (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Prud (0.0-1.0; feerrott)
Bouncer Raan (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Scaar (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Skon (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Skuk (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Tazak (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Thrang (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Wrok (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bouncer Xak (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Bowmaster Staniel (0.0-1.0; echo)
Bozer the Bear (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
braan frienai, a (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Bracken Underbrush (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Brahhm (0.0-1.0; beholder)
braided sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Brandon Stormchaser (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Branis Noolright (0.0-1.0; freporte)
brann geistlig, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
brann kriger, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
brann kriger, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
brann laerer, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
brann militis, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
brann prest, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
brann stav, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Bratavar (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Brawn (0.0-1.0; oot)
Breanna Fisher (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Breck Damison (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Breelisa Fisher (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Breena Fisher (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Brefast Neers (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Brek Stolrus (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Brendar Mynden (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Brenn (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Brenn (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Brenon (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Briana Treewhisper (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
briarweb spider (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
Bridge Keeper, The (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Brigadier Gtav (1.0-99.0; kithicor)
brigand, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana/lakerathe/qey2hh1/rathemtn)
Brill (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Brina Foxtripper (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Brinaa Darkpact (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Bristlebane (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse)
Bristletoe (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
bristleweb spider (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
bristly succulent, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Brittina (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Brock Brawlbottom (0.0-1.0; misty)
Brogg (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Brolan Geppal (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Brollus Hoost (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Bromal Rythat (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
Brona Frugrin (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Bronto Thudfoot (0.0-1.0; freporte)
brontotherium, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Bronus (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
Brood Master, The (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Brood Mother, The (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Broog Bloodbeard (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Broon (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Brother Balatin (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
Brother Gruff (0.0-1.0; paw)
Brother Hayle (0.0-1.0; paw)
Brother Jentry (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Brother Nallin (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Brother Qwinn (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Brother Zephyl (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
brown asp, a (3.0-99.0; nro)
brownie farmer, a (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
brownie guard, a (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
brownie outcast, a (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
brownie scout (1.0-99.0; lfaydark)
brownie, a (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Brugga (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Bruno Barstomper (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Brutol Rhaksen (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Bryan McGee (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Bryma Loftaxe (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Bryn Fynndel (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Brynju Thunderclap (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Bryrym (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Bubonian Death Caster (0.0-1.0; codecay)
bubonian defiler, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Bubonian Great Mystic (0.0-1.0; codecay)
Bubonian Mystic (0.0-1.0; codecay)
bubonian relak, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
bubonian underling, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Bubonian War Rat (0.0-1.0; codecay)
Bubonian Warlord (0.0-1.0; codecay)
buccaneer, a (0.0-1.0; oot)
Bufa (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Bukuku Wolffeetz (0.0-1.0; overthere)
bull elephant, a (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
bull shark, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
bullyrag bat, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
bulthar herdleader, a (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
bulthar, a (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Bungre Crawcrusher (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Bunk Odon (0.0-1.0; innothule)
Bunk Odon (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Bunu Stoutheart (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Burgek (0.0-1.0; highpass)
burly kobold, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
burning guardian, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Burning Priest, The (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
burnt zombie, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
burrowing wyvern, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
burynai burrower, a (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Burynai burrower (0.0-1.0; kurn)
burynai cenobite, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
burynai cutter, a (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
burynai digmaster, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
Burynai excavator, a (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Burynai excavator (0.0-1.0; kurn)
Burynai Forager (0.0-1.0; kurn)
burynai miner, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
burynai rockshaper, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
burynai sapper, a (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Burynai sapper (0.0-1.0; kurn)
Burynai slave, a (0.0-1.0; nurga)
busted power carrier, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Butler Syncall (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Butler Syncall (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Buzzlin Bornahm (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Byorn Hollowbelly (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Bzzazzt (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
caiman, a (0.0-1.0; oasis)
Calana Mani (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Caldori Porva (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Calebgrothiel (0.0-1.0; poair)
Calexic FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
caller of Sathir (0.0-1.0; karnor)
Caller Torgal (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Callowwing (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Canik Mucktail (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Canlan Talespinner (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Capee (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Cappi McTarnigal (0.0-1.0; halas)
Capt Linarius (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Capt Surestout (0.0-1.0; oot)
Captain Alim (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Captain Ashlan (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Captain Berradin (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Captain Bipnubble (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
Captain Bosec (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Captain Boshinko (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Captain Bvellos (0.0-1.0; kael)
Captain Danon Shern (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Captain Diouz (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Captain Gideen (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Captain Hazran (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Captain Kage Shou (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Captain Karim (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Captain Koldar (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Captain Nedar (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Captain NFarre (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Captain Nyra (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Captain of Fire (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Captain of the Guard (0.0-1.0; citymist)
Captain Orben (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Captain Rottgrime (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Captain Ryglot Cupperhide (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Captain Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Captain Silverwind (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Captain Stonefist (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Captain Tarief (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Captain Tillin (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Captured Netherbian, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Captured Razorfiend, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Caravan Master, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Cargalia (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Cargo Clockwork (4.0-99.0; steamfont)
Carpenter Grundo (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
carrion bat, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
carrion ghoul, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
carrion larva, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
carrion queen (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
carrion spider, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Carrot Top (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Carson McCabe (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Carver Cagrek (0.0-1.0; grobb)
CarxVean (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Casalen (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Caskin Marsheart (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Cassius Messus (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Castellan of Air, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
Castrorum Braku (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Castrorum Functionary, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Castrorum Kutika (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Castrorum of the Heart, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Castrorum Plita (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Castrorum Praetori, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Castrorum Seniori, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Castrorum Sifu (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Castrorum Tenak (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Castrorum Urka (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Castrorum Vigilum, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Castrorum Wunar (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Castrorum Zifala (0.0-1.0; sseru)
cauldron hammerhead, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
cauldron shark, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Cauldronboil (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Cauldronbubble (0.0-1.0; kedge)
cave basilisk genitor, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
cave basilisk, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
cave bat lord (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Cazel (1.0-99.0; oasis)
Cazic Cenobite (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
Cazic Cenobite (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
Cazic Thule (0.0-1.9; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Cazic Thule (2.0-99.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Ceel Moonwhisper (0.0-1.0; commons)
Cei Sunjumper (0.0-1.0; commons)
Cekenar (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
centaur archer (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
centaur charger (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
centaur courser (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
centaur foal (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
centaur sheltie (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Centi Atulus, A (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Centi Datiar, A (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Centi Dator, A (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Centi Thall (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Centurion Allanus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Altinus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Antru (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion Balk (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Bartilous (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Bevor (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Brana (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion Brula (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion Brutus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Casamonti (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion Ceraticles (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Cevikor (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Cradolus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Crullick (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Dalaction (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Domicus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Donactalis (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Ebben (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Elnerius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Engrov (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Garicalious (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Gersetor (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Goran (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Hephas (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Hunigon (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Jelin (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion Jeracus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Jerek (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Korigon (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Kroldus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Kromdus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Macivian (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Manik (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Markalis (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Maverus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Mesoptilus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Narser (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Nezzer (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion of the Arx, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion of the Hand, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion of the Hand, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion Pallak (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Peran (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Centurion Praedico (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion Pythondius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Queniton (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Ralton (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Rancoves (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Regorator (3.0-5.0; katta)
Centurion Relgle (3.0-99.0; gfaydark)
Centurion Relicor (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Renardio (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Rikola (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion Rutleo (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Samsun (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Shanigus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Sorialus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Talekor (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Valaric (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Valisus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Vashil (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion Venctivo (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Vengor (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Vericol (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Veridious (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Xavi (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion Xavier (0.0-1.0; katta)
Centurion Xaxi (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion Zalpha (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Centurion Zeratillion (0.0-1.0; katta)
cerulean guardian, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
cerulean sky gazer, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
cerulean sky gazer, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
cerulean sky gazer, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Ceson Fallonic (0.0-1.0; povalor)
CHabrel Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
chained meeda hune soldier, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Chakta Fungusbeast, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Challice (1.0-99.0; felwithea)
Chamberlain Krystorf (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Champion Arlek (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Champion of Innoruuk, a (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Champion Thenrin (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Chan Whinstone (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Chancellor of Dizok (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Chanda Miller (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Chanter Bjroern (0.0-1.0; kael)
Chanter Bonebinder (0.0-1.0; kael)
Chanter Dethsek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Chanter Kjrellor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Chanter Kllejnor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Chanter Vellnod (0.0-1.0; kael)
Chanter Windlasher (0.0-1.0; kael)
chanting Centi, A (0.0-1.0; akheva)
chanting shade, A (0.0-1.0; akheva)
chapel guard, a (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
chaplain of fire, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
charbone skeleton (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen/swampofnohope)
chardoki golem, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
chardoki golem, a (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Charlotte (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Charmer of Fire (0.0-1.0; pofire)
charred corpse, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
chasm crawler, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
chasm minotaur, a (0.0-1.0; beholder)
Chasm Overseer (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
Chelaki, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chesnut (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Chetari adolescent, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari Courier (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari Deathbinder, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari Deathshaper, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari Dominator, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari Dustshaper, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari guard, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari guard, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari hunter, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari master, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari neophyte, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
chetari runemage, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari Scavenger, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari Seeker, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari seeker, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari servant, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari warrior, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chetari worker, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Chief Adair (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Chief Engineer Tocs (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Chief GanShralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Chief Goonda (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Chief Groplin (0.0-1.0; echo)
Chief Kalan (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Chief RokGus (0.0-1.0; droga)
Chief RyGorr (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Chief SaNreRexsa (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
chill vas ren guardian, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Chktok (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Chokidai Bloodhound, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Chokidai Bonesnapper, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Chokidai Fleshripper, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Chokidai Growler, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Chokidai Herbsniffer, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
chokidai lacerator, a (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Chokidai Lasher, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Chokidai Mangler, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
chokidai mangler, a (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Chokidai Mauler, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Chokidai Pitfighter, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Chokidai Rootdigger, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Chokidai Sniffer, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Chokidai Sunderfiend, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
chokidai sunderfiend, a (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Chokidai Tearer, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Chokidai Terror, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Chokidai Wardog, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Chokidai Whelp, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Choon (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Chou Whinstone (0.0-1.0; qcat)
chromadrac, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
ChtThk ash beetle, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
chtthk blood bulk, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Chuckles the Great (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Chuckles (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Churn the Axeman (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Chymot (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Cian McMarrin (0.0-1.0; halas)
cinder gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
cinder goblin shaman (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
cinder goblin wizard (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
cinder goblin (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
cinder hornet, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Cipse Tospyr (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Citizen of Seru, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Clati Soriz (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
clay gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
clay golem, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
clay golem, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
clay stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Cleric of Innoruuk (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Cleric of Innoruuk (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
cleric of Tallon Zek, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
cleric of Vallon Zek, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
Clerk Doval (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
clever sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cliff golem, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
cloaked dhampyre, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
clockwork golem, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Clockwork IIIZ (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork IIZ (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork IVB (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork IZ (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork MX (0.0-1.0; akanon)
clockwork sweeper (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork VIIX (1.0-99.0; akanon)
Clockwork XE (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XIB (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XIE (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XIIB (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XIIC (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XIIE (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XIIIB (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XIVE (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XIXA (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XVA (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XVD (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XVE (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XVIB (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XVID (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XVIE (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XVIIA (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XVIIB (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XVIIC (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XVIIIB (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XVIIIE (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXA (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXB (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXD (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXE (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXIB (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXID (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXIIB (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXIVD (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXIXB (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXVA (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXVD (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXVIC (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXVIIB (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXVIIC (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXVIIIB (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Clockwork XXXD (0.0-1.0; akanon)
cloudy image, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Clovan McMarrin (0.0-1.0; halas)
Clrakk Blackfist (0.0-1.0; kael)
coarse shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cobalt drake, a (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Cobi Frostbeard (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Coelesced Sending, A (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
Coelesced Vision, A (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
coerced crusader, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
coerced dwarf, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
coerced Erudite, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
coerced gnome, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
coerced goblin, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
coerced Iiksar, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
coerced iksar, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
coerced penkeeper, a (1.0-99.0; dalnir)
coerced revenant, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
coerced TeirDal, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
Coercer Qioul (1.0-99.0; kithicor)
Coercer Tvala (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Cognoggin (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Cohortis Emon (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Coirnav the Avatar of Water (0.0-1.0; powater)
cold shade, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
cold spectre, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
coldain cook, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
coldain hunter, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
coldain lookout, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
coldain miner, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Coldain miner, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
coldain missionary, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
coldain skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
coldain skinner, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
coldain tracking wolf, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Coldain War Wolf (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
coldain warrior, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
coldain wolfmaster, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
coldspine sea horse, a (0.0-1.0; sirens)
coldwater barracuda, a (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Collier (2.0-99.0; erudnext)
colossal underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Coloth Meadowgreen (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Commander Leuz (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Commander Ralinor (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Commander Sils (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Commander Thafer (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Commander Yarik (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Commander Zazuzh (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Commander Zherozsh (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
composed cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Confused Air Elemental, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
conjured automoton, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Conjurer Mrial (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Consis Sinsolus (0.0-1.0; sseru)
construct breeder, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
construct harvester, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
construct of agony, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
construct of anguish, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
construct of malevolence, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
construct of pain, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Construct of Sathir (0.0-1.0; karnor)
construct of suffering, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
construct, a (0.0-1.0; karnor)
contagious arachnae, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
contemplative thifling, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Coralyn Kelpmaiden (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Corbin Blackwell (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Cordelia Minster (0.0-1.0; highpass/northkarana)
Cormin Desalis (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Cornicularii Kalama (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Cornicularii Mindo (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Cornicularii Tista (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Cornicularii Zigta (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Cornicularius Warder, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Cornicularius Wassein (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Cornicularri Risto (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Corporal DAbth (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Corporal Donfeld (0.0-1.0; katta)
Corporal JRais (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Corporal Kent (0.0-1.0; katta)
Corporal Lancot (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Corporal XHorn (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Corporal XTis (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
corporeal shadow, a (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
corpse, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Corpseraiser Gilgaplank (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
corroded model, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
corroded prototype, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
corrosive shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
corrupted elysian elder, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
corrupted faun, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Corrupted Hivemistress, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Corrupted Knight (0.0-1.0; codecay)
corrupted panther, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
corrupted pusling, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Corrupted Pusling (0.0-1.0; codecay)
corrupted system, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
corrupted unicorn, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Corrupter of Life (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Corundium (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Cory Bumbleye (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
coterie campaigner, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie centurion, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
coterie centurion, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie cohort, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie combatant, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie commander, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie dragoon, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie duelist, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie fighter, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie general, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie gladiator, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie guard, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie legionnaire, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
coterie legionnaire, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie mercenary, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie officer, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie rival, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie scout, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie soldier, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie swordsman, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
coterie trooper, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Council Protector, A (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
Councilor Amberfeld (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Councilor Coldember (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Councilor Darakor (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Councilor Darkfrost (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Councilor Deynekn (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Councilor Dirkins (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Councilor Glacierbane (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Councilor Icelok (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Councilor Icepike (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Councilor Juliah Lockheart (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Councilor Thubins (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Councilor Vaylaz (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Councilor Wintershade (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Countess Silveana (0.0-1.0; wakening)
courageous tro jeg invader, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Courier Balious (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Court Sage (0.0-1.0; echo)
Crackclaw (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Cracktusk (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
crag spider, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
cragwyrm, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
cral ligi airlord, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi airmaster, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi ancient, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi artisan, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi bagman, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi burglar, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi dewcollector, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi diver, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi embedder, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi energist, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi engraver, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi friend, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi gemkeeper, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi guardian, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi guardian, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi healer, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi hero, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi lorekeeper, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi mediator, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi molder, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi naturalist, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi painter, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi poet, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi polisher, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi powermonger, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi ringbearer, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi runner, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi shadowmaster, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi shaman, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi skinner, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi soldier, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi spiritlord, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi spiritward, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi tailor, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi torchbearer, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi warder, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi warlord, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi warlord, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi warmaster, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi warmonger, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi weaver, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
cral ligi worker, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cral ligi writer, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Crazed Bubonian Berzerker (0.0-1.0; codecay)
crazed ghoul, a (1.0-99.0; unrest)
crazed goblin, a (1.0-99.0; highkeep)
crazed goblin, a (1.0-99.0; butcher)
crazed iksar slave, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
crazed zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Crazy Pete (0.0-1.0; echo)
Crenn Salbet (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Crew Chief Doyle (0.0-1.0; echo)
Crew Chief Grinn (0.0-1.0; echo)
Crew Chief Tarin (0.0-1.0; echo)
Crewman Pete (0.0-1.0; echo)
Crial (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Criare Sunmane (0.0-1.0; pofire)
crimson claw hatchling, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Crinthia Signseer (0.0-1.0; echo)
crocodile, a (0.0-1.0; oasis)
crocodile, a (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Crookspine (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Cros Treewind (0.0-1.9; qeytoqrg)
Crovsar Dirkbringer (3.0-99.0; kaladimb)
crumbling gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Crumbling Stone Mass, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Crumbling Stonegrabber, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Crumpy Irontoe (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Crusader Axmo (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Crusader Bodli (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Crusader Cotat (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Crusader Daehod (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Crusader Deezin (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Crusader Eaxl (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Crusader Ezrogz (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Crusader Golia (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Crusader Hitol (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Crusader Kezzal (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
Crusader Litia (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Crusader Mocdi (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Crusader Myxl (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Crusader Olos (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Crusader Quarg (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Crusader Reidak (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Crusader Savot (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Crusader Swype (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Crusader Wonku (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Crusader Zixo (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Crusader Zoglic (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
crypt caretaker (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Crypt Excavator, the (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Crypt Feaster, the (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
crypt golem, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
crypt guardian, a (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
crypt guardian, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Crypt Keeper, the (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
crypt mummy, a (0.0-1.0; nro/oasis/sro)
crypt mummy (0.0-1.0; sro)
Crypt Spectre, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
crypt wurm, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Cryssia Stardreamer (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
crystal crawler, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
crystal destroyer, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Crystal Eyes (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Crystal Fang (0.0-1.0; velketor)
crystal gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
crystal grinder, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
crystal guardian, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Crystal Guardian (0.0-1.0; velketor)
crystal lurker, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
crystal purifier, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
crystal sentinel, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
crystal shard golem, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
crystal spider, a (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
crystal spider, a (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
crystal spiderling, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
crystal statue, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
crystal webmaster, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
crystaline cloud, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
crystaline mass, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
crystaline sentinel, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
crystaline shardwurm, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Crystalline Arachnae, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Crystalline Crawler, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
crystalline devourer, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Crystalline Formation, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
crystalline gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Crystalline Golem, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
crystalline hunter, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
crystalline sentinel, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
crystalline statue, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
crystalline watcher, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Crystalline Windwalker, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
crystallized shadow guard, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Cubicularius Wringordus (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
cunning cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Cunning Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
cunning sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cunning underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
cunning wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Curfang (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Curkur Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
cursed hand, a (0.0-1.0; karnor)
cursed sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Custos Armorum, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Custos of Seru, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Custos Valar (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Custos Valka (0.0-1.0; sseru)
CWG Model CA (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
CWG Model CB (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
CWG Model CC (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
CWG Model CX (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
CWG Model EXG (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
CWG Model MA (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
CWG Model MB (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
CWG Model MC (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
CWG Model XA (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
CWG Model XB (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
CWG Model XC (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
CWS Model SX (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
Cyanelle (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
cyclops, a (0.0-1.0; oot/qey2hh1)
cyclops, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana/southkarana)
cyclops, a (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Cylas Delbrin (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Cyndor Lightningfang (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Cyndreela (0.0-1.0; feerrott)
Cynthia (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Cyrla Shadowstepper (1.0-99.0; highpass)
Cytodl Krish (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Dabbis (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Dack Tiktopper (0.0-1.0; echo)
Daesorak Steelknuckle (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Dagarn the Destroyer (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Dain Frostreaver IV (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Daksins (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Dalbar Tarbrind (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Dalgrim Underbelly (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Dalishea (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Dalshim FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Daman (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Danaria Hollin (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Danika Farcloud (0.0-1.0; katta)
Dapper Blackhammer (0.0-1.0; butcher)
dar ghoul knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
dar ghoul knight (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Dargon McPherson (0.0-1.0; halas)
Darian the Preacher (0.0-1.0; echo)
Dark Assassin, A (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Dark Assassin (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
dark asst librarian, a (1.0-99.0; mistmoore)
dark boned skeleton (0.0-1.0; unrest)
Dark Deathsinger (0.0-1.0; innothule)
dark elf noble, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
dark librarian, a (1.0-99.0; mistmoore)
Dark Master, A (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Dark Obsidian Lava Spider (0.0-1.0; pofire)
dark offerer, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
dark ritualist, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Dark Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; letalis/scarlet)
dark sacrificer, a (1.0-99.0; mistmoore)
Dark Sending , A (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
dark shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
dark stalker, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
dark terror, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
Dark Thought Leech, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
dark visage, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
darkboned skeleton (0.0-1.0; najena)
Darkened Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
darkened sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
darkened sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
darkeyed sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
darkhued sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Darkpaw corruptor, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Darkpaw curate, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Darkpaw defiler, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Darkpaw gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Darkpaw healer, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Darkpaw mystic, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Darkpaw oracle, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Darkpaw warrior, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
darkshaft sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
darkwater piranha, a (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Darla Pushwheel (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Darm Dundam (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Dartain the Lost (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Dashelo Dalroshan (3.0-5.0; bazaar)
David (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Davin Fatfist (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Davloran Girionlis (3.0-99.0; qeynos2)
Dayle Jornin (0.0-1.0; oot)
dazed goblin guard (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
dazed goblin knight (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
dazed goblin miner (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
dazed goblin shaman (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
dazed zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Deadeye (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
deadly black widow, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Deadly Cloudwalker, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
Deadly Earth Armadillo, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
deadly lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Deaen Greyforge (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
death beetle, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
death beetle (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
Death Knight (0.0-1.0; codecay)
Deathbone Archmagus (0.0-1.0; codecay)
deathbone magus, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Deathbone Magus (0.0-1.0; codecay)
Deathfang (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
deathly harbinger, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
deathly herald, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
deathly usher, a (1.0-99.0; mistmoore)
Deathrot Knight, The (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Debbis the Fish (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
debris covered guardian, a (0.0-1.0; sleeper)
decayed footman (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
decayed kylong Iksar (0.0-1.0; karnor)
decayed prisoner (0.0-1.0; karnor)
decayed soldier (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
decayed soldier (0.0-1.0; karnor)
decaying commander (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
decaying footman (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
decaying healer (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
decaying officer (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
decaying swordsman (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
decaying trooper (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
decaying warrior (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
Decorin Berik (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Decorin Brawler (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Decorin Grunhork (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Decorin Lieutenant (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Decorin Warrior (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Decorus Boar, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
decrepit warder, a (1.0-99.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Decurion Ralla (0.0-1.0; sseru)
deep cavern lotus, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Deep (1.0-99.0; lakerathe)
deepspore mushroom, a (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
deepwater barracuda, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
deepwater caiman, a (0.0-1.0; oasis)
deepwater crocodile, a (0.0-1.0; oasis)
deepwater goblin, a (0.0-1.0; oasis)
deepwater goblin, a (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
deepwater kraken, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
defective clockwork, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Defender Alakurn (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Alein (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Alerion (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Alroklon (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Antorin (0.0-1.0; echo)
Defender Awilanar (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Axedaos (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Beolsona (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Boyrslen (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Dalivayen (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Deralian (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Derlsin (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Dribsla (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Dutrolian (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Eowlas (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Eronlo (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Erotans (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Faeloritar (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Feorlso (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Filorou (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Gerlinson (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Geslaon (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Helodonea (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Hollabac (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Jentlos (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Jerlen (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Joklusarn (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Jolusnan (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Justean (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Kealren (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Lenduros (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Leorn (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Naetel (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Nalout (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Natelrns (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
defender of fire, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Defender of the Arx, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Defender Olaof (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Oram (0.0-1.0; echo)
Defender Paegor (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Pauls (0.0-1.0; echo)
Defender Polosnes (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Qualern (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Qulosna (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Raldson (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Releiel (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Rogalo (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Salur (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Siltan (0.0-1.0; echo)
Defender Sintion (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Stavros (0.0-1.0; echo)
Defender Taglorns (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Tamalre (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Teerlals (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Urik (0.0-1.0; echo)
Defender Walorns (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Wemblen (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Werolon (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Yausnor (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Yerlini (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Yoel (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defender Zaerel (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Defiant Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Defiler Juzlix (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
DeGarran Kixl (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
degrading guardian, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Deillia (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Deklean Korgad (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
Del Sapara (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Deldryn Splendyr (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Delin Ironblend (0.0-1.0; butcher)
demented locust, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Den Ironblend (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Denken Strongpick (1.0-99.0; oot)
Denns Rootenpaw (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Deoryn FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Depnar Bulrious (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Deputy Antana (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Asler (0.0-1.0; misty)
Deputy Banto (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Budo (0.0-1.0; misty)
Deputy Chopo (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Dopkin (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Drebo (0.0-1.0; misty)
Deputy Eigon (0.0-1.0; misty)
Deputy Felp (0.0-1.0; misty)
Deputy Goltin (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Higrin (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Kapop (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Keld (0.0-1.0; misty)
Deputy Leeot (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Looh (0.0-1.0; misty)
Deputy Lowmot (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Millin (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Percin (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Poolt (0.0-1.0; misty)
Deputy Quillto (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Raynin (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Regno (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Rollin (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Sertlin (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Shelmy (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Tagil (0.0-1.0; misty)
Deputy Tonlo (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Deputy Vastin (0.0-1.0; misty)
Derakor the Vindicator (0.0-1.0; kael)
Deranged Underbulk (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
Derasinal (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Derena Leflor (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Derg (1.0-99.0; lakerathe)
Dern (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Derron Coldmist (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Dervish Cutthroat, a (0.0-1.0; commons/nro/oasis/sro)
Dervish Cutthroat, a (0.0-1.0; commons/nro/oasis/sro)
Dervish Thug, a (0.0-1.0; oasis)
Dervish Thug, a (0.0-1.0; commons/nro)
Devin Ashwood (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
devoted patroller, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
devoted patroller, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
devoted patroller, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
devoted patroller, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
Deye Coolbreeze (0.0-0.0; permafrost)
Diabo Xi Va Temariel (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Diabo Xi Va (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Diabo Xi Xin Thall (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Diabo Xi Xin (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
DiaboGelTemeriel (0.0-1.0; akheva)
DiaboTekaTemariel (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Diaku Armorer, The (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Armsman (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Boar, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Death Knight, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Death Knight, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Elite Armsman (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Elite Guard (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Elite Sentry (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Guardian (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Oracle, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Oracle, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Overseer, The (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Raider, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Raider, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Diaku Raider, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Diaku Raider, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Diaku Raider, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Diaku Scout, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Sentry (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Supplier, The (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Warrior, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Diaku Warrior, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
diamond beetle, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
diamond scale piranha, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Diana (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Diggs Duggun (1.0-99.0; beholder)
Dinus (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Diojb Waksom (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Dionna (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
dire pup, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
dire sonic wolf, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
dire wolf stalker (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
dire wolf, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
dire wolf, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
dire wolf, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
dire wolf, a (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
dire wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Dirge Malicia (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Dirolensab (3.0-99.0; steamfont)
Dirtchomp (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Dirtfilled Earth Golem, A (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
Disciple of Innoruuk, a (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
disciple of Thule, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Disciple Okarote (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Disciple Yelwinz (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Disciple Zhorluhx (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
diseased bubonian, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
diseased caretaker, a (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Diseased Doorman, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
diseased forest giant (0.0-1.0; firiona)
diseased grimling, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
Diseased Guard, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
diseased infested bubonian, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
diseased kobold, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Diseased Lightcrawler, A (0.0-1.0; podisease)
diseased malarian, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
diseased mosquito, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
diseased rat, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
diseased slave, a (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Diseased Underbulk, A (0.0-1.0; podisease)
disgraced shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Disharmonious Horror, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Dishonorable Horror, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Dismay (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
disturbed elysian remains (0.0-1.0; umbral)
diviner of fire, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Divn LCrit (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Dixl Drool (0.0-1.0; oot)
Dizok Aruspex, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Captain, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Channeler, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Conscript, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Cryptmaster, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Dragoon, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok elite guard (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Follower, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Gravebinder, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Guardian, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Herbalist, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Invoker, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Jannisary, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Legionnaire, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Librarian, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Myrmidon, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Observer, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Partisan, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Recruit, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Researcher, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Revealer, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok royal guard (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok royal guard (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Dizok Sage, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Seer, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Sergeant, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Soldier, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Underling, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizok Warlord, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Dizra ToBiath (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Djaa Xeda (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Djinn Temple Scholar, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
Djinni Air Defender, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
Dlammaz Stormslayer (0.0-1.0; kael)
Dlemin Whiteforge (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Dleria Mausrel (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Dobbin Crossaxe (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Dogan Merlok (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
Dolep Dopp (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Dolgin Codslayer (1.0-99.0; timorous)
Dolshak the Ornery (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Dom McMarrin (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
domestic beetle, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
domestic underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
domesticated direwolf, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
Dominator Yisaki (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Donk (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Donlix Bonkle (3.0-99.0; steamfont)
Doobis (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Dooly Jonkers (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Doom (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
doomed arcanist, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
doomed arcanist, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
doomed arcanist, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
doomed arcanist, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
doomed charmwright, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
doomed charmwright, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
doomed charmwright, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
doomed charmwright, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
doomed defender, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
doomed defender, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
doomed defender, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
doomed defender, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
doomed nightblade, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
doomed nightblade, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
doomed nightblade, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
doomed nightblade, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
doomed shieldbearer, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
doomed shieldbearer, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
doomed shieldbearer, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
doomed shieldbearer, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
Doomed Wraith (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
Doomed Wraith (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
Doomed Wraith (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
Doomed Wraith (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
doomfire chaplain, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
doomfire charmer, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Doomfire Firecharmer (0.0-1.0; pofire)
doomfire guardian, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Doomfire Magus (0.0-1.0; pofire)
doomfire protector, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Doomfire Reaver (0.0-1.0; pofire)
doomfire sentry, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
doomfire soldier, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Doomfire Vicar (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Doomfire Warlord (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Doomfire Warmaster (0.0-1.0; pofire)
doomfire watcher, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
doomfire wizard, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Dop Dop (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Dopple Pop (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Doran Glosglen (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Dorel Boldan (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Dorn BDynn (0.0-1.0; nro)
Dozekar the Cursed (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
dozing ghulam (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Draazak (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
drachnid recluse, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
drachnid silklurker, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
drachnid silkmistress, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
drachnid silkspinner, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
drachnid silkstrander, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
drachnid silkstrander, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
drachnid weblurker, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
drachnid webmaster, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
drachnid webspinner, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
drachnid webstrander, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
drachnid webstrander, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
drachnid widow, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
dracnid retainer, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
dracoliche, a (0.0-1.9; fear_instanced/fearplane)
dracoliche, a (2.0-99.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
dracoliche, a (0.0-1.0; fearplane)
Dragon Sage, The (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Dragontail (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Dragoon Artellin (0.0-1.0; oot)
Dragoon Barber WSelo (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Dragoon Darl (0.0-1.0; oot)
Dragoon Jlen (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Dragoon Szorn (1.0-99.0; lfaydark)
Dragoon TSanne (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Dragoon TVem (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Dragoon TVex (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Dragoon VLask (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Dragoon VResh (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Dragoon VRetta (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Dragoon Vtai (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Dragoon XLottl (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
drake, a (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
drake, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Drakkel Blood Wolf (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
drakkel dire wolf, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Drakkel Dire Wolf, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
Dralliwtar (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Draxiz NRyt (1.0-99.0; neriakb)
Drayen Blackguard (3.0-99.0; rathemtn)
Drazl (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Dread Horror, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
dread locust, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Dread Thought Leech, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
dread widow, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
dread wolf (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
dread zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Dread (0.0-1.9; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Dread (2.0-99.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Dread (0.0-1.0; fearplane)
dreaded wolf (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
Dreadfang (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Dreadlord Fanrik (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Dreadmaw Wolfkin (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Dreamthief (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Dred (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Dreesix Ghoultongue (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Drella Stonegrinder (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Drelzna (0.0-1.0; najena)
Dremekal (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Drendar Blackblade (0.0-1.0; kael)
Driana Poxsbourne (2.0-99.0; freportw)
Drill Master Dihroul (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
drixie thane, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Drixiv Arcut (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Drizda Tunesinger (0.0-1.0; feerrott)
drolvarg bodyguard, a (0.0-1.0; karnor)
drolvarg captain, a (0.0-1.0; karnor)
drolvarg gnasher, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
drolvarg growler, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
drolvarg growler, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
drolvarg guardian, a (0.0-1.0; karnor)
drolvarg pawbuster, a (0.0-1.0; karnor)
drolvarg rager, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
drolvarg savage, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
drolvarg scavenger, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
drolvarg scavenger, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
drolvarg sentry, a (0.0-1.0; karnor)
drolvarg sentry, a (0.0-1.0; karnor)
drolvarg snarler, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
drolvarg snarler, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
Drolvarg warlord, a (0.0-1.0; karnor)
Drovalak (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Dru Razbind (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Druenna Oakshade (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Druhar Gandoc (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
druid, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana/northkarana)
druid, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana/northkarana)
druid, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana/northkarana)
Druina McFlagal (0.0-1.0; sseru)
drunk Gor Taku, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
drunk Shak Dratha, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
drunken ghulam (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Drusella Sathir (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Druushk (0.0-1.0; veeshan)
dry bone skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
dry bone skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
dry bone skeleton (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
dry bones skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; feerrott)
dry bones skeleton (0.0-1.0; oasis/sro)
Dugroz (0.0-2.0; swampofnohope)
Dumann the Quick (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Dun McDowell (0.0-1.0; halas)
Dun (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
dune tarantula, a (0.0-1.0; nro/oasis/sro)
Dunedigger (0.0-1.0; nro)
Dunndrylla (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Dunore Moorwing (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Durkis Battlemore (0.0-1.0; butcher)
dust scarab, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Dustbinder Grakina (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Dusty Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
dusty warder, a (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
dusty werebat, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
Dwigus Lowater (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
Dygwyn FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Dyllin Starsine (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Dyr FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Dyrna Nlith (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Dyth XTeria (0.0-1.0; overthere)
earth elemental, an (0.0-1.0; najena)
earth elemental, an (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Earthcrafted Assassin, An (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Earthen Berserker, An (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
Earthen Mudslinger, An (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Earthen Mudwalker, An (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Earthen Stonegrabber, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Earthen Stonejumper, An (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Earthen Warden, An (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Earthern Crusader, An (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Eashen of the Sky (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Ebben Quickblade (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Ebon Bloodrose (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
ebon drake, an (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Ebon lotus (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
ebon mask spy, an (3.0-99.0; gfaydark)
Ebon Strongbear (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Ebony Horror, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Edgar Lemoof (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Edium Guardian of Marr (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
Edwardian Holyblade (3.0-99.0; freportn)
eerie shadow, an (0.0-1.0; twilight)
efreeti amir, an (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Efreeti Lord Djarn (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
efreeti noble, an (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
efreeti vizier, an (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Eichvul (2.0-99.0; everfrost)
Eindride Icestorm (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Eindride Icestorm (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Einhorst McMannus (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Ekelng Thunderstone (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Ekeros (0.0-1.0; najena)
Elanix Harith (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Eldak Howlingbear (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
elder crimson drake, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Elder Glanoxx (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
elder graniteback, an (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Elder Hajnix (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
elder holgresh, an (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Elder Kajind (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Elder Kalur (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
elder onyx drake, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
elder onyx drake, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
elder panda, an (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
elder racnar, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Elder Rockhopper, An (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
elder sea turtle, an (0.0-1.0; twilight)
elder shard wyvern, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
elder shard wyvern, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
elder shardwurm, an (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
elder snow griffin, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
elder spearguard (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
elder temple defender, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
elder thought horror, an (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
elder thought horror, an (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
elder wyvern, an (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
elder wyvern, an (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Eldon Starkorp (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Eldreth (1.0-5.0; lakerathe)
Eldreth (1.0-5.0; lakerathe)
Eldriaks FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Eldrig the Old (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
Eleann Morkul (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Electric Spire Spirit, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
elemental capturer, an (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
elemental channeler, an (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
elemental crusader, an (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
elemental deceiver, an (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Elemental Doomseeker, An (0.0-1.0; poair)
elemental harvester, an (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
elemental visier, an (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
elemental warrior, an (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
elemental wizard, an (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
elementalbone skeleton (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
elephant calf, an (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
elephant, an (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
elf skeleton, an (0.0-1.0; befallen)
Elia the Pure (1.0-99.0; felwithea)
Elif Whitewind (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Elisabeth (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Elisah Astari (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Elishia Blackguard (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Elishia Leafrunner (3.0-99.0; felwitheb)
Elisi Nasin (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Elite Corrupted Knight (0.0-1.0; codecay)
Elite Death Knight (0.0-1.0; codecay)
elite dragoon, an (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
elite gnoll guard, an (0.0-1.0; blackburrow)
elite goblin guard, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
elite guardian of ro (0.0-1.0; pofire)
elite honor guard, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
Elite Knight of Decay (0.0-1.0; codecay)
elite kobold, an (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Elite Necromancer of Decay (0.0-1.0; codecay)
Elite Priest of Decay (0.0-1.0; codecay)
elite temple guard, an (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Ella Foodcrafter (1.0-99.0; misty)
Elmion Hendrys (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
Elna Kelpweaver (0.0-1.0; sirens)
Elnerick Augustleaf (0.0-1.0; katta)
Elom Ryatal (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Elona Tunbrin (0.0-1.0; oot)
Elsa McGornit (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Elven overseer, an (0.0-1.0; timorous)
elven ranger, an (0.0-1.0; timorous)
elven scout, an (0.0-1.0; timorous)
elven war scout, an (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Elyn Connoy (0.0-1.0; halas)
Elyshum FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Elzabetha Ianthe (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
embalming fluid (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Embedded Stonegrabber, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
ember hornet, an (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
ember magmin, an (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
emerald adder, an (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Emerald Defender, An (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
emerald familiar, an (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
emerald fencer (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
emerald sky defender, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
emerald sky defender, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
emerald sky defender, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
emerald sunflower, an (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
emerald watcher, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Emissary Oomgado (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Emkel Kabae (1.0-99.0; lakerathe)
Emmerik Skyfury (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Emperor Chottal (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Emperor Crush (0.0-1.0; crushbone)
emperor fae drake, an (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Emperor Ganak (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Emylie Steelclaws (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Enchanted Golem, An (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Endric (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
energized vas ren guard, an (0.0-1.0; twilight)
enervating beetle, an (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
enforcer, an (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Engineer Palin (0.0-1.0; echo)
Engraved Stonegrabber, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Enhanced Imperial Golem (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Enic Ruklin (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
enormous frog, an (0.0-1.0; powater)
enormous underbulk, an (0.0-1.0; twilight)
enraged Amygdalan, an (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
enraged disciple, an (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
enraged dread wolf (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
enraged jungle raptor, an (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
enraged ravener (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
Enraged Rockhopper, An (0.0-1.0; letalis/scarlet)
enraged shiverback, an (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
enraged Tae Ew fanatic, an (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
enraged tiger raptor, an (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Enraged War Boar, an (0.0-1.0; potactics)
enraged zelniak, an (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
enraptured fire warrior, an (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Enslaved Hivewatcher, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Enslaved Iksar Miner, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Enslaved ShikNar, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Entalon (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Entariz (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
enthralled bulthar, an (0.0-1.0; sirens)
enthralled molkor, an (0.0-1.0; sirens)
enthralled outcast, an (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
Enthralled Razorfiend, An (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
enthralled ulthork, an (0.0-1.0; sirens)
Enthralled Underbulk, An (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
entoling culler, an (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
entoling essence channeler, an (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
entoling harvester, an (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
entrancing water nymph (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
entropy serpent, an (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
envenomed hunter, an (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Envenomed Rockhopper, An (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Enynti (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Eom Centien Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Eom Centien (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Eom Liako Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Eom Liako (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Eom Senshali Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Eom Senshali (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Eom Thall Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Eom Thall (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Eom Va Dyn (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Eom Va Liako Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Eom Va Liako (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Eom Zethon Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Eom Zethon (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Eonis Mournunder (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Equestrielle the Corrupted (1.0-5.0; lfaydark)
Equestrielle (1.0-5.0; lfaydark)
Eracon Krengon (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Erdarf Restil (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Erech Eyford (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Erepon (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Erfer Longclaw (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Erg Bluntbruiser (0.0-1.0; sro)
Ergrez Shortpaw (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
Eriak (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Ernax the Scholar (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Erollisi bloodthorn (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
Erollisi bloodthorn (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Erollisi mantrap (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
Erollisi mantrap (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Erollisi Thornslinger (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
Erratic Arachnid, An (0.0-1.0; poair)
erratic model, an (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Errkak Icepaw (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Errrak Thickshank (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Erudin Emissary, an (0.0-1.0; tox)
erudite madman, an (0.0-1.0; erudsxing)
erudite traveler (2.0-99.0; qeytoqrg)
Erus Ereptor Yuka (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Eruvin TKix (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
escaped worker, an (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Esorpa of the Ring (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Essedera (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
essence harvester, an (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Estrella of gloomwater (0.0-1.0; kedge)
etched sun revenant, an (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
eternal golem, an (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
etheric pool, an (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Etumer (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Euboea Delewyn (0.0-1.0; oot)
Eugie (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Euzan Jurek (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Evangelist of Hate, an (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Evia NCizai (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Evil Eye prisoner, an (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
evil eye, an (0.0-1.0; beholder)
evil eye, an (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
evil eye, an (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
evil eye, an (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Evin XLottl (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Eviscerator Fwexar (0.0-1.0; codecay)
Evynd Firestorm (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Examiner Malikin (0.0-1.0; sseru)
exhumed gnoll, an (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
exiled legionnaire, an (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
expedition guard, an (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Expin (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
explorer, an (0.0-1.0; firiona)
explorer, an (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
explosive sun revenant, an (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Eyan Thunderseeker (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Eye of Veeshan (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
eyeless gnawer, an (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Eysa Florawhisper (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Ezmirella (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Faano Windmaker (0.0-1.0; misty)
Fabian (0.0-1.0; freporte)
fading shadow guard, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Faelin Bloodbriar (1.0-99.0; gfaydark)
faerie dragon, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
faerie duchess, a (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
faerie duchess, a (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
faerie guard, a (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
faerie guard, a (0.0-1.0; gfaydark/lfaydark)
faerie noble, a (0.0-1.0; gfaydark/lfaydark)
Faerie of Dismay (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
faerie royal guard, a (0.0-1.0; gfaydark/lfaydark)
faerie, a (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Faern Foom (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
failed crypt raider (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
Failed Experiment (0.0-1.0; velketor)
fairy guard, a (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Fajio Knejo (1.0-99.0; misty)
Faldor Hendrys (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Falina Roughspinner (0.0-1.0; sseru)
fallen advisor (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
fallen erudite, a (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
fallen Iksar, a (0.0-1.0; timorous)
fallen Iksar (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
fallen monk, a (1.0-99.0; sebilis)
fallen noble, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Fallen Sergeant (0.0-1.0; umbral)
fallen soldier, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
fallen warrior (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
Falthrik Lothoro (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Falyn Farreach (0.0-1.0; highpass)
famished ravener (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
Fand Iftara (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Fandl Arathin (0.0-1.0; innothule/rathemtn)
fang tooth (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
fanged darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Fangor (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Fani Dertrimas (0.0-1.0; nexus)
fannsk, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Faril Elvebryn (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Farios Elianos (1.0-99.0; felwitheb)
Farkus Grime (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Farlol Duriclo (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Farstride Unicorn (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Faruek the Bold (0.0-1.0; postorms)
fatestealer drake, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
fatigued slave, a (0.0-1.0; nurga)
faun outcast, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
faun steward, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
faun, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Faydedar (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Fayl Everstrong (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Fearonoliop (3.0-99.0; steamfont)
Fearsome Earthcrafter, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
fearsome hobgoblin, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Fearsome Stormrider, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
Feddi Dooger (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
feeble rat, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Felia Goldenwing (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
Felisiana of Tunare (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Felisity Starbright (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Fellon Garnuckle (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Fellspine (0.0-1.0; sirens)
Felor Swiftwater (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Fenric Zarign (0.0-1.0; povalor)
feral amalgam, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
feral cave kodiak, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
feral darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
feral leopard, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
feral sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
feral wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Feren (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Fergul Frostsky (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Ferjeneror (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
ferocious anglerfish, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
Ferocious Barracuda (0.0-1.0; powater)
ferocious cave kodiak, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
ferocious hammerhead, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
ferocious kobold, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
ferocious rockhopper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Ferocious Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
ferocious wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
FerTatrau Centi (0.0-1.0; akheva)
fervid magmin, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Feskr Drinkmaker (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
festering hag, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
festering mushroom, a (0.0-1.0; echo)
festering pile of goo, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
festering rat, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
festering worm, a (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Festersore (0.0-1.0; umbral)
fetid fiend, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
fetid fiend, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Ffroaak (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Fieldsurgeon Trom (0.0-1.0; firiona)
fiendish consort, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
fierce anglerfish, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
fierce darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
fierce impaler, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
fierce jungle raptor, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
fierce lookout, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
fierce lookout, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
fierce lookout, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
fierce lookout, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
fierce rockhopper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Fierce Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Fierce Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Fierce Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
fierce tiger raptor, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
FierceWind (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
fiery drake, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
fiery guardian, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
fiery spirit equine lord, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Fiery Spirit Equine Overlord (0.0-1.0; pofire)
fiery spirit equine, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
fiery spirit steed, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
fiery steed, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Fiery Stonegrabber, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
fiery sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
fiery sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
fiery temple guardian, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Fiery Thought Leech, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
fiery tro jeg invader, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
fiery underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
fiery watcher, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
fiery watcher, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
fiery watcher, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
fiery zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Fifth Disciple of Rhag (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Final Arbiter, The (0.0-1.0; sleeper)
Findlegrob (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
fingered skeleton (0.0-1.0; kurn)
Firbrand the Black (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
fire blossom, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
fire dancer Savra (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
fire elemental, a (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
fire elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
fire elemental, a (0.0-1.0; erudsxing)
fire elemental, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
Fire Gator (0.0-1.0; timorous)
fire giant warrior (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
fire giant wizard (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
fire goblin bartender (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
fire goblin shaman (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
fire goblin wizard, a (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
fire goblin wizard (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
fire goblin (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
fire imp, a (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
fire mephit, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
fire sprite, a (1.0-99.0; lavastorm)
Firebone Archmagus (0.0-1.0; codecay)
firebone caster, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Firebone Magus (0.0-1.0; codecay)
Fireclaw Wolfkin (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Fireclaw (0.0-1.0; echo)
firefall caller, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
firefall guardian, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Firefall Saurek, A (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
firefall seer, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
firescale crocodile, a (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
Firiona drixie (0.0-1.0; firiona)
First Sergeant Bryson Tredd (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
First Sergeant Henrick Iverson (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Fisherman Grik (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Fishlord Craiyk (0.0-1.0; powater)
Fishlord Lezom (0.0-1.0; powater)
Fishmaster Jajoshi (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Fittorn Bladespur (3.0-99.0; tox)
five toed tro jeg bane, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Fixxin Followig (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Fjloaren Icebane (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Fjokar Frozenshard (0.0-1.0; kael)
flame branded steed, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
flame frog, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
flame goblin foreman (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
flame goblin shaman (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
flame goblin wizard (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
flame goblin (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
flame lord, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
flame lordling, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
flame mephit, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Flame Overlord (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Flame Wilder (0.0-1.0; pofire)
flaming cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
flare mephit, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
flayed horror, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Flayer Hopkins (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Fledgling War Boar, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Flerdo Brigged (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Fleshrot (0.0-1.0; umbral)
fleshy sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
flighty fiend, a (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Flint Velweaver (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Flonts (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
floral amalgam, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Flotsam (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
flouting gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
flowery cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Flynn Merrington (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
focus gem, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
focus of Sol, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
fog golem, a (0.0-1.0; citymist)
Fogl Iceshard (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
follower of Khati Sha (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
Foloal Stormforest (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Fomgrut Borkel (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Foodmaster Rargnar (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Footman Moze (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Forceful Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
foreboding guardian, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Foreman Kulul (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Foreman Mirtakk (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Foreman Rixact (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Foreman Smason (0.0-1.0; crystal)
forest giant ancient, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
forest giant arbor, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood/firiona)
forest giant evergreen, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
forest giant greenwood, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
forest giant sapling, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
forest giant verdant, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood/firiona)
forest giant, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Foretold Horror, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
forgotten slave, a (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
forgotten spirit, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
forgotten traveler, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
forlorn ent, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
forlorn slave, a (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
Forpar Fizfla (1.0-99.0; steamfont)
forsaken blademaster, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
forsaken blademaster, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
forsaken blademaster, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
forsaken blademaster, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
Forsaken Golem (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
Forsaken Golem (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
Forsaken Golem (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
Forsaken Golem (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
forsaken lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
forsaken revenant, a (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
forsaken revenant, a (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
forsaken vagabond, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
forsaken vagabond, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
forsaken vagabond, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
forsaken vagabond, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
forsaken veilbinder, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
forsaken veilbinder, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
forsaken veilbinder, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
forsaken veilbinder, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
forsaken weaver, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
forsaken weaver, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
forsaken weaver, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
forsaken weaver, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
foul pusling, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Foul Pusling (0.0-1.0; codecay)
Founy Jestands (0.0-1.0; kaladimb)
Fourth Disciple of Rhag (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
fragment of Bargynn (0.0-1.0; towerfrost)
frantic kerran, a (2.0-99.0; erudsxing)
frantic lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Franzik Wells (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Frayk (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Frebin Tinderhue (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Frekka Alebringer (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Frenway Marthank (0.0-1.0; qrg)
Frenzied Anglerfish (0.0-1.0; powater)
frenzied bull shark, a (3.0-99.0; kedge)
frenzied cauldron shark, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
frenzied darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
frenzied ghoul, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
frenzied gnawer, a (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
frenzied gorilla, a (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
frenzied initiate, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
frenzied initiate, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
frenzied jungle raptor, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
frenzied leech, a (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
frenzied pox scarab (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Frenzied Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud/letalis/scarlet)
frenzied shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
frenzied shiverback, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
frenzied strathbone (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
frenzied tiger raptor, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
frenzied tiger, a (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
frenzied underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Frenzied Velium Broodling, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Frenzied Velium Stalker, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
frenzied wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
frenzied zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
freshwater shark, a (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Fright (0.0-1.9; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Fright (2.0-99.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Fright (0.0-1.0; fearplane)
Frightchaser (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
frightfinger, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Frizazz (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
frog, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
Froggy (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok armorer (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok armsman (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok bartender (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Froglok berserker (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok bok knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok bok knight (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok bok shaman (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok bok wizard (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok chef (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok commander (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok crusader, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok dar knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok dar knight (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok dar knight (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok dar shaman (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok dar wizard (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok forager (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
froglok gaz knight, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok gaz knight (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok gaz shaman, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok gaz shaman (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok gaz squire, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok gaz warder (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok gaz warrior, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok gaz warrior (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok ghoul, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
froglok guk knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok guk shaman, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok herbalist, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok hunter (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
froglok idealist, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok ilis acolyte (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok ilis knight (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok ilis shaman (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok ilis wizard (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Froglok Impaler (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok jin shaman, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok jin shaman (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok jin wizard (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok king, the (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok kor shaman, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok kor shaman (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok krup enchanter (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok krup guard (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok krup knight (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok krup mage (3.0-99.0; sebilis)
froglok krup shaman (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok krup wizard (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok noble, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok nok shaman, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok nok shaman (0.0-1.0; firiona)
froglok nokta shaman, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok ostiary (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok outlander, a (1.0-99.0; guktop)
froglok outlander, a (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok outlander, a (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok pickler (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok priest, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok realist, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok reet knight (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok reet shaman (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok reet wizard (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok repairer, a (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok repairer (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
froglok scryer, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok shin knight, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok shin knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok shin knight (0.0-1.0; firiona)
froglok shin knight (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
froglok shin lord, the (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok shin shaman, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok shin shaman (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok shin warrior, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok shin warrior, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok shin warrior (0.0-1.0; firiona)
froglok shin warrior (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
froglok shinta warrior, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok summoner, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok tactician, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok tal shaman, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok tal shaman (0.0-1.0; firiona)
froglok tal shaman (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
froglok ton knight, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok ton knight (0.0-1.0; firiona)
froglok ton shaman, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok ton shaman (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok ton warrior, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok ton warrior (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok ton warrior (0.0-1.0; firiona)
froglok tonta knight, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok tsu shaman, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok tsu shaman, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok tsu shaman (0.0-1.0; firiona)
froglok tsu shaman (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
froglok tuk knight, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok tuk knight (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok tuk shaman, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok tuk shaman (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok tuk warder (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok tuk warrior, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok tuk warrior (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
froglok urd shaman, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok urd shaman (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
froglok vis knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok vis knight (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
froglok vis shaman, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok wan knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok wan knight (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
froglok warden, the (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok witch doctor, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
froglok yun priest, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok yun shaman, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok yun shaman (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
froglok zol knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
froglok zol knight (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Froon (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
frost familiar, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
frost giant berserker, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
frost giant berserker, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
frost giant captain, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
frost giant commoner, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
frost giant elite, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
frost giant elite, a (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
frost giant fisherman (0.0-1.0; kael)
frost giant gladiator, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
frost giant laborer, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Frost Giant Lord, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
frost giant savage, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
frost giant scout, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
frost giant scout, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
frost giant scout, a (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
frost giant sentinel, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
frost giant sentry, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
frost giant trainer, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
frost giant wolf tamer, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
frost giant, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
frost spectre, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
frost spike, a (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Frostbite (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
frosted sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Frostgiant Overseer (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Frosticube (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Froszik the Impaler (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
frothing kobold, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Frozen Stonegrabber, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Frugo Prigdish (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
fruitful sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Fubbel Copperwheel (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
fungal fiend, a (0.0-1.0; echo)
fungi shroom, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Fungoid Sporeling, A (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Fungoid Worker, A (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Fungoid, A (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
fungus ancient, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
fungus breeder, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
fungus covered shroom, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
fungus drone, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
fungus mutant, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
fungus soldier, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
furious anglerfish, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
furious apprentice, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
Furious Deepwater Kraken (0.0-1.0; powater)
Furious Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Furious Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
furious rockhopper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
furious tizmak warrior, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
furious zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Fyking Baer (0.0-1.0; povalor)
fyr jen fire caller, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
fyr jen flame warder, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
fyr jen guardian, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Fyrefly (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Fyrthek Fior (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Gabbie Mardoddle (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
gaduladian widemouth, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Gafala (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Gage (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Gakamenial FirDisralsi (0.0-1.0; poair)
Galdon Vok Nir (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Gale Caller, The (3.0-99.0; air_instanced/airplane)
gale wolf, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Galiel Spirithoof (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Galinious (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
gallant cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Galm Snowdrift (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Galremos (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Galren Fuzzytoes (0.0-1.0; katta)
Galwyn Geldin (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Gamite Frog, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Gamtoine Cursmakk (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Ganbar Dundam (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Gandan Tailfist (1.0-99.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Gandari (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Ganelorn Oast (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Gangel (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
gangrenous scarab (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Gann Dunbull (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Gantru Dralkenr (0.0-1.0; umbral)
gantru moktor, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
gantru raldukan, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
gantru shojen, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
gantru shojilen, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Gaoler of Justice (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Garadain Glacierbane (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Garanel Rucksif (0.0-1.0; unrest)
Garath the Trader (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Gardern (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
gargantuan zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Gargh (0.0-1.0; grobb)
gargoyle custodus, a (0.0-1.0; katta)
gargoyle guard, a (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; oot)
Garn McMarrin (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
Garou (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
Garton Viswin (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Gaukr Sandstorm (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Gavel the Temperant (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Gazoon Noihzog (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Gealian Husnalsn (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Gearheart (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Ged Twigborn (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Geeda (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
gelatinous cube, a (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
Gelatinous Cube (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Gelatinous Cube (0.0-1.0; paw)
gelatinous mass, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
GelTemeriel Centi (0.0-1.0; akheva)
gem collector, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
gem cutter skeleton (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
Gemmed Guardian, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Gemmed Protector, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
gemmed stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
gemmed sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
General Bragmur (3.0-99.0; iceclad)
General Dalinastalarix (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
General Druav Flamesinger (0.0-1.0; pofire)
General Jared Blaystich (0.0-1.0; echo)
General Jyleel (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
General Kizuhx (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
General Reparm (0.0-1.0; pofire)
General VDeers (0.0-1.0; overthere)
General VhanGeltah (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
generian fly, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
generian larva, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Genii Rolfs (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Genni (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
geonid shaman, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
geonid, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
geonid, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Georgette Dawneyes (0.0-1.0; katta)
Georr KulDaar (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Gerak Jelin (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Gerton Dumkin (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Gesha Mraal (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
Ghanex Drah (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Ghanex Drah (0.0-1.0; paw)
Gharg Oberbord (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
ghastish ancille, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
ghastly bat, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Ghilanbiddle Nylwadil (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
Ghost of Glohnor (1.0-5.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Ghost of Kindle, the (1.0-99.0; hole/hole_instanced)
ghostly ancille, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
ghostly scholar, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
ghostly student, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
ghostly teacher, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
ghoul arch magus, the (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
ghoul assassin, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
ghoul boss (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
ghoul cavalier, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
ghoul executioner, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
ghoul lord, the (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Ghoul Messenger (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
ghoul ritualist, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
ghoul sage, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
ghoul savant, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
ghoul scribe, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
ghoul sentinel, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
ghoul supplier, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
ghoul yeoman, a (3.0-99.0; qey2hh1)
ghoul, a (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
ghoul, a (0.0-1.0; oasis/sro)
ghoul, a (0.0-1.0; nro)
ghoul, a (0.0-1.0; commons/ecommons/northkarana/qey2hh1)
ghoul, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
ghoul, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
ghoul, a (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
ghoulish ancille, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Ghowlik (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Giang Yin (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
giant anaconda, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
giant black widow, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
giant bloodvein mosquito (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
giant cave bat, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
giant dire wolf, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
giant frenzied leech, a (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
giant heart spider, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
Giant Lightcrawler, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
giant morass leech, a (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
giant obsidian lava spider, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
giant obsidian tree spider, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
giant plague rat, a (0.0-1.0; blackburrow)
giant polar bear, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
giant scourgewing mosquito (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
giant skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
giant skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
giant wooly spider (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
Gibartik (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Gibi Bilgum (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Gigadon (0.0-1.0; powater)
gigantic air elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
gigantic earth elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
gigantic fire elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
gigantic sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
gigantic water elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Gindan Blademaster (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Gindan Darkblade (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Gindan Flayer (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Gip Gallows (0.0-1.0; echo)
Girgak the Bloody (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Giz Dinree (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Giz XTin (1.0-99.0; kithicor)
Gkrean Prophet of Tallon (0.0-1.0; kael)
glacier bear, a (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
glacier mastodon, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
glacier yeti, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
glade stalker, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
glade wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Gladiator, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
glare lord, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Glaron the Wicked (1.0-99.0; rathemtn)
Glati (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
gleaming sphere of light, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Gleed Dragonhunter (0.0-1.0; kael)
Gleeknot Gnitrat (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Glenda Melonfus (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Glendl Vargnus (0.0-1.0; oot)
Glerbella Gibblix (3.0-99.0; akanon)
Glidara Myllar (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
glimmer drake, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
glimmer drake, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
glimmering drake, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
glimmering drake, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
glimmering drake, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
glimmering emerald drake, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Glis Bluesky (0.0-1.0; sseru)
glistening blood raven, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Glixx Tobbnokcog (0.0-1.0; katta)
Glonk (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Glonk (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Glonk (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
gloom nightmare, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
gloomstalker mermaid, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
gloomwater mermaid, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Glorin Binfurr (0.0-1.0; butcher)
glorious sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
glowing muck digger, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Glubbsink (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Glucose (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Glungin (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Gluttik (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Glydoc FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Glykus Helmir (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Glyndur Tindel (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
glyphed aegis, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
glyphed custodian, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
glyphed familiar, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
glyphed ghoul, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
glyphed guard, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
glyphed sentry, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
glyphed warder, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Glyssa Sonshaw (0.0-1.0; freportw)
gnarled treant, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Gnarlick (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Gnashmaw (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Gnawfang (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Gniktar Grinwit (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
gnoll brawler, a (0.0-1.0; highpass)
gnoll brewer, a (0.0-1.0; blackburrow)
gnoll champion, a (0.0-1.0; highpass)
gnoll commander, a (0.0-1.0; blackburrow)
gnoll courier, a (3.0-99.0; blackburrow)
gnoll embalmer, a (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
gnoll flamepaw, a (0.0-1.0; highpass)
gnoll guard, a (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
gnoll high shaman, a (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
gnoll high shaman, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
gnoll high shaman, the (0.0-1.0; blackburrow)
gnoll prisoner, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
gnoll reaver, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
gnoll shaman, a (0.0-1.0; highpass)
gnoll shaman, a (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
gnoll soothsayer, a (0.0-1.0; highpass)
gnoll tactician, a (3.0-99.0; blackburrow)
gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
gnomish conjurer (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
gnomish curator (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
gnomish miner (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
gnomish pirate (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
gnomish spelunker, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
goblin adept, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin adept, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin adept (0.0-1.0; firiona)
goblin aggressor, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
goblin agressor, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
goblin alchemist, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin alchemist, a (0.0-1.0; beholder)
goblin alchemist, a (0.0-1.0; misty)
goblin archeologist, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin backbiter, a (0.0-1.0; droga/nurga)
goblin banker, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
goblin battlemaster, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen/warslikswood)
goblin battlemaster (0.0-1.0; firiona)
goblin blightcaller, a (0.0-1.0; droga/nurga)
goblin blightcaller, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin blightcaller (0.0-1.0; firiona)
goblin bloodtracer, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
goblin bodyguard, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin bonecharmer, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin bonecharmer, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin boneseer, a (0.0-1.0; droga/nurga)
goblin boneseer, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin boneslaver, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin boneslaver, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin brawler, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen/warslikswood)
goblin canyoneer, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin captain, a (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
goblin cavehunter, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin champion, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin depredator, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin dirtcaller, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin dirtcaller, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin dirtscriber, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin dirttracer, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin dirttracer, a (0.0-1.0; droga/nurga)
goblin diviner, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin drunkard (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
goblin elite guard (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
goblin elite guard (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
goblin evoker, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin fanatic, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin firedrowser, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin flamedrowser, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin flashdrowser, a (0.0-1.0; nurga)
goblin flashdrowser, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin guard, a (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
goblin headmaster, a (0.0-1.0; oot)
goblin high shaman (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
goblin interrogator, a (1.0-99.0; droga)
goblin jailmaster, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
Goblin King, the (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
goblin legate, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin legate, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin magician, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
goblin marauder (0.0-1.0; firiona)
goblin mendicant, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin mosstrooper, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin neophyte, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
goblin net master, a (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
goblin patriarch, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin penkeeper, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin penmaster, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin pillager (0.0-1.0; firiona)
goblin pit fighter, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
goblin plaguebringer, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin plaguebringer, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin plaguebringer (0.0-1.0; firiona)
goblin preacher, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin prelate, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin priest, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin raider (0.0-1.0; firiona)
goblin raider (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin rockchanter, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin rockchanter, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin sage, the (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin scryer, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin shaman, a (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
goblin skirmisher, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
goblin skirmisher, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
goblin slavedriver, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin slavedriver, a (0.0-1.0; nurga)
goblin slavedriver, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin slinker, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin soothsayer, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
goblin soothsayer, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
goblin soothsayer, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin spirit caller (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen/warslikswood)
goblin spirit caller (0.0-1.0; firiona)
goblin stalagknight, a (0.0-1.0; droga/nurga)
goblin stonechanter, a (0.0-1.0; droga/nurga)
goblin stonechanter, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin taskmaster, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin taskmaster, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin thief, a (1.0-99.0; highkeep)
goblin traitor, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin warder, a (0.0-1.0; droga/nurga)
goblin warlock, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin warlord, a (0.0-1.9; runnyeye)
goblin warlord (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen/warslikswood)
goblin warrior, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
goblin warrior, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
goblin warrior, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
goblin warrior, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
goblin whipcracker, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
goblin whipcracker, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
goblin witchdoctor, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
goblin wizard, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
goblin, a (1.0-99.0; highkeep)
goblin, a (1.0-99.0; butcher)
Gogu the Smasher (2.0-99.0; overthere)
golden grol baku sentry, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
golden haired mermaid, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
golden sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
GoldenTalon (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Golem Master, the (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
golem usher, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Golikan (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
golra, a (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Gono (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Goob Mudtoe (0.0-1.0; oot)
gor taku bruiser, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
gor taku builder, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
gor taku guardian, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Gor Taku Guardsman, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
gor taku ore master, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
gor taku sentry, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
gor taku stoneguard, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Gor Taku tradesman, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
gor taku worker, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
goranga battlemaster, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
goranga chieftan, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
goranga follower, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
goranga forager, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
goranga gatherer, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
goranga hunter, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
goranga lookout, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
goranga prophet, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
goranga savant, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
goranga scout, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
goranga seer, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
goranga tribesman, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Gorehorn (3.0-99.0; steamfont)
Gorehorn (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Gorelaz Verilak (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Gorenaire (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
gorgalask, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Gorgalosk (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
gorge hound, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
gorge minotaur, a (0.0-1.0; beholder)
Gorge (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
gorged ravener (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
gorging brute, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
gorgon, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Gorgul Paclock (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
gorilla guard, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
gorilla protector, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Gorilla Scholar (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
gorilla, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Gornit (0.0-1.0; oot)
Gorul Longshanks (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Gozzrem (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Graalf Sharpclaw (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Grachnist the Destroyer (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Grahl Strongback (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Graktar Bluehammer (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
Gralk Dwarfkiller (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
grallok appraisor, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
grallok crusader, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
grallok defender, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
grallok drone, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
grallok elder, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
grallok mystic, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
grallok overseer, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
grallok priest, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
grallok protector, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
grallok seeker, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
grallok underlord, the (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Grand Advisor Zumuul (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Grand Herbalist Makha (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Grand Historian Thoridain (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Grand Huntsman Darral (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Grand Lorekeeper Kino Shaidin (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Grand Vizier Poolakachatei (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Grandmaster Rtal (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Grandmaster Xhaan (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Granic Obulus (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
granite gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Grapok (1.0-99.0; oggok)
Grati Gemfinder (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Grave Master Zolun (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Gravelgrabber, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
gravid drake, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
GraVloren (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
graystriped mosquito, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Grazhak the Berzerker (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
great flame lord, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
great kodiak, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Great Oowomp, The (0.0-1.0; timorous)
great plague skeleton (0.0-1.0; bardingwood/burningwood)
great rhino beetle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Great Saprophyte, The (0.0-1.0; echo)
great underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
great white shark, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
greater air elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
greater anglerfish, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
greater arisen skeleton (0.0-1.0; towerfrost)
greater barbed skeleton (0.0-1.0; bardingwood/burningwood)
greater barracuda, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
greater charbone (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
Greater Corrupted Pusling (0.0-1.0; codecay)
greater dark bone, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
greater darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
greater deepwater kraken, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
greater earth elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
greater fire elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
greater flame lord, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Greater Foul Pusling (0.0-1.0; codecay)
greater frog, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
greater grol baku, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Greater Guardian, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Greater Horror, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
greater ice bones, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
greater icebone (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
greater kobold shaman, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
greater kobold shaman (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
greater kobold, a (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
greater kobold (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
greater magma rocklord, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
greater malevolent drake, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
greater minotaur, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
greater pirahna, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
greater plague skeleton (0.0-1.0; bardingwood/burningwood)
greater plaguebone (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
greater plaguebone (0.0-1.0; citymist)
greater plaguebone (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
Greater Pusling (0.0-1.0; codecay)
Greater Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
greater scalebone (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
greater scalebone (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
greater scalebone (0.0-1.0; kurn)
greater scalebone (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
greater sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
greater sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
greater shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
greater shaman, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
greater skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
greater skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
greater skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
greater skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; oot)
greater skeleton (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
greater skeleton (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
greater skeleton (0.0-1.0; kurn)
greater skeleton (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
greater sky drake, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
greater sphinx, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Greater Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
greater spurbone (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
greater spurbone (0.0-1.0; citymist)
greater spurbone (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
greater swordfish, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
greater war boned skeleton (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
greater war boned skeleton (0.0-1.0; citymist)
greater war boned skeleton (0.0-1.0; bardingwood/burningwood)
greater water elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
greater zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
greater zombie, a (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
greedy bloodtribe hunter, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
greenblood piranha, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
greenwood bear, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
greenwood grizzly, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Gregendek Icepaw (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Gren Frikniller (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Grendig (4.0-99.0; freporte)
Grendin Maze (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Grenix Mucktail (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Grenix Mucktail (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Grenn (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Grenn (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Grenn (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Grennet Stormhand (3.0-99.0; qeynos2)
Grenth Drakebane (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Greshvoule (3.0-99.0; permafrost)
Greth Truksorn (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Grevak (0.0-1.0; oggok)
grey darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grey pinewolf, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Greyhopper, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Grezou (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
griffawn, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
griffawn, a (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
griffenne, a (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
griffin, a (0.0-1.0; commons/ecommons)
griffon, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana/northkarana)
Grigga Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Grik the Exile (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
grim lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Grim Oakfist (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
grime tunneler, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
grimfang minnow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
GrimFeather (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
grimling apprentice, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling bodyguard, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling cadaverist, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling cadaverist, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling cadaverist, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling chieftain, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling conqueror, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling dartspitter, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling deathbringer, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling deathbringer, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling deathguard, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling dreamspinner, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling dreamspinner, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling elite guard, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling fire eater, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling fisherman, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling foreman, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling foreman, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grimling geomancer, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grimling grunt, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling guard, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling guard, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling guard, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling guard, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling guard, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling guardian, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling herbalist, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling herbalist, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling herbalist, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling herbalist, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling herbalist, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling herder, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling laborer, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grimling lookout, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling lookout, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling lookout, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling manacrafter, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling manacrafter, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling manacrafter, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling manacrafter, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling manacrafter, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling manaseeker, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling manawielder, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling marauder, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling metalworker, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling miner, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling mystic, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling mystic, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling orefinder, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grimling overseer, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling overseer, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling pickpocket, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling pickpocket, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling priest, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling priest, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling priest, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling priest, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling priest, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
Grimling Prisoner, A (0.0-1.0; sharvahl)
grimling prophet, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling recruit, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling recruit, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling runner, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grimling sentry, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling skullcracker, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling skullcracker, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling skullcracker, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling skullcracker, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling skullcracker, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling skullplitter, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling skullsplitter, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling soldier, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling soldier, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling soldier, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling sorceress, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling soulstealer, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling spinetapper, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling spiritist, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling summoner, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
grimling thief, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
grimling thief, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
grimling tribal leader, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Grimtooth (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
grimy owlbear cub, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Grink (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Grink (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Grink (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
grinning gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Grioihin the Wise (0.0-1.0; powater)
Grizlin Bloodfang (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
Grizzleknot (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Grizznot (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Groal Ealdin (0.0-1.0; sseru)
groaning shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Grodl Ripclaw (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Groflah Steadirt (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Groi Gutblade (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
grol baku ancient, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku armsman, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grol baku benefactor, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku bodyguard, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku chanter, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grol baku contender, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku crystalus, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grol baku defender, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku defender, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku demolitionist, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku drummer, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku earthmaster, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku earthmaster, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grol baku embedder, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous/twilight)
grol baku engraver, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet/tenebrous)
grol baku frightling, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grol baku gemkeeper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku geomancer, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku greenling, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grol baku guard, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku guardian, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku hero, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grol baku historian, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet/tenebrous)
grol baku holyman, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku idolist, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku jeweler, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku keeper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku leader, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku legionnaire, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku lifemaster, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku loremaster, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku miner, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous/twilight)
grol baku nightwalker, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku prospector, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku purifier, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku pyro, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grol baku raider, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku retainer, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku ritualist, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grol baku rock collector, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku rocklord, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku rogue, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku runemaster, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku sand collector, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku scout, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku sculptor, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet/twilight)
grol baku seer, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku seer, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous/twilight)
grol baku sentinel, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku sentry, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku shaman, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku shaman, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku shaman, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku soldier, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku soldier, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grol baku spiritist, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku spiritward, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku taskmaster, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku warder, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku warder, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku warlord, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku warlord, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grol baku warmaster, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku warrior, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku wilder, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
grol baku wiseman, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
grol baku worker, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
grol baku youth, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Groo McManus (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Grozzmel (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Grud (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Grum (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Grummus (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Gruplinort (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Grurn No Eyes (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Gryme the Crypt Guardian (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Grynn (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Grynnaf Einoom (1.0-99.0; lfaydark)
Grype (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Grziz the Tormentor (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
guano harvester (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
Guard Abbilash (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Abrebla (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Ackin (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Adolar (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Adolmer (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Ainamar (0.0-1.0; kaladimb)
Guard Alfast (0.0-1.0; echo)
Guard Allmayn (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Guard Alonso (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Anathur (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Andile (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Angus (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Anleal (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Antilles (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Armandin (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Aryjor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Ashmod (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Ason (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Guard Audun (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Bach (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Badmer (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Baldvin (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Bartley (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Guard Basso (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Guard Beatrice (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Becker (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Guard Belg (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Beren (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Guard Beris (3.0-99.0; qeytoqrg)
Guard Bicker (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Bik Tik (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Guard Bittmin (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Bixby (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Guard Bjorn (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Blaesek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Blayle (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Bluehammer (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Bobbin (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Bolton (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Bonlo (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Bonner (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Bossamir (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Guard Boyet (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Brendyl (0.0-1.0; nro)
Guard Briarstorm (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Brookrock (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Buce (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Guard Buldoral (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Burr (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Calin (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Camil (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Guard Captain Latorl (0.0-1.0; paineel)
guard captain, the (0.0-1.0; najena)
Guard Cardaff (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Carnita (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Guard Celia (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Chin (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Chopin (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Chrighton (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Guard Clendin (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Clorn (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Cloten (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Clyzen (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Colin (0.0-1.0; commons)
Guard Corpillius (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Corshin (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Guard Cozak (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Crucorn (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Guard Crystalwind (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Cyren (0.0-1.0; echo)
Guard Dagur (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Dalammer (0.0-1.0; kaladimb)
Guard Dalthur (0.0-1.0; kaladimb)
Guard Dayblaze (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard DBious (0.0-1.0; neriakb/neriakc)
Guard Degada (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Deisnak (3.0-99.0; ecommons)
Guard Delrenderak (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Deregan (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Guard Diana (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Didek (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Diff (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Dina (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Guard Dinamin (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Dinler (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Dister (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Dluerkin (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Dobbs (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Donlan (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Guard Doolin (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Doradek (0.0-1.0; kaladimb)
Guard Dortof (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Guard Drake (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Drakkerender (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Drath (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Guard Drazden (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Dreikin (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Drek Ther (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Guard Drugan (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Dunil (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Dunn (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Duras (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Dwight (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Dykalin (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Guard DZel (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Guard Eaglesong (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard EBrona (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Guard Effel (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Eldarn (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Elron (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Guard Enre (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Eridals (3.0-99.0; ecommons)
Guard Etru (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Guard Evercold (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Guard Evital (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Guard Exclorpt (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Eyvindur (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Ezrothe (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Falldrryn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Fayfear (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Fayfield (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Fefslan (3.0-99.0; ecommons)
Guard Fentallin (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Fernaldo (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Guard Figwynn (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Fikus (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Finewine (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Guard Fintran (0.0-1.0; nro)
Guard Fireblight (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Fjleed (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Fjola (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Fjorlek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Fleshflayer (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard FLok (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Guard FLok (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Guard FLosta (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Guard Folton (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Fralldo (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Frandan (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Fredrick (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Guard Frostfallen (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Gabbles (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Gabel (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Gechop (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Gehnus (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Guard GNoir (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Guard Gnoosals (3.0-99.0; ecommons)
Guard Goemin (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Golgon (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Gollus (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Golyn (0.0-1.0; felwitheb)
Guard Gonin (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Gonlo (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Gord (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Grabadin (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Guard Grae (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Greedin (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Gregor (3.0-99.0; qey2hh1)
Guard Greybeard (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Grizma (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Gruilka (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Guard Gvarr (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Guard Gyll (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Haendar (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Haldin (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Hallenban (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Handy (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Hartt (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Heltch (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Hemyr (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Heridion (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Hetorzuz (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Hewet (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Guard Hezlan (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Guard Highmoon (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Hinolmer (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Hirazen (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Hiron (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Hollander (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Guard Hrakin (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Humkor (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Humphet (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Hutian (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Guard Imillin (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Immendrel (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Inofus (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Iris (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Ishvlor (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Ivak (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Jacsen (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Jassong (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Guard Jaxon (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Jendl (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Jontroy (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Guard Juno (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Jup (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Justyn (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Guard Kaldolar (0.0-1.0; kaladimb)
Guard Kanuf (0.0-1.0; kaladimb)
Guard Kartim (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Guard Kathur (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Kelldrevn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Kellolonren (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Kellot (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Guard Kevin (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Guard Kheb (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Khyosr (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Kilson (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Guard Kindor (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Kirste (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Guard Kiston (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Guard Kithon (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Guard Kizzburr (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard KJartan (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Guard Kkrean (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Kliknaw (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Guard Koranin (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Korik (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Guard Korlack (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Kovan (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Krag (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Guard Kreethaw (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Guard Kristen (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Guard Kristrun (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Kroon (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Kyte (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Lancel (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Larus (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Lasen (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Guard LCrit (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Guard Lecknar (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Ledshin (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Legolin (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Legver (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Guard Lehlufa (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Leif (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Lelton (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Leopold (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Guard Lesunra (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Lidozarnn (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Lithnon (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Lithomin (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Lomanres (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Lorton (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Lovayn (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Guard Lumpin (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Guard Mandin (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Marmo (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Guard Marshmoor (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Mason (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard McCluskey (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Guard McSprayel (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Guard McStinkles (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Guard Meadom (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Guard Megnon (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Guard Menbuknar (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Mercyl (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Mertanor (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Meyana (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Miles (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Guard Miranda (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Mirick (0.0-1.0; echo)
Guard Mizraen (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Monroe (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Guard Moonwind (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Munden (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Mystan (0.0-1.0; felwithea/felwitheb)
Guard Mytin (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Nash (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Guard Nekropo (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Nekto Gibbin (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Guard Nextloxtl (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Nidmire (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Ninadek (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Ninaf (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Nitegazer (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard NLan (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Guard Nlool (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard NMar (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Guard NMar (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Guard Nocslein (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Nok Thar (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Guard Nokjri (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Noonshadow (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Norin (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Notzxatl (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Oakwillow (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
guard officer, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
Guard Ogo (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Guard Onto (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Opano (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Orcflayer (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Orpheen (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Oystin (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Guard Pendleir (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Perelin (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Pert (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Peter (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Philbin (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Guard Philip (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Pinebramble (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Pineshade (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Plage (0.0-1.0; felwitheb)
Guard Polzdurn (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Pomnares (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Popal (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Potren (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Pryde (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Guard Psape (0.0-1.0; felwitheb)
Guard Qanyl (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard QTentu (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Guard QTentu (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Guard Quallith (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Quedal (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Guard Quexill (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Guard Quexill (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Guard Queztin (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Ragern (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Rainstrider (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Rance (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Ranlan (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Ranlem (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Guard Rashik (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Guard Ratha Kalah (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Guard Rawkkun (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Guard Razear (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Rento (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Guard Reskin (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
Guard Rhoy (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Guard Rianna (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Guard Rireboln (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Rojeihm (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Rolkin (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Roses (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Guard Royt (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Ruan (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Rundul (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Rylin (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Rysis (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Sara (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Sebastian (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Settine (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Guard Shar Aziz (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Guard Sheg (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Sheltuin (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Shilster (2.0-99.0; northkarana)
Guard Shiznak (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Guard Sigryr (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Silvia (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Sinda (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Guard Sintra (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Sironan (3.0-99.0; qeytoqrg)
Guard Sjior (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Sklinus (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Guard Skurr (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Guard Slacey (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Guard SLon (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Guard Smet (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
guard sonic wolf, a (0.0-1.0; katta)
Guard Sornn (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard Spioko (0.0-1.0; felwitheb)
Guard Srinn (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Guard STai (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Guard Stanard (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Guard Starstrike (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Stonebender (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Stoutman (0.0-1.0; nro)
Guard Streamtree (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Stump (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Sunblaze (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Sunweaver (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Svatek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Swang (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Guard Sydl (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Taalen (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard TAba (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Guard Tangleroot (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Tantan (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
Guard Teridsan (3.0-99.0; ecommons)
Guard Thunderfall (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Tistan (0.0-1.0; felwitheb)
Guard Titan (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard TKix (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Guard Tobiah (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard ToBiath (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Guard Tolax (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Guard Tolax (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Guard Tolus (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
Guard Topplo (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Tork (0.0-1.0; echo)
Guard TQuetal (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Guard Treal (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Guard Treestrider (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Treitan (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Guard Trerun (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Guard Tubal (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Tynaryn (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Tynthal (0.0-1.0; felwitheb)
Guard Ulfhedinn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Ullindin (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Uthallern (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Valdis (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Guard Valewatcher (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Guard Valon (0.0-1.0; commons)
Guard Varuf (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Guard Vaskif (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Guard VEhn (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Guard Viola (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Guard Vitar (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard VLask (0.0-1.0; neriakb/neriakc)
Guard VLex (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Guard Vydel (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guard Walorinags (3.0-99.0; ecommons)
Guard Wefnin (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Guard Weleth (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Guard Westyn (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Guard Westyn (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Guard Wextr (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Winis (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Wisnyw (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Guard Wytiffin (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Xantar (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Xath Tres (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Guard XOnnu (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Guard Xyxax (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Yalroen (3.0-99.0; qeytoqrg)
Guard Yandellen (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Yeltin (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Guard Yeolin (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Guard Yerlash (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Guard Yuk Tuk (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Guard ZDen (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Guard Zeph (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Zexus (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Guard Zintrin (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guard Zyburr (0.0-1.0; butcher)
guard, a (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
guard, a (0.0-1.0; highpass)
guard, a (0.0-1.0; highpass)
guard, a (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Guardian Brichon (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Chairny (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Dojma (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Elgoyr (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Ionew (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Guardian Kozzalym (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Guardian Laigyr (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Llomed (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Lyaric (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Noit (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian of Doomfire (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Guardian of Dresolik (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Guardian of Felia (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
Guardian of Fire (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
guardian of Jiva, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Guardian of Justice (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Guardian of KArnon (0.0-1.0; oot)
Guardian of Marr, A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Guardian of Marr, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
guardian of Rizlona, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Guardian of Takish (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Guardian of Terris (0.0-1.0; nightmareb)
Guardian of the Arx, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Guardian of the Twelve (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
Guardian of Tunare (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
guardian of Xalgoz (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
guardian of Zek, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
Guardian Olgax (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
guardian power, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Guardian Quliax (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Rarejy (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Rolsa (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Salgor (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Salva (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Selbbep (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Selucreh (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
guardian shardwurm, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Guardian Silnark (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Synarus (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Tion (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Torret (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Trekolz (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Wrulon, A (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
guardian wurm, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
guardian wurm (0.0-1.0; veeshan)
Guardian Xatyl (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardian Xilac (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Guardsman Dales (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Gubkuk (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Gublink Furnhorn (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Guide I (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Guide II (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Guide III (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Guide IV (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Guide V (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Guide VI (0.0-1.0; akanon)
guk ghoul knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
guk ghoul wizard, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Gull Skytalon (0.0-1.0; oot)
Gullerback (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Gullerback (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Gundalthur Izuran (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
Gundel Elorion (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Gunex Eklar (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Guntrik (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Gurebk Lord of Krendic (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Gurleg Bribgok (3.0-99.0; gfaydark)
gust of wind, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Gwynn Marthank (0.0-1.0; innothule/rathemtn)
Gygus Remnara (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Gylton (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Gynok Moltor (0.0-1.0; befallen)
gypsy ambassador, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
gypsy dancer, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
gypsy musician, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
gyrating goo (0.0-1.0; citymist)
gyrating goo (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
gyrating goo (0.0-1.0; citymist)
gyrating mass, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Habax Blackfang (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Hadden (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Haggle Baron Klok (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Hagnis Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Hagnis Shralok (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Halara (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Haldorak Foamymugs (3.0-99.0; kaladimb)
halfling swashbuckler (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Halken Zeparr (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Halkr Nighman (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Hall Monitor Willy (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Halon of Marr (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
hamal skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Hamed Grarr (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Hammertooth (0.0-1.0; powater)
Hand Centurion, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Hand of Seru, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Hand of the Maestro (1.0-5.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Hand of Veeshan, the (0.0-1.0; airplane)
Hand Recruit, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Hangman (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Hangnail (0.0-1.0; karnor)
Hansl Bigroon (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Happ Dremblenod (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Happ Findlefinn (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Harbinger Dronik (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Harbinger Freglor (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Harbinger Josk (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
hardened grol baku sentry, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
hardened stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
hardened underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
hardy rockhopper, a (0.0-1.0; letalis/scarlet)
Hargvex Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Harla Dar (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Harold the Herald (0.0-1.0; echo)
harrion larva, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
harrowing hobgoblin, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Hastashi (0.0-1.0; erudsxing)
Hasten Bootstrutter (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Hatar (0.0-1.0; oasis)
haunted chest, a (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
haunted seachest, a (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Haven Customs Inspector, A (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Haven Customs Officer, A (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Haven Defender, a (0.0-1.0; echo)
Haven Guard, A (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
haze golem, a (0.0-1.0; citymist)
haze panther, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Head Usher, The (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
heart harpie (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
heart spider, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
Heartblood Fern (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
heartsbane drake, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
heartsting scorpion, a (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
hearty sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Hechaeva (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
hedge wizard, a (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Hefax Tinmar (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Heirophant Grazan (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
Helga Furrunner (0.0-1.0; katta)
Helix Jeson (0.0-1.0; povalor)
helot skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
helot spectre, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
helot spirit, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Helsia Mindreaver (0.0-1.0; sirens)
hemo enologist, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Hendin Assassin (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Hendin Deathbringer (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Hendin Shadow Master (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Heneva Jexsped (0.0-1.0; freporte)
her megir, an (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Heragin (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Herald Shelia Gransith (0.0-1.0; twilight)
heretic invader, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
heretic invader, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Herga Ratgur (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Heriz the Malignant (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
hermit, a (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Hetha VSyph (3.0-99.0; nektulos)
hexbone skeleton (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
hiding gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Hierophant Ixyl (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Hierophant Prime Grekal (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
High Chief Deroslan (3.0-99.0; nektulos)
High Chief Diedridans (3.0-99.0; ecommons)
High Chief Ferilsars (3.0-99.0; nektulos)
High Chief Fosloas (3.0-99.0; ecommons)
High Chief Kellerus (3.0-99.0; ecommons)
High Chief Wasolors (3.0-99.0; nektulos)
High Councilman of the Queen (0.0-1.0; poair)
High Guardian of Justice (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
High Mystic Qucosp (0.0-1.0; codecay)
High Priest Mkari (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
High Priest of Ssraeshza (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
High Priest of Tallon Zek (0.0-1.0; kael)
High Priest of Vallon Zek (0.0-1.0; kael)
High Priest Zaharn (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
High Priestess Alexandria (3.0-99.0; neriakc)
High Shaman Dannal (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
High Shaman Drogik (0.0-1.0; warrens)
High Shaman Grisok (0.0-1.0; paw)
High Shaman Phido (0.0-1.0; paw)
highland graniteback, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
highland kobold shaman, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
highland kobold, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
highland lion, a (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
highland tiger, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
highland tigeress, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Highpass citizen, a (0.0-1.0; highpass)
hill giant, a (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
hill giant, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
hill giant, a (0.0-1.0; commons)
hill giant, a (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
hill giant, a (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Hilog Jarsath (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Himart Kichith (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Hinvat Deathbringer (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Historian Baenek (0.0-1.0; crystal)
hleyta menn, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
hleyta menn, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
hleyta menn, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
hleytis maor, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Hobb Tagglefoot (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
hobgoblin reaper, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
hobgoblin, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Hogus Durmas (0.0-1.0; innothule/rathemtn)
Hojo (0.0-1.0; erudsxing)
holgresh conjurer, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
holgresh elementalist, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
holgresh raider, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
hollow crystal, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Holly Windstalker (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Honorable Protector of Marr, An (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
Honorable Protector, An (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
Honored Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Honvar (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Horasug (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Horgus (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Horkak the Dead (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
horrid shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Horrifying Vision, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
horror guard, a (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
horror hobgoblin, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Horror of Lore, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Hoshkar (0.0-1.0; veeshan)
howling spectre, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Hoyce MacTaegan (0.0-1.0; halas)
Hraashna the Warder (0.0-1.0; sleeper)
Hrani (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Hraquis Arch Magus (0.0-1.0; powater)
Hraquis Chieftain (0.0-1.0; powater)
hraquis faith warden, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
hraquis hunter, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
hraquis magus, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
hraquis mystic, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
hraquis scout, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
Hreidar Lynhillig (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Hsrek (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Hugan Tunbrin (0.0-1.0; oot)
Huge Gargoyle Guard, a (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Huge Golem Sentry, a (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
huge kobold, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
huge underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
huge water elemental, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Hukex Mucktail (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Hukulk (0.0-1.0; grobb)
hulking air elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
hulking earth elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
hulking fire elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
hulking golra, a (0.0-1.0; timorous)
hulking gorilla, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
hulking gorilla, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
hulking water elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
human mercenary (0.0-1.0; wakening)
human skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; citymist)
human skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; karnor)
hungered ravener (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
hunting kobold, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Huntmaster Furgrl (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Huntmaster Synl (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Hurglak the Destroyer (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
hurricane loktole, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
hurricane lorok, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
hurricane nophtan, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Hydro (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Hydrotha (0.0-1.0; powater)
Hykallen (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
I Like This One (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Ian Silverbright (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
ice bone skeleton (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
ice boned skeleton (0.0-1.0; befallen)
ice burrower, an (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Ice Chanter Ijelin (0.0-1.0; kael)
ice giant diplomat, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
ice giant magus, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
ice giant magus, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
ice giant priest, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
ice giant youth, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
ice giant, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
ice giant, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
ice giant, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
ice giant, an (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
ice goblin, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
ice goblin, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
ice goblin, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
ice paw sorcerer, an (0.0-1.0; velketor)
ice shade, an (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Ice Witch, The (3.0-99.0; permafrost)
Iceberg (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
icebone skeleton (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
icebone skeleton (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Icecrafter Iceskull (0.0-1.0; kael)
Icecrafter Leyreon (0.0-1.0; kael)
Icecrafter Sleestael (0.0-1.0; kael)
Icecrafter Uthyeor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Icehackle (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Icepaw champion, an (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Icepaw cleric, an (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Icepaw kobold priest, an (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Icepaw kobold warrior, an (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Icepaw kobold, an (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Icepaw kobold (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Icepaw prophet, an (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Icetooth (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Iceweaver Beldikan (0.0-1.0; kael)
Iceweaver Bonethrower (0.0-1.0; kael)
Iceweaver Cavestrider (0.0-1.0; kael)
Iceweaver Fjhorr (0.0-1.0; kael)
Iceweaver Maldekil (0.0-1.0; kael)
Iceweaver Pelryen (0.0-1.0; kael)
Iceweaver Sjeon (0.0-1.0; kael)
Icewell Sentinel, an (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Icewell Sentry, an (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
icy goblin, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
Icy Guardian (0.0-1.0; velketor)
icy orc, an (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
icy shade, an (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
icy terror, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
icy watcher, an (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Idia (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Iffrir Soulcaller (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Ikatiar the Venom (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Iksar abductor, an (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
Iksar anchoret, an (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
Iksar anchorite, an (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
Iksar Apparition, An (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Iksar Bandit Lord (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
iksar betrayer, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Iksar brigand, an (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen/warslikswood)
Iksar brigand, an (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Iksar brigand, an (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
iksar collaborator, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Iksar Dakoit (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Iksar exile (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Iksar exile (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen/warslikswood)
Iksar foreman, an (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Iksar manslayer, an (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen/warslikswood)
Iksar manslayer, an (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/swampofnohope/towerbone)
Iksar marauder, an (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/swampofnohope/towerbone/warslikswood)
Iksar marauder, an (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Iksar master, an (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Iksar mercenary (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Iksar necromancer, an (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Iksar pariah (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Iksar pariah (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen/warslikswood)
Iksar picaroon, an (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
Iksar prisoner, an (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
iksar slave, an (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
Iksar slave, an (0.0-1.0; nurga)
Iksar slave, an (0.0-1.0; droga)
Iksar slave, an (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Iksar slave, an (0.0-1.0; droga)
iksar spectre, an (1.0-99.0; kaesora)
Iksar tomb raider, an (1.0-99.0; emeraldjungle)
Iksar treasure hunter (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Iksar Trustee, An (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Ikurenm the Sly (3.0-99.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Ilia Hightree (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Illie Roln (3.0-99.0; qcat)
Illithi Nollith (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
immense underbulk, an (0.0-1.0; twilight)
imp familiar, an (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
imp protector (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
impaler swordfish, an (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Impaler Tzilug (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Imperial Advisor, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
imperial construct, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Imperial Courier, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Imperial Crypt Guardian (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Imperial Defender, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
imperial escort, an (2.0-99.0; lakeofillomen)
Imperial Golem, An (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Imperial Gravemaster, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
imperial guard, an (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Imperial Inspector, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Imperial Interrogator, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Imperial Officer, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Imperial Wardog, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Imperon Servicemen, An (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Imploded Stonegrabber, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
imposing cheetah, an (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Imxil Tbrow (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Incantator Brials (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Incantator Elza Dilsm (0.0-1.0; katta)
Incantator Firefall (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Incantator Gedy Helsin (0.0-1.0; katta)
Incantator Hue Teralin (0.0-1.0; katta)
Incantator Icewand (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Incantator Jak Masric (0.0-1.0; katta)
Incantator Jeena Talbson (0.0-1.0; katta)
Incantator Lizerian (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Incantator Palaser (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Incantator Saderloa (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Incantator Salien (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Incantator Stevak (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Incantator Teak Firetree (0.0-1.0; katta)
Incantator Toby Lidspin (0.0-1.0; katta)
Incantator Verloir (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Incantator Waek Kerrol (0.0-1.0; katta)
Incantator Yaln Dilsm (0.0-1.0; katta)
Incoherent spirit (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
IneThar Dizok (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
infected officer (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
infernal consort, an (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
infernal shadow, an (0.0-1.0; twilight)
inferno fiend, an (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
inferno goblin captain (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
inferno goblin shaman (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
inferno goblin torturer (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
inferno goblin wizard (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
inferno goblin (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
inferno mephit, an (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Inferno (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Initiate Corrith (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
initiate familiar, an (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Initiate Firansad (3.0-99.0; ecommons)
Initiate Goridam (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Initiate Halagin (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Initiate Kroskain (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Initiate Sircthain (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Initiate Sirlis (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
injured halfling, an (0.0-1.0; najena)
injured polar bear, an (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
Innkeep Restoration (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Innkeep (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Innoruuk (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Innoruuk (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Innoruuk (0.0-1.9; hateplane)
Innoruuks Chosen (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Insanity Crawler, The (0.0-1.0; akheva)
insatiable devourer, an (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
insatiable gnawer, an (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
insatiable nibbler, an (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Inspired Spire Spirit, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Instadis (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Interrogator Gimok (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Interrogator of RyGorr (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
interrogator, an (2.0-99.0; southkarana)
Intervallum Guard, An (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Intervallum Guard, An (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Intoxicating Spire Spirit, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
investigator, an (2.0-99.0; qeynos)
Ioltos Vghera (1.0-99.0; kithicor)
Ionat (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Irak Altil (1.0-99.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
ire ghast, an (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Iri (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Irin Lunis (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
irmin fannsk, an (0.0-1.0; postorms)
irmin fannsk, an (0.0-1.0; postorms)
irmin her megir, an (0.0-1.0; postorms)
iron guardian, an (0.0-2.0; nektulos)
Iron Guardian (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Iron Sentinel (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Irrek Bloodfist (0.0-1.0; kael)
Irslak the Wretched (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Isabella Cellus (0.0-1.0; highkeep/qeytoqrg)
Ishva Lteth gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Ishva Mal, The (0.0-1.0; paw)
island goblin headhunter, an (0.0-1.0; oot)
isle goblin chieftan (0.0-1.0; oot)
isle goblin headhunter, an (0.0-1.0; oot)
isle goblin warrior, an (0.0-1.0; oot)
isle goblin wizard, an (0.0-1.0; oot)
isle goblin, an (0.0-1.0; oot)
Isopca (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Isseith Xerok (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Itraer Vius, The (0.0-1.0; akheva)
ItraerRenthias (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Ivie Bramblefoot (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Iyalinaoukh (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Iziyaneema (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Jabon TKix (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
jack o lantern, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
Jacker (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Jacum CLuzz (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Jaeil the Wretched (1.0-99.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Jaelk (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Jahsohn Aksot (1.0-99.0; commons)
Jail Clerk Maryl (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Jailer Mkrarrg (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Jairnel Marfury (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Jake the Shoveler (0.0-1.0; echo)
Jakom Herolon (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Jakum Webdancer (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Jali Kaliio (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Janam Rekish (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Jared Skies (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Jarra (0.0-1.0; erudsxing)
Jars Legola (0.0-1.0; innothule/rathemtn)
jaundiced sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Jaxoliz Dawneyes (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Jaylia the Faithful (2.0-99.0; qeynos2)
Jaylorx (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Jayson BriTian (0.0-1.0; nexus)
jeering gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Jegard QNacat (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Jekca Mucktail (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Jelek Icepaw (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Jelquar the Soulslayer (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Jen Sapara (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Jennus Lyklobar (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
Jeren Manri (4.0-99.0; droga)
Jerg Oakenfist (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Jerra Renlock (3.0-99.0; freporte)
Jetsam (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
Jhyric Kan Voth (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Jibble Blexnik (3.0-99.0; steamfont)
Jimble Woodentoe (4.0-99.0; ecommons)
jin ghoul wizard, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Jinalis Andir (1.0-99.0; cauldron)
Jiva (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Jo Jo (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Joffin Sinclay (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Jogl Doobraugh (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Johaan Landro (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Johanius Barleou (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Jojongua (0.0-1.0; innothule)
Jolum (3.0-5.0; bazaar)
Jonah Brucker (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Jopal Chieftain (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Jopal Crafter (0.0-1.0; pofire)
jopal defender, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
jopal flame guardian, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Jopal Flame Protector (0.0-1.0; pofire)
jopal gatherer, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
jopal gatherer, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
jopal guardian, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
jopal hunter, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
jopal hunter, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
jopal lavahurler, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
jopal mystic, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
jopal protector, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Jopal Seer (0.0-1.0; pofire)
jopal soldier, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Jopal Tracker (0.0-1.0; pofire)
jord far, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
jord kriger, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
jord militis, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
jord profet, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
jord skygge, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
jord tyv, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Joren Nobleheart (1.0-99.0; felwitheb)
Jorlleag (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Jorna (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Jorumin (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
jotna fannsk, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
jotna fannsk, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
jotna her megir, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Joyce (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Jozter (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Jracol Brestiage (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Jras Solsier (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Jsvan Zexus (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Jualicn (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
judicator of Dizok (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
judicator of Dizok (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Juline Urncaller (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Julius Oresko (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Jumbo Gorilla King (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
jungle hunter, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
jungle raptor, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
jungle spiritling, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
jungle stalker, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Junk Beast (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Junth McMannus (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Jyle Windshot (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Jylian Frostshade (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Jynhadar (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Kaden Gron (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Kael Militia Captain (0.0-1.0; kael)
Kaggy Krup (1.0-99.0; swampofnohope)
Kaiaren (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Kaith Harrowsky (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Kala (0.0-1.0; erudsxing)
Kalacs FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Kalamin Norkhitter (0.0-1.0; kaladimb)
Kalayia Woodwhisper (1.0-99.0; lfaydark)
Kalik Icepaw (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Kalin Abanjabi (0.0-1.0; katta)
Kalin Nathsar (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Kalkar of the Maelstrom (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Kallis Stormcaller (0.0-1.0; kael)
Kalliz (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
KalVunar (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Kane Bayle (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Kaniz flayer, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Kaniz flesh flayer, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Kaniz hide collector, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Kaniz hopedefiler, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Kaniz hunter, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Kaniz minion, a (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Kaniz ravager, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Kaniz tormentor, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Kaniz torturer, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Kantao Darkwaters (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Kanthurn (1.0-99.0; lakerathe)
Kar Sapara (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Kardador Tarsinian (0.0-1.0; nexus)
Karg IceBear (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
Kargin the Archer (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Karkona (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Karnan (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Karzyn the Dreadgazer (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Kasine Paegra (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Katizm Banum (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Kaya Cloudfoot (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Kazen Fecae (1.0-99.0; lakerathe)
Kazzel DLeryt (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Kedrak (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Keel (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Keeper Lasnik (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Keeper of Earth (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
Keeper of Sorrows, The (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Keeper of Souls (0.0-1.0; airplane)
keeper of the glades (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Keeper of the Tombs (1.0-99.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Keeper of the Truth, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Keeper Sepsis (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
keeper, a (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Keeshla Levlora (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Kejar the Mighty (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
kejek leopard, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
kejek leopardess, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
kejek tiger, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Kejek tigeress, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
kejekan amir, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
kejekan archer, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Kejekan awrat, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
kejekan fisherman, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
kejekan ghulam, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Kejekan ispusar, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
kejekan lookout, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
kejekan mamluk, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
kejekan miner, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Kejekan mujahed, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
kejekan pasdar, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Keldor DekTorek (0.0-1.0; kael)
KelekVor moss snake, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Keljemor (0.0-1.0; velketor)
KelorekDar (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Kennar (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Kennel Master Alele (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Kerdelb (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Keref Spiritspear (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
Kerosh Blackhand (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
kerra lion, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerra puma, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerra spider, a (0.0-1.0; erudsxing)
Kerran ademzada shaman, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran ademzada, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran ademzadaamir, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran ahmad shaman, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran amir, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran amira guardian, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran amira priestess, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran amira protector, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran awrat, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran ghazi shaman, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Kerran ghazi, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran ghaziamir, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran ghulam, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran gorilla shaman, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran gorilla, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran ispusar, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran mamluk, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran mujahed, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran pasdar, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran pazdar shaman, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran pazdar, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran pazhal, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Kerran puzhal, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran sharr apprentice, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Kerran Sharr, The (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran tiger spahi (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
kerran tseq (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Keylara Abanjabi (0.0-1.0; katta)
Khala Dun Hebijeb (0.0-1.0; sharvahl)
Khala Dun Sleyhin (0.0-1.0; sharvahl)
Khati Sha the Twisted (0.0-1.0; faydarkfragment)
Khelkar Icepaw (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Khlem Alestone (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Khonza Mitty of Kerra (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Khrix Fritchoff (0.0-1.0; unrest)
Kihun Solstin (1.0-99.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Kilam Oresinger (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
killer darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
killer lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
killer shark, a (0.0-1.0; erudsxing)
Killer Vine (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Kimble Nogflop (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Kimry Joolimel (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Kindl Lunsight (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Kindle (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
Kindra Farseer (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
King Akanon (0.0-1.0; akanon)
King Gomklin of Below (0.0-1.0; echo)
King Gragnar (0.0-1.0; warrens)
King Grery of Above (0.0-1.0; echo)
King Kazon Stormhammer (0.0-1.0; kaladima)
King ThexKa IV (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
King Tormax (0.0-1.0; kael)
King Tranix (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
King Xorbb (0.0-1.0; beholder)
Kinlo Strongarm (1.0-99.0; kaladimb)
Kinten Rhys (0.0-1.0; sseru)
kiraikuei, a (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Kirak Vil (1.0-99.0; nektulos)
Kirran Mirrah (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Kithicor (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Kizdean Gix (0.0-1.0; commons)
Kizrak the Tyrant (1.0-99.0; oggok)
Kladnog Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Klaggan Iceshard (0.0-1.0; kael)
Klan KJartan (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Klandar Bronzebrow (0.0-1.0; katta)
Klandicar (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Klaren Dunn (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
klaugg disciple, a (0.0-99.0; myriah)
klaugg frostfeller, a (0.0-99.0; myriah)
klaugg frostfoiler, a (0.0-99.0; myriah)
klaugg frostthrower, a (0.0-99.0; myriah)
klaugg icechanter, a (0.0-99.0; myriah)
klaugg reveler, a (0.0-99.0; myriah)
klaugg trinketmaker, a (0.0-99.0; myriah)
klaugg whelp, a (0.0-99.0; myriah)
Klazaz the Slayer (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Klia (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Klieb Torne (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Klok Denris (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Klom Jysun (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Klraggek the Slayer (0.0-1.0; kael)
kly acolyte, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
kly believer, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
kly cohort, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
kly evoker, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
kly follower, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
kly imprecator, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
kly imprecator, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
kly imprecator, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
kly invoker, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
Kly Overseer, the (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
Kly, The (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
Knari Morawk (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Knight Dragol (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Knight of Air, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
Knight of Decay (0.0-1.0; codecay)
Knight of Decay (0.0-1.0; codecay)
Knight of Innoruuk, a (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Knight of Sathir (0.0-1.0; karnor)
Knight of the Dread Sun (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Knight of Zek, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
kobold advisor, a (3.0-99.0; soldungb)
kobold brawler, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
kobold champion (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
kobold guardian, a (3.0-99.0; soldungb)
kobold missionary, a (2.0-99.0; steamfont)
kobold noble (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
kobold outcast, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
kobold pit fighter, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
kobold predator (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
kobold priest (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
kobold sentinel, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
kobold spiritslaver, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
kobold wanderer, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
kobold watcher, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
kodiak bear, a (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
kodiak, a (0.0-1.0; commons)
Kogna (0.0-1.0; oggok)
KokaVor krovian, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
KokaVor senvar, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Komazz (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Konem Matse (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Konid Merdrid (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Konious Eranon (0.0-1.0; freporte)
kor ghoul wizard, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Korakaz (0.0-1.0; kael)
Korasal Klyseer (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Korascian Hunter, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Korascian Necksnapper, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Korf Brokenhammer (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Kornek Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Korocust (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Korocust (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Korucusts Courier (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Korvik the Cursed (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Korzak Stonehammer (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Koxiux the Imperceptible (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
Kraen Flameweaver (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
krag elder, a (3.0-99.0; steamfont)
Krellices (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Krendic slitherer, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Krigara (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Kristov Otto (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Krizin JNarus (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Krizon GNoir (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Krode the Diviner (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
kromrif prison guard, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Kromrif Prison Guard (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
kromrif recruiter, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
Kromrif wolf master, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
kromriff guardsman (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
kromzek sorcerer, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
kromzek spy, a (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Kron Redstepp (0.0-1.0; qcat)
krup ghoul knight (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Krystal Aspen (0.0-1.0; qrg)
Krytn Redstepp (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Krziik the Mighty (0.0-1.0; powater)
Kszan Punox (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Kuanbyr Hailstorm (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Kunark rhino, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Kuraal Nem Azmih (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Kurron Ni (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Kurrpok Splitpaw (0.0-1.0; paw)
Kuvan Wolvesbane (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Kwinn the Outlander (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Kyenka (0.0-1.0; kael)
Kylan ODanos (0.0-1.0; halas)
Kyralynn (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Laarthik KShin (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Lady Chromoire (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Lady Fianya (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Lady Gelistial (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Lady McCabe (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Lady Mirenilla (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Lady Nevederia (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Lady Shae (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Lady Vox (6.0-7.0; fireice)
Lady Vox (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
Laef Windfall (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Laegdric FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Lahn Whinstone (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Laima Ratgur (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Laken Boorheez (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Lakgara the Righteous (2.0-99.0; halas)
Lameriae the Alluring (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Lamukas Kaesoanls (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
lancer swordfish, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Landar Eklin (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Lann Dabldrin (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Laoch Aewern (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Chief Seti (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Drazifs (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Drixnal (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Ealkiq (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Jaklor (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Juklax (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Laeor (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Maljix (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Nablibx (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Sabtooth (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Salthz (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Uljux (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Yailin (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Yilnor (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Yralix (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Yubtin (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Zalbryn (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Zelnair (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoch Zialben (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Laoni Reista (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Lapker Geynion (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Lararith (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
large kobold, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
large barracuda, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
large bloodvein mosquito (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
large commoner, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
large darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
large dire wolf, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
large fire goblin (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
large gorilla, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
large greenblood piranha, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
large hammerhead shark, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
large heart spider, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
large heartsting scorpion (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
large hunter, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
large kobold, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
large pirahna, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
large piranha, a (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
large piranha, a (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
large piranha, a (0.0-1.0; commons)
large sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
large swordfish, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
large velium statue, a (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
large wetfang, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
large wisp, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
large zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Largon Welsh (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Larik ZVole (1.0-99.0; lfaydark)
Larisa Gelrith (0.0-1.0; oot)
Larkin Tolman (3.0-99.0; qey2hh1)
Lars McMannus (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1/qeytoqrg)
Laruken the Rigid (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Laryk Icepaw (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Lasiya (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Lasna Cheroon (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
lava basilisk, a (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
lava beetle (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
lava crawler, a (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
lava dancer, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
lava dancer, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Lava Defender, A (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
lava drake (0.0-1.0; veeshan)
lava duct crawler (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
lava elemental (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
lava giant, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
lava guardian (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
lava lordling, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
lava mephit, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
lava runed gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
lava walker, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
lava walker, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
lavawalker steed, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Lawyla (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Lcea Katta (0.0-1.0; katta)
lead explorer, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Leaf Falldim (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Leatherfoot Captain (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Leatherfoot Deputy (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Leatherfoot Deputy (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Leatherfoot Deputy (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Leatherfoot Deputy (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Leatherfoot medic (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
leering gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Legatarius Banael (0.0-1.0; sseru)
legendary sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Legionnaire Abedeb (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Aeblish (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Agorix (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Aiddan (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Akixok (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Alivarius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Alveyrem (0.0-1.0; kael)
Legionnaire Angust (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Anolami (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Legionnaire Apollonius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Aponius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Apthorus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Ardion (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Arices (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Artemidorus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Atlakices (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Avoretes (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Axlox (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Baen (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Legionnaire Balien (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Banictus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Baolk (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Belisarius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Berblug (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Berplugle (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Blizzardwalker (0.0-1.0; kael)
Legionnaire Blokgrim (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Bonosus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Brill (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Broble (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Bromidus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Brugnar (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Buntop (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Byltor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Legionnaire Byronius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Caelum (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Carinalio (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Carsius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Catonius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Catullus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Celox (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Claudius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Cobnoggin (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Cogniker (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Cosmus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Cresces (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Dalini (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Legionnaire Dannicus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Decmitius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Delaren (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Devorialius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Diodotus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Doctalious (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Legionnaire Domrib (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Doralycus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Doreses (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Dromides (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Durus (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Eandalion (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Legionnaire Elari (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Eldopop (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Equus (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Erallic (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Ericos (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Evbarjor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Legionnaire Faieaie (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Falion (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Legionnaire Fenstra (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Fircka (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Flavio (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Flobbin (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Frankulus (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Legionnaire Fulgeo (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Galea (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Garffe (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Garrok (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Gilldonicus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Giovesanes (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Giru (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Legionnaire Glap (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Glycon (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Gorbthar (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Gumpbar (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Gyarg (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Hadolar (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Haldrick (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Hava (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Hectavio (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Heraticus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Heratio (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Hesicalic (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Hesychius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Hicesius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Hoblle (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Holiged (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Holisus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Holug (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Hugby (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Hyuni (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Legionnaire Icebender (0.0-1.0; kael)
Legionnaire Ioces (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Iustario (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Iysando (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Jaypario (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Kallazam (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Kapericus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Kazzek (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Khyosr (0.0-1.0; kael)
Legionnaire Klicbang (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Koaltok (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Korael (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Kovenic (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Legionnaire Leemnix (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Logoxop (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Lorica (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Loricut (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Loxscog (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Malicio (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Maxos (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Legionnaire Meos (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Mhits (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Micon (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Miconius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Mixltik (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Mordib (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Munsoon (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Nalicario (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Nefas (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Neville (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Nicimious (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Nimlox (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Ocius (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire of the Hand, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire of the Hand, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Oridion (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Orloxip (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Orodilius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Orosius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Ozzmik (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Palati (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Parethro (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Paryanos (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Peralisor (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Perealos (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Pernicious (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Perticon (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Pino (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Piscius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Plixltob (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Plocamus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Poggle (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Poliedes (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Potalius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Potens (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Proddleb (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Pudentius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Pythion (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Qalliceus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Quavictus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Quentin (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Rammi (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Rebices (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Remigius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Revones (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Rices (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Roarices (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Rodalek (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Rokgar (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Rolificus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Romaric (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Rothgan (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Rothgivus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Rotin (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Rukos (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Secario (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Sedo (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Sjeldor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Legionnaire Skross (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Sorio (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Soterides (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Spaldres (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Legionnaire Tarautas (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Tharll (0.0-1.0; kael)
Legionnaire Thorinius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Tibos (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Toktix (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Toralitides (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Tribledek (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Trikaticus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Tripticus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Tulen (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Tutela (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Tweedlib (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Twibleok (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Urolic (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Utilliac (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Valde (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Valesco (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Vaquiles (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Varioces (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Vaslan (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Vassus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Veak (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Vendicius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Viator (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Vindic (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Vires (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Visum (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Vitruvius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Voleo (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Vulati (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Whiteaxe (0.0-1.0; kael)
Legionnaire Willecius (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Wraeni (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Wundaces (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Xaldivious (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Xandilious (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Ximbl (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Xinn (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Xobok (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Yabatus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Yabbo (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Yaelidion (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Yarolok (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Yerven (0.0-1.0; kael)
Legionnaire Yolicus (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Yvedrn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Legionnaire Zalobnokin (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Zavi (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Zeboxin (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Zexolicor (0.0-1.0; katta)
Legionnaire Zota (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Legionnaire Zweeblok (0.0-1.0; katta)
Leistr (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Leljemor (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Lema Aru (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Lempeck Hargrin (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Lendel Deeppockets (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Lendel Trobo (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Lendiniara the Keeper (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Lenka Stoutheart (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Leon (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Lepethida (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
leprous scarab, a (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
leprous scarab (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Leraena Shelyrak (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Lerin Sardor (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Lerty (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
lesser arisen skeleton (0.0-1.0; towerfrost)
lesser blade fiend (0.0-1.0; unrest)
lesser charbone skeleton (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
lesser charbone skeleton (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
lesser charbone skeleton (0.0-1.0; kurn)
lesser charbone skeleton (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
lesser fiery spirit steed, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Lesser Guardian, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
lesser ice shade, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
lesser icebone skeleton (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
lesser icebone skeleton (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
lesser icebone skeleton (0.0-1.0; kurn)
lesser icebone skeleton (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
lesser kobold shaman, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
lesser mummy, a (0.0-1.0; ecommons/kithicor/nektulos)
lesser mummy, a (0.0-1.0; commons)
lesser mummy, a (0.0-1.0; befallen/innothule/misty/nro)
lesser nightmare, a (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
lesser shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Lesser Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
lesser storm giant noble, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
lesser tar goo, a (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Lheao (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Lhurgoz the Decayed (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
Librarian assistant (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Librarian Rushal (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Librarian Zimor (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Librarian (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Lich of Miragul (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
Lictor of the Heart, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Lieutenant Aiden Finn (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Lieutenant Arathur (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Lieutenant Arathur (0.0-1.0; echo)
Lieutenant Ayyoan (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Baelin Dwinn (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Lieutenant Bloodeye (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Bloodhand (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Broansas (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Lieutenant Dagarok (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Lieutenant Faejorek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Fangcaller (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Fihat Rythad (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Lieutenant Fjlore (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Frostbite (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Havblad (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Junis Bolarin (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Lieutenant Keded Merdunk (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Lieutenant Krofer (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Lieutenant Kurjul (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Leafstalker (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Lieutenant Llrenii (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Lorhjorn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Midraim (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Lieutenant Noton Jurnnes (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Lieutenant Nvellor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Rosaed (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Lieutenant Roset Beatry (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Lieutenant Steinern (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Stormcleaver (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Stormeye (0.0-1.0; kael)
Lieutenant Ulfur (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Lieutenant Vellos (0.0-1.0; kael)
life leech, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Life (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
lifestealer mosquito, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
light cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
light sonic wolf, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Light Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
light stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud/letalis)
Lightcrawler Defiler, A (0.0-1.0; podisease)
lightcrawler drone, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Lightcrawler Pest, A (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; mseru)
lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
lightning elemental, a (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Lignark (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Lily Ashwood (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Linara Parlone (0.0-1.0; najena)
Linbrak (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
lindwyrm, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Linfa Deepdark (0.0-1.0; sseru)
lion patriarch, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
lioness matriarch, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Lish McMarrin (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
Lislia Goldtune (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Lisv DUnnar (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Lisvan XLottl (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Liteema Agner (0.0-1.0; twilight)
lithe shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Lithiniath (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
lively lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
living shadow, a (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
lizard broodling, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard champion, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard crusader, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard crusader, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard defender, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard defender, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard disciple, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard disciple, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard fanatic, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard fanatic, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard guard, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard herald, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard herald, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard judicator, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard judicator, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard justicar, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard justicar, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard man guard, a (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
lizard page, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard page, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard probationer, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard probationer, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard proselyte, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard protector, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard protector, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard ritualist, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard ritualist, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard sentinel, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard sentinel, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard warder, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard warrior, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard zealot, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
lizard zealot, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
loathling lich, a (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
loathsome creeper, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Lockjaw (0.0-1.0; oasis)
Loda Kai guardian, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Loda Kai soldier, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Loda Kai trader, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Lodizal (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
Loewnsaz Waldalon (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lokar ToBiath (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Lon the Redeemed (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Lookout Belorop (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Bolombo (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Delron (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Eloralon (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Falatalix (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Gereol (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Girols (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Nelorin (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Reloen (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Sereon (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Tageonia (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Tiblo (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Uhingil (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Valobolo (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lookout Yereil (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Lord Bergurgle (1.0-99.0; lakerathe)
Lord Darish (0.0-1.0; crushbone)
Lord Doljonijiarnimorinar (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Lord Elgnub (1.0-99.0; blackburrow)
Lord Feshlak (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Lord Gimblox (1.0-99.0; soldunga)
Lord Gongo (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Lord Gorelik (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Lord Gossimerwind (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Lord Grimrot (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Lord Grimrot (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Lord Inquisitor Seru (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Lord KoiDoken (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Lord Korzin (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Lord Kreizenn (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Lord Lyfyx of Burwood (1.0-99.0; soltemple)
Lord Mithaniel Marr (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
Lord Nagafen (6.0-7.0; fireice)
Lord Nagafen (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
Lord Nethryn (2.0-99.0; felwithea)
Lord of Injustice, The (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
Lord of Ire (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Lord of Loathing (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Lord Pickclaw (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Lord Prismwing (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Lord Qyzar (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Lord Searfire (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Lord Shin Ree (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
Lord Soptyvr (0.0-1.0; beholder)
Lord Sviir (0.0-1.0; beholder)
Lord Syrkl (0.0-1.0; beholder)
Lord Vyemm (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Lord Yelinak (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Lorekeeper Roggik (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Lorekeeper (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Loremaster Derrin (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Loremaster Pizatak (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Loremaster Sarl (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Loremaster Solstrin (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Lork (0.0-1.0; oggok)
Lorna Shearsin (0.0-1.0; oot)
Lorud (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Lossenmachar (0.0-1.0; poair)
lost gnome, a (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Lozani (0.0-1.0; freporte/highkeep)
Lteth Mal Gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Lteth Mas Gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Lteth Val Gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Lteth Val Scribe, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Lucid Arachnae, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Lukas Hergo (3.0-99.0; qey2hh1)
Lumbering Beast, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Lumbering Beast, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Lumi Stergnon (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Luminare Pasinia (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Luminii Crawler, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
lumpy goo (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
lumpy goo (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
lunar stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Lurian (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
lurking mummy, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
LuSun (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Lylanthian (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Lylea (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Lynada the exiled (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
Lynce Renardo (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Lyneea Doyle (0.0-1.0; katta)
Lynuga (0.0-1.0; innothule)
Lyphor (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Lyra Lyrestringer (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Lyris Moonbane (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Lysandra (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Lysbith McNaff (0.0-1.0; halas)
Maareq the Prophet (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Madame Serena (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
maddened Burynai, a (0.0-1.0; droga)
Maen KulDaar (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Maestro of Rancor (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Maestro of Rancor (0.0-1.0; hateplane)
Maga McMurta (0.0-1.0; sseru)
maggot infested flesh (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Magi Ptasa (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Magi Rokyl (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
magician, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
magician, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
magician, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
magma giant, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
magma guardian, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Magma Overlord (0.0-1.0; pofire)
magma rocklord, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Magmaton (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Magnus Boran (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Magus of Decay (0.0-1.0; codecay)
magus of fire, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
magus protectorate, a (0.0-1.0; katta)
Magus Rokyl (2.0-99.0; soldungb)
Maid Issis (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Maid Issis (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Majestic Gemwalker, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
major arisen skeleton (0.0-1.0; towerfrost)
Makala (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Makil Rargon (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
malarian defiler, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
malarian gall, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
malarian metamo, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
malarian pest, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Malda Braltek (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Maldyn the Unkempt (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
malevolent drake, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
malevolent shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
malfunctioning system, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Maligar (1.0-99.0; qey2hh1)
malign lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Malik Zaren (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Malka Rale (1.0-99.0; qcat)
Malteor Flamecaller (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
mammoth calf, a (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
Mammoth (0.0-1.0; qrg)
man eating creeper (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
man eating fern (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
man eating plant (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
man eating vine (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Manaetic Behemoth (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Manaetic Prototype IX (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Manaetic Prototype X (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Manaetic Prototype XI (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Mandro Salma (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Mangled Vegerog, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Mannan of the Sabertooth (0.0-1.0; blackburrow)
manticore, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
manticore, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Mare XLottl (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Marianna (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Maricella Slithra (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Marik Clubthorn (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Marin Pointear (0.0-1.0; echo)
Marinda Flockwings (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Marl Kastane (1.0-99.0; kerraridge)
Marlek Icepaw (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Marlin Bizmite (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Marn Darkson (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Marn Loosefoot (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Marshall Galeron (0.0-1.0; echo)
Martar IceBear (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
Marus Kemson (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Marv Orilis (3.0-99.0; freporte)
Mass of Living Earth, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
mass of shadows, a (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Massive Lightcrawler, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
massive sediment delver, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
massive stone guardian, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
massive underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Master Brewer (0.0-1.0; blackburrow)
Master Fasliw (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Master Glox (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Master of Spite (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Master of the Guard (0.0-1.0; sleeper)
Master Sergeant Aaramis Daryln (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Master Vhezar (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Master Whoopal (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Master Yael (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
masterful cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Math Wintersong (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
mature chromadrac, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
Mature Fungoid, A (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
mature graniteback, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
mature panda, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Mature Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
mature sensate reishi, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
mature wurm, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
mature wyvern, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
Maugarim (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Mav Sapara (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Mayor Gubbin (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Mazi (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Mazrien (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
mechanic, a (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Medry FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
meeda hune airlord, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune animalist, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune archaeologist, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune dancer, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune dreadlord, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune hatter, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune hero, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune hopeful, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune justicar, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune lordling, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune noble, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune rager, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune rock collector, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune runemaster, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune soldier, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune stormbrewer, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune stormwatcher, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
meeda hune warlord, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Mees (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Megosh Thistlethorn (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Meisa Valk (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Meldikor the Windchaser (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Meldrath The Malignant (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Meljemor (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Melodei Cruzsia (0.0-1.0; katta)
Mema Dort (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Menkes Tabolet (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Mentrax Mountainbone (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
Meonyc FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
mephit lackey, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
mephit retainer, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
mephit, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Merchant Tekrama (3.0-5.0; bazaar)
Mercutius Rutledge (0.0-1.0; katta)
Merdan Fleetfoot (1.0-99.0; qrg)
Merec (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
mermaid, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Merow (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
metallic slime, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Metha Wintersong (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
methodical cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Mheno Raveus (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Micc Koter (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Midayor (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Midnight (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
Mighty Bear Paw, The (0.0-1.0; warrens)
mighty bloodtribe hunter, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Mighty Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; letalis/scarlet)
mighty underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
mighty zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Mikeana Tolstaub (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Mildar Gormrok (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Mildin Whistler (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Milea Clothspinner (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Milla (0.0-1.0; erudsxing)
Miller (0.0-1.0; katta)
Mils McMarrin (0.0-1.0; halas)
Miltiades TalAzroth (3.0-99.0; qeynos)
mimic, a (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Mina Glimmerwing (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
mind burrower, A (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Mind Leech, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Mindless Minion, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
mindless tunneler, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Miner Buritch (0.0-1.0; echo)
Miner Corin (0.0-1.0; echo)
Miner Daven (0.0-1.0; echo)
Miner Dirkins (0.0-1.0; echo)
Miner Neville (0.0-1.0; echo)
Miner Perrin (0.0-1.0; echo)
Miner Skorn (0.0-1.0; echo)
Miner Tager (0.0-1.0; echo)
Miner Zelitz (0.0-1.0; echo)
minion of Xalgoz (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
Minnowgulper, The (0.0-1.0; paludal)
minotaur elder, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Minotaur Guard (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Minotaur Guard (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Minotaur Lord (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
minotaur patriarch, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Minotaur Sentry (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
minotaur, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
Mirabai (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Miranda (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
mire leech, a (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
mischievious batling, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
mischievous shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Mischievous Stormrider, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
misery mephit, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Missy McElle (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
mist elemental, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
mist golem, a (0.0-1.0; citymist)
Mister Malodor (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
MisterFizzle (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Mistmoore guard, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Mistrana Two Notes (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Mistress Anna (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Mistress Latazura (0.0-1.0; sirens)
Mistress of Scorn (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Misty Storyswapper (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1/qeytoqrg)
Misty Tekcihta (1.0-99.0; lakerathe)
Mith Wintersong (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
Mizer (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Mnyup (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Modani QuLoni (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Mogan Delfin (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
moldering ape, a (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
moldering gorilla, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
moldy sausage, a (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
molten magmin, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Monala (0.0-1.0; erudsxing)
Monia Oakstone (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Monstrous Sea Turtle (0.0-1.0; powater)
monstrous underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Moobik (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Moodoro Finharn (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
moor tortoise, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Moosh (0.0-1.0; najena)
Morachii FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
morass leech, a (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Morgalanth TalRaeloen (3.0-99.0; neriakb)
Morin Shadowbane (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Morn Darkson (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Mort (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
mortiferous golem, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Mortiferous Protector (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Mortificator Syythrak (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
mortuary fungus (0.0-1.0; unrest)
Mose Chewbeard (0.0-1.0; sseru)
mosscovered treant, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Mother Ilisial Fordel (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
mountain giant brae, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
mountain giant brae, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
mountain giant brae (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
mountain giant craig, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
mountain giant craig, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
mountain giant craig (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
mountain giant hillock, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
mountain giant patriarch, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
mountain giant steep, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
mountain giant tump, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
mountain spiritling, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
mountainous stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Mouths of Misery, The (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Mraaka (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Mrak (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Mrando McGrannis (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Mroon (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Mrowro Wirewhisker (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Mublok (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
muck covered elemental (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
muddite elder, a (0.0-1.0; beholder)
muddite minor, a (0.0-1.0; beholder)
muddite recordkeeper, a (3.0-99.0; beholder)
Muddite Seeker, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Muglwump, The (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Mujaki the Devourer (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
mumbling totem man, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
mummified sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
mummy, a (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
mummy, a (0.0-1.0; sro)
Murdrick Tardok (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
murkwater minnow, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Murph Cobblestone (0.0-1.0; echo)
mutant dreg, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Muzlakh the Chosen (0.0-1.0; poair)
My Finger (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
My Right Hand (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
myconid adept (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
myconid priest (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
myconid reaver (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
myconid spore king (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
myconid warrior (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Myga (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Mynthi Davissi (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Myraephe the Pure (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Myrmidon of Stone, A (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
Mystic Bamina (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
mystic of RyGorr (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Mytha Wintersong (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
Mywyn Tinendel (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Naelizar (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Najena (0.0-1.0; najena)
Nal McMarrin (0.0-1.0; halas)
Naldo Ringer (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Nalginor FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Nallar QTentu (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Nancine (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Nanzata the Warder (0.0-1.0; sleeper)
Narmak Berreka (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Narra Tanith (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
nasty darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
nasty zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Nathyn Illuminious (0.0-1.0; katta)
natural cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
natural stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Nax Ghruna (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Naxot Deepwater (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Naya Driftwood (0.0-1.0; oot)
Neab (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Neb (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Neclo Rheslar (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
necro acolyte, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
necro acolyte, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
necro acolyte, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
necro apprentice, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
necro apprentice, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
necro apprentice, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
necro theurgist, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
necro theurgist, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
Necromancer of Decay (0.0-1.0; codecay)
necromancer, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
necromancer, a (0.3-5.0; najena)
necrosis scarab, a (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Needlescale Basilisk, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Needlite Queen, The (0.0-1.0; echo)
needlite, a (0.0-1.0; echo)
Neffiken Lord of KelekVor (0.0-1.0; postorms)
negotiator, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Neiroth (3.0-99.0; soldungb)
Nelaarn the Ebon Claw (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Nelef the Trader (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Nemli (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Nenika Lightfoot (1.0-99.0; qey2hh1)
Nentae Weaver (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Neordla (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Nerbilik (0.0-1.0; oot)
neriad maiden, a (0.0-1.0; sirens)
neriad mistress, a (0.0-1.0; sirens)
Nerkila (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Nerla Kunzar (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Netherbian Drone, A (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
netherbian hive fiend, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
netherbian infestor, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
netherbian ravager, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
netherbian seeker, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Netherbian Swarmcaller, A (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Netherbian Swarmcaller (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Netherbian Warrior, A (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
nettling wraith, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Netuk Phenzon (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Nevor Jikman (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
newly created sentry, a (0.0-1.0; sleeper)
Nexona (0.0-1.0; veeshan)
Nexvok Thirod (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Nezekezena (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Nghala Sretch (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Niblek (0.0-1.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Nicholas (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Niclaus Ressinn (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Niera Farbreeze (1.0-99.0; qrg)
Nifta (0.0-1.0; erudsxing)
Nightclaw Raptor, a (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
nightfall giant, a (0.0-1.0; commons)
nightmare, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
nightstalker, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Nihilist Yeegarn (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Nihilist Zeegarn (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Nilasz the Devourer (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Nilborien Noble, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
Nilborien Scholar, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
Nilborien Servant, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
Nilits contraption (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Nillipuss (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Niltoth the Unholy (0.0-1.0; hole)
Nindle Hogster (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Nintal (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Niola Impholder (0.0-1.0; felwitheb)
NirTan (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Nisch Mal Gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Nisch Mas Gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Nisch Val Gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Nisch Val Guard, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Nisch Val Torash Mashk (0.0-1.0; paw)
Noble Dojorn (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Noble Helssen (0.0-1.0; kael)
noble, a (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Noclin Saah (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Noilgin Mindtune (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Nojas Blackfist (0.0-1.0; kael)
Nola Thistleborn (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
nomadic scorpion, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Nonnie Texaker (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Noppta Mottun (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Norlta Zamish (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Norsirx (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Nortlav the Scalekeeper (1.0-99.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Nosja (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Not Poddle Pop (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Not Yours (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
noxious jungle spider, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
noxious scorponnis, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
noxious spider (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
NraBrox Mucktail (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
NraVren Mucktail (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
NreGlega Mucktail (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
NreLoxe Mucktail (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Nul Aleswiller (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Nura Starwatcher (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Nuryek (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Nusk Treton (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Nylianne the True (2.0-99.0; gfaydark)
Nyrein the Beguiled (3.0-99.0; kedge)
Nyrien Lyrdarniel (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
Nyuae the Cruel (3.0-99.0; oot)
Nyzil Bloodforge (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Oazyln FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Obretl (1.0-99.0; sro)
Observer Aqtouz (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
obsidian lava spider, an (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Obsidian Tree Spider Queen (0.0-1.0; pofire)
obsidian tree spider, an (0.0-1.0; pofire)
obsidian tree spiderling, an (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Obsidian War Spider (0.0-1.0; pofire)
obsolete model, an (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Occisor Acerbus, An (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
Occisor Primorus (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
Oct Velic (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Oculys Ogrefiend (1.0-99.0; rathemtn)
odd mole, an (0.0-1.0; kurn)
off duty Accountant, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
off duty Overseer, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
off duty Pitboss, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
off duty Researcher, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
off duty Scribe, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
off duty Slavemaster, an (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Officer Grush (0.0-1.0; najena)
Ofossaa the Enlightened (0.0-1.0; powater)
Oglard (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
ogre guard, an (0.0-1.0; najena)
ogre guard, an (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
ogre guard, an (0.0-1.0; najena)
ogre mercenary, an (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Ogre Mercenary (0.0-1.0; wakening)
ogre priestess, an (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Ogre Raider, an (0.0-1.0; timorous)
ogre shaman, an (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
ogre shamaness, an (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Ogre Wise One (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Oknoggin Stonesmacker (1.0-99.0; feerrott)
Olam Polaja (0.0-1.0; katta)
Olavn NMar (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Old Dimshimmer (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
old froglok, an (4.0-99.0; guktop)
Old Ghostback (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Old Hangman (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
old wurm, an (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
Oldencamp the Lost (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
Oli McMarrin (0.0-1.0; halas)
Omorb (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Ona Strongback (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Onava (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
one eyed gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Onytir Seavin (3.0-99.0; freportn)
Onyx Defender, An (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
onyx sky drake, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
onyx sky drake, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
onyx sky drake, an (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Oobnopterbevny Biddilets (2.0-99.0; qey2hh1)
ooze covered ritualist, an (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
ooze, an (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
oozing flesh (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
opposed cheetah, an (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
optimistic stonegrabber, an (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Optio Crasa (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Optio Dunar (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Optio Ealna (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Optio Gildan (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Optio Halatini (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Optio Manku (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Optio Morgani (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Optio of the Hand, An (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Optio Titha (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Optio Wiknari (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Oracle Bloodstorm (0.0-1.0; kael)
Oracle Elvekren (0.0-1.0; kael)
Oracle Froskil (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Oracle Jaarl (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Oracle Kaeren (0.0-1.0; kael)
Oracle Morgak (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Oracle of KArnon (0.0-1.0; oot)
Oracle of RyGorr (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Oracle of Zek, an (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Oracle Qulin (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Oracle Vauris (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Oracle Weldom (0.0-1.0; kael)
Oraculum Yalkin (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Orbed Stonegrabber, An (0.0-1.0; letalis)
orc acolyte, an (0.0-1.0; highpass)
orc arsonist, an (3.0-99.0; gfaydark)
orc berserker, an (0.0-1.0; highpass)
orc chief (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
orc conscript, an (0.0-1.0; highpass)
orc emissary (0.0-1.0; crushbone)
orc fanatic, an (0.0-1.0; highpass)
orc legionnaire, an (0.0-1.0; commons)
orc legionnaire (0.0-1.0; crushbone)
orc legionnaire (0.0-1.0; ecommons/freportw/misty)
orc legionnaire (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
orc medic, an (0.0-1.0; highpass)
orc mercenary, an (0.0-1.0; highpass)
orc oracle, an (0.0-1.0; butcher)
orc oracle (0.0-1.0; crushbone)
orc priest, an (0.0-1.0; oasis)
orc priest, an (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
orc priest, an (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
orc scout, an (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
orc scout, an (0.0-1.0; highpass)
orc scoutsman, an (3.0-99.0; butcher)
Orc Scoutsman (3.0-99.0; crushbone)
orc soldier, an (0.0-1.0; highpass)
orc taskmaster (0.0-1.0; crushbone)
orc thaumaturgist, an (3.0-99.0; crushbone)
Orc Warden (3.0-99.0; crushbone)
orc warlord (0.0-1.0; crushbone)
orc warrior, an (0.0-1.0; oasis)
orc warrior, an (0.0-1.0; highpass)
orc warrior, an (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
orc warrior, an (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
orc warrior, an (0.0-1.0; sro)
orc weaponsmith (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
orcish mountaineer, an (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
Ordro (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Ordros assistant (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Oreen Wavecrasher (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Ortallius (0.0-1.0; sro)
Orthor Velic (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Osargen (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Osino (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Ostorm (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Otdd (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Othmir Pup, an (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Othmir Shaman, an (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Othmir Warrior, an (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
outcast mutant, an (0.0-1.0; echo)
outcast shiknar, an (0.0-1.0; paludal)
outcast siren, an (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Overking Bathezid (0.0-1.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Overseer Dalguur (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Overseer Dlubish (0.0-1.0; droga/nurga)
Overseer Gizgargank (0.0-1.0; grimling)
Overseer Gnerpokkel (0.0-1.0; grimling)
Overseer of Air (0.0-1.0; airplane)
Overslo Herlsal (0.0-1.0; paludal)
owlbear bloodspiller, an (0.0-1.0; grimling)
owlbear bonegrinder, an (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
owlbear cub, an (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
owlbear denmaster, an (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
owlbear fleshrender, an (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
owlbear fleshrender, an (0.0-1.0; grimling/hollowshade)
owlbear gatherer, an (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
owlbear grappler, an (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
owlbear grappler, an (0.0-1.0; grimling)
owlbear lookout, an (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
owlbear ravager, an (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
owlbear razorbeak, an (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
owlbear razorbeak, an (0.0-1.0; grimling)
owlbear razorclaw, an (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
owlbear screechmaw, an (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
owlbear spurclaw, an (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
pack elder, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
pack leader, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Packmaster Dledsh (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Paebala rebel, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Paebala Spirit Talker, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Paebala warrior, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Paebala warrior, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Paeonia Purnn (0.0-1.0; oot)
pain devourer, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
pain golem, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
pained soul (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
painwrack hobgoblin, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Palana Willin (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Palatos Kynarn (0.0-1.0; freporte)
pale darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Palious Jarten (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Palo Deepcreek (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Palomidiar Allakhaji (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Palti McGar (0.0-1.0; sseru)
panda cub, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Pandos Flintside (0.0-1.0; freportw)
panther cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
panther, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Pantrilla (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Paralin Notion (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Partisan Yinlen (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Paruek the Strong (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Parza (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
patog phlarg fiend, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
patrolling grimling, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
patrolling owlbear, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
patrolling recruit, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
patrolling sentry (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
patrolling sonic wolf, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
patrolling tiger, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Patrolman Walopalo (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Peacekeeper Dasoel (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Peacekeeper Deralokor (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Peacekeeper Sildalos (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Peachy DVicci (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
peasant woman (1.0-99.0; freportw)
Pecuniosus Kezzlek (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Peffin Ambersnow (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Peg Leg (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Pela (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Pelpa (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Peltin Funter (0.0-1.0; innothule/rathemtn)
Pendle Dashinger (3.0-99.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Pendubk the Turbulent (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Peqi Biato (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Percontorius Salnu (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Perkon Malok (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Perrir Zexus (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Persy Clutches (0.0-1.0; nexus)
Pestilence Archon (0.0-1.0; codecay)
pestilence priest, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Pestilence Priest (0.0-1.0; codecay)
pestilence pusling, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
pestilent rat, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
petal pusher, a (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Petcas Coldbeard (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
petrafier cockatrice, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
petrified stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
petrifier cockatrice, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
petrifier cockatrice (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Petrifin (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Petunia the Doll (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Phaeril Nightshire (0.0-1.0; tox)
phantasm, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
phantom, a (0.0-1.0; citymist)
Phara Dar (0.0-1.0; veeshan)
phase puma, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
phase spider, a (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Phenocryst (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Phin Esrinap (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Phinigel Autropos (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Phiz Frugrin (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
phoboplasm (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Phocaea Hapspenn (0.0-1.0; oot)
Phoenix Breezewing, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
Phoenix Searedwing, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
Phurzikon (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Pickclaw Ambushbaiter, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Pickclaw Arroweater, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Pickclaw Bladestopper, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Pickclaw bonemender, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
pickclaw cabalist, a (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Pickclaw Crusader, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Pickclaw Destroyer, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Pickclaw Fleshburner, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Pickclaw Foechopper, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Pickclaw Foeseeker, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Pickclaw Foeslicer, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Pickclaw guard, a (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
pickclaw lookout, a (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Pickclaw mindripper, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
pickclaw raider, a (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Pickclaw seer, a (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Pickclaw Slayspell, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
pickclaw spiritist, a (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Pickclaw Thoughtshaper, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Pickclaw veteran, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
pickclaw visionary, a (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Pickclaw warrior, a (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Pickclaw Zekspeaker, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
piercer swordfish, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Pierre (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Pietro Zarn (0.0-1.0; freporte)
pile of bile, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Pile of Boulders, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
pile of swamp bile, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
pilgrim, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
pilgrim, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
pincer beetle, a (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Pinky Ekkolofezznaboten III (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
pious sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
pirate cartographer, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
pirate destroyer, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
pirate sentry (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
pirate, a (0.0-1.0; oot)
pirate, a (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Pit Fighter Dob (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Pius Truthtaker (0.0-1.0; sseru)
pixie jongleur, a (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
pixie, a (0.0-1.0; tox)
Placlis (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
plague bone skeleton (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Plague Lord Hetral (0.0-1.0; codecay)
plague shark, a (0.0-1.0; erudsxing)
plaguebone skeleton (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
plaguebone skeleton (0.0-1.0; citymist)
plaguebone skeleton (0.0-1.0; bardingwood/burningwood)
plaguebone skeleton (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
plaguebone thief, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
Plagued Soriz, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
planarian larvae, a (0.0-1.0; povalor)
plasma elemental, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
pledge familiar, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
plerg phlarg fiend, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Pli Centien Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Pli Centien (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Pli Liako Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Pli Liako (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Pli Senshali Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Pli Senshali (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Pli Thall Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Pli Thall (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Pli Va Dyn (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Pli Va Liako Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Pli Va Liako (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Pli Zethon Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Pli Zethon (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Plnorrick Spinecracker (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Plur Mucktail (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
poacher, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Poalgin FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Pod Dop Pop (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Poddle Dod (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
poisonous sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
poisonstrand hunter, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Polarix Mudder (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Polhidrix Velic (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
polished stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Polyona (0.0-1.0; echo)
Polzin Mrid (1.0-99.0; hole/hole_instanced)
pond sturgeon (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
pool of shadows, a (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
pool of slime, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Popple Dop (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Posie the Librarian (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Possesed Sun Revenant (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
possessed corpse, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
Possessor Gooplart (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
potameid bewilder, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
potameid guardian, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
potameid maiden, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
potameid matriarch, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
potameid protector, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
potameid temptress, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
potameid wildling, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
potent rockhopper, a (0.0-1.0; letalis/scarlet)
Powerful Thought Leech, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
powerful underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
pox scarab, a (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Poxed Soriz, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Praecantor Dovar Rutledge (0.0-1.0; katta)
Praecantor Lisa Kerrol (0.0-1.0; katta)
Praecantor Perph Unja (0.0-1.0; katta)
Praecantor Selis Dawneyes (0.0-1.0; katta)
Praecantor Tes Dawneyes (0.0-1.0; katta)
Praecantor Torin Jurbac (0.0-1.0; katta)
Praecantor Ury Polaja (0.0-1.0; katta)
Praecantor Vesa Farcloud (0.0-1.0; katta)
Praem Softbreeze (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Praeon Wyldefire (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Praesertum Bikun (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praesertum Courier, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praesertum Functionary, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praesertum Librarii, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praesertum Matpa (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praesertum Rhugol (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praesertum Vantorus (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetor Falak (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetor Gralit (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetor Iglak (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetor of the Heart, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetor Talga (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Aloma (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Archa (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Butre (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Chatez (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Decipio, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Fastina (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Glan (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Ligma (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Maklos (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Medicus, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Mere (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Molto (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Myral (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
Praetorian Oritan (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Peritus, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Pius, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Santu (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Silava (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Valka (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Veneratius, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Yill (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Praetorian Yvalda (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Prak (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Prark Mucktail (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Prast Ianitor (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
predatory creeper, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
prickly succulent, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Priest Amiaz (0.0-1.0; befallen)
Priest Bjek (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Priest Delar (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Priest Grenk (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Priest Kakthak (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Priest Majes Medory (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Priest of Decay (0.0-1.0; codecay)
Priest of Discord (0.0-1.0; akanon/cabeast/cabwest/ecommons/erudnext/felwithea/freporte/gfaydark/grobb/halas/kaladima/neriakb/oggok/poknowledge/qeynos2/rivervale)
priest of Nagafen, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
priest of najena, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
priest of Tallon Zek, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
Priest of Tumagal (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
priest of Vallon Zek, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
Priestess Auraia (3.0-99.0; kedge)
Priestess Bast (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Priestess Llandra (1.0-99.0; lfaydark)
Priestess Sercema (0.0-1.0; sirens)
Priestess Tarafol (0.0-1.0; echo)
Prime Educator Ghozik (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Prime Patriarch Vuzx (1.0-5.0; cabeast)
Primus Benet (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Primus Bilabi (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Primus Elisora (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Primus Ginval (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Primus Kalani (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Primus Niktar (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Primus of the Hand, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Primus Palkani (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Primus Rasha (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Primus Sunar (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Primus Tralo (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Prince Bragnar (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Prince Garzemort (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Prince Selrach Dizok (0.0-1.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Prince Skriatat (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Prince Thirneg (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Princess Cherista (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Princess Joleena (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Princess Lenia (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Principia Vigilum, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Prismatic Guardian of Xegony, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
prismatic lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Prismatic Recluse, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
prisoner, a (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Pristine Recluse, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
Private Blackbark (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Private Goldtouch (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Private Sentinel Frieza (0.0-1.0; katta)
Private Sentinel Tozza (0.0-1.0; katta)
Progenitor, The (0.0-1.0; sleeper)
prognostic cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Prophet Grikplag (0.0-1.0; grimling)
Prophet, The (0.0-1.0; crushbone)
Propron (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Protector of Marr, A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
protector of Ro, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Protector of Sky (0.0-1.0; airplane)
Protector of Terris (0.0-1.0; nightmareb)
Protector of the Heart, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Protector of Valor, A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Protector of Zek, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
protector of Zek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Protector, The (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Prowler of the Jungle (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
prowling wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Psal GNoir (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Puab Closk (0.0-1.0; freportw)
pulsating bile (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
pulsating icestorm (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
pumice collector, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Punga (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Pungla (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
punisher, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Purchin Oddsbot (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
pusling harbinger, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
pusling memnoc, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
pusling sage, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
putrid pile of flesh, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
pygmy skulking brute, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
pyre golem, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Pyronis (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Pyzjn (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Qalcnic FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Qallan Shellhopper (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Qarrgy Scallopgobbler (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Qlei (0.0-1.0; beholder)
Qua Centien Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Qua Centien (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Qua Liako Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Qua Liako (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Qua Senshali (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Qua Thall (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Qua Va Dyn (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Qua Va Liako Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Qua Va Liako (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Qua Zethon (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Quadrix Velic (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Quaestor Guard, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Quaestorium Guard, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Quaestorius Martolin (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Quag Maelstrom (1.0-5.0; oot)
Quan Nektogo (3.0-99.0; freporte)
Quavonis Firetail (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Quazlith (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Queen Dracnia (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Queen Kvaknak (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Queen Nasheeji (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Queen Nhyalia (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Queen Raltaas (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Queen Silandria (0.0-1.0; poair)
Queen Velazul Dizok (0.0-1.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Quellod Earthspirit (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Questioner Bakato (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Questioner Bentarm (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Questioner Broketoe (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Questioner Finhorn (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Questioner Longnight (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Questioner Masaka (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Questioner Misral (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Questioner Monal (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Questioner Rai (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Questioner Redhands (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Questioner Starpyre (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Questioner Uila (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Questioner, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Quid Rilstone (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Quiet Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Quillmane (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Quillon (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
quivering mass, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Quoza (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
rabid wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Rabid Wrulon, A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
racnar, a (0.0-1.0; veeshan)
racnar, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
radiant guardian, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Radiant (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
Radiant (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Radiant (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
Radir Fireshower (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Raenna Griff (3.0-99.0; freportw)
Raesar (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
raging gorilla, a (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
raging highland kobold, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
raging kobold savage, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
raging kobold, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Raging Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
raging rockhopper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
raging sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
raging tiger, a (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
raging wyvern, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
raging zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Rahlgon (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Rahotep (0.0-1.0; nro)
Raider Watchman (0.0-1.0; timorous)
raider, a (0.0-1.0; northkarana/southkarana)
raider, a (0.0-1.0; northkarana/southkarana)
raider, a (0.0-0.0; highkeep)
Raisin (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Rak Sapara (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Ralgyn (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Rallic Aristos (0.0-1.0; katta)
Rallius Rattican (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Ralthazor Champion of Marr (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
Raltur Caliskon (0.0-1.0; freporte)
RalZehta (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Rammoc Mills (0.0-1.0; povalor)
rampaging shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Ran Aldorne (0.0-1.0; oot)
Ran Flamespinner (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Ran Walker (0.0-1.0; qrg)
random piece, a (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Ranin Tredbul (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Rankle (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Ranndall Darknon (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Ranno Zalpar (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Ranun (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Ranvigoz Tonsmith (0.0-1.0; commons)
Ranvin Darkwaters (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Raphar Bal (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Rapticor (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Raptor, a (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Rarg McUltos (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Rarnan Lapice (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
RaShalis (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
RaSilyas (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Raskena Djor (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Raster of Guk (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Ratfink, a (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Rathyl (0.0-1.0; najena)
rational sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Ratling, a (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
ratman guard, a (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Ratman Rager (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
ratman warrior, a (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Ratmlet (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Ratraz (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
ravaging burrower, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Raven (0.0-1.0; halas)
ravener (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
ravenous beast, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
ravenous brute, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
ravenous nibbler, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
ravenous nightstalker, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Ravenous Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
ravenous stiletto fang, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
ravishing drolvarg, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
razor fin piranha, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
razor tooth piranha, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Razorfiend Subduer, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Razorfiend Subjugator, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Razorfiend Suppressor, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Razorfin (0.0-1.0; powater)
Razortooth (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Razran FLok (0.0-1.0; neriakb)
Realistic Stonegrabber, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Reane Goldsun (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Reania Jukle (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Reanimated Berserker, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Reanimated Champion, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Reanimated Conscript, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Reanimated Dragoon, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
reanimated drudge, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
reanimated hand, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
reanimated hand, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
Reanimated Partisan, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
reanimated plaguebone (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
reaver of Xalgoz (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
Rebbie Romblerum (3.0-99.0; akanon)
Rebby Willend (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Recfek Shralok (0.0-1.0; highpass/kithicor)
reckless efreeti (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
reclusive ghoul magi (0.0-2.0; unrest)
reclusive ghoul magus (3.0-99.0; unrest)
recondite bandit, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
recondite bandit, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
recondite burglar, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
recondite charlatan, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
recondite cutpurse, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
recondite cutpurse, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
recondite deceiver, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
recondite demagogue, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
recondite footpad, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
recondite pickpocket, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
recondite swindler, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
recondite swindler, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Recuso Degenerate, A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Recuso Hunter, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Recuso Smuggler, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Recuso, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Recuso, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Red Eye Jack (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Redanyt Pwinlun (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Redeemer Balakaz (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Redwind (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
Reebo Leafsway (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
reef anglerfish, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
reef barracuda, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
reef hammerhead shark, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
reef pirahna, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
reef shark, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
reef swordfish, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
Refugee Splitpaw (0.0-1.0; blackburrow)
Regalt Tripedes (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Regan Ellar (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Regan Mills (0.0-1.0; povalor)
regrua defender, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
regrua guardian, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
Regrua Overlord (0.0-1.0; powater)
Regrua Protector (0.0-1.0; powater)
regrua sentry, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
Reiker Rikes (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Reishicyben, The (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Reivaj the Battlerager (0.0-1.0; kael)
Reklon Gnallen (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Reldin Harkolis (3.0-99.0; qeynos2)
Relia Wastein (0.0-1.0; misty)
Relik (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Rell Ostodl (0.0-1.0; innothule/rathemtn)
Renaldok Masric (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Rendolr the Maimer (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Renkil Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Renth McLanis (0.0-1.0; halas)
RenthiasDator (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Reothe (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Rephas (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
repulsive lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Resnak (0.0-1.0; podisease)
resolute sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Restless Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Retlon Brenclog (0.0-1.0; crushbone)
Retseth Tretse (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Revenant Sthzzzizt (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
Revenant Zsshta (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
revenant, a (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
revenging knight (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
reverent treant, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Revesa Temosa (0.0-1.0; freportw)
revultant rat, a (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Reynold Blackguard (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
RhagZhezum (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Rharzar (1.0-99.0; rathemtn)
Rhino Beetle Hatchling, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Rhino Beetle, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
rhino beetle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Rhionn Leafsblade (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Rhodoc Sorenby (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
Rhozth Ssravizh (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Rianna Birchard (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Ricoculous (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Rifkin (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
Rigg Nostra (3.0-99.0; freporte)
Riggin Vix (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Rijoely (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Rikfeer the Arcane (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Rilca Leafrunner (3.0-99.0; qeytoqrg)
Rilgor Plegnog (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Rilla Quickeyes (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Rineval Talyas (1.0-99.0; qeynos2)
ring leader, a (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Ringo (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Rinna Lightshadow (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
Rinturion Windblade (0.0-1.0; poair)
Riodhr Torrentwind (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Riran FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
risen commander (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
risen corporal (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
risen squad leader (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
Rissa (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Ristia (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
river turtle, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Rizlona (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Rock Creation, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
rock dervish, a (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
rock golem, a (1.0-5.0; hole/hole_instanced)
rock storm, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Rock Studded Champion, A (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
Rockhopper , A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Rockhopper Brute, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Rockhopper Ravager, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
rockhopper scavenger, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Rocksoul (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Rodrick Marslett (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Roesager Thusten (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Rogbert Lilwen (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Rognarog the Infuriated (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
rogue dire wolf, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
rogue lion, a (1.0-99.0; eastkarana)
rogue marauder, a (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Rohga (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Rok Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Rolktim Cogtop (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
rolling plains steed, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Rolon Banari (3.0-99.0; qeynos2)
Rolynn BDiv (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Romar Sunto (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Romiak Jusathorn (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Ronald the Shoveler (0.0-1.0; echo)
Rontar OKarn (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
rootless cactoren, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Rorek Steelthorn (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Roror (0.0-1.0; feerrott)
Rosch Mal gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Rosch Mas gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Rosch Val Gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Rosch Val LVlor (0.0-1.0; paw)
rotted tactician (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
Rotting Arborean, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
rotting horror, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
rotting knight (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
rotting officer (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
rotting pile of flesh, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
rotting priest (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
rotting shiverback, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
rotting skeleton (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
rough cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
roving cactore, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
roving scorpioco, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Rowle Shieldson (0.0-1.0; katta)
Rowwek Icepaw (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Roxxanne (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Roy (0.0-1.0; echo)
Royal Armorer Slade (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Royal Guard Lilkus (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Royal Guard Sheltuin (0.0-1.0; paineel)
royal guard (0.0-1.0; crushbone)
Royal Guardian Finro (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Royal Guardsman Braxis (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Royal Guardsman Hauten (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Royal Guardsman Horix (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Royal Guardsman Nial (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Royal Guardsman Raxine (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Royal Guardsman Rhion (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Royal Khala Dun (0.0-1.0; grimling)
Royal Library Guard, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Royal Sarnak Herbalist (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Royal Scribe Kaavin (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Ruathey (1.0-99.0; lavastorm)
rubble rouser, A (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Ruinous Sun Revenant (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Rumagur (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Rumblecrush (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Rumbleroot (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Rundl Rockfoot (0.0-1.0; twilight)
runed giant, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
runed grimling, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
runed stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Runic Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Runthar (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Rusbek the Inhospitable (3.0-99.0; misty)
rust covered model, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
rusted model, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
ruthless lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Rutin Kylong (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Ruttus (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Ryann Desgrey (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Rydric Kane (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Rygan Anisher (0.0-1.0; akheva)
RyGorr centurion, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
RyGorr clan lookout, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
RyGorr clan scout, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
RyGorr elite guard (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
RyGorr Emissary (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
RyGorr herbalist, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
RyGorr inspector, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
RyGorr legionaire, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
RyGorr messenger, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
RyGorr miner, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
RyGorr minstrel, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
RyGorr oracle, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
RyGorr prison guard, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
RyGorr watchman, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Rykas (1.0-99.0; lakerathe)
Rylan Tragen (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Ryleen Bladespur (3.0-99.0; southkarana)
Ryshon Hunsti (1.0-99.0; qey2hh1)
Rythrak (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Saal the Keeper (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Saben Tucross (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
sabertooth cat, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
sabertooth cat, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
sabertooth grimalkin, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
sabertooth tiger, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
sabertooth tiger, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
sabertooth tigress, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
sabertooth tigress, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
sabretooth tiger (0.0-1.0; overthere)
sabretooth tiger (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
sabretooth tigress (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
sabretooth tigress (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Sadeem Oujva (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Saemey Wirewhisker (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
sage apprentice, a (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Sage of Innoruuk, a (2.0-99.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Salani Tunfar (0.0-1.0; gfaydark)
Salczek the Fleshgrinder (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Salinsa Delfdosan (3.0-99.0; freportn)
Saliz FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sambata Brander (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Engraver (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Faith Worker (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Firekeeper (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Gemkeeper (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Gilded Worker (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Naturalist (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Nectar Gatherer (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Potter (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Primalist (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Primitive (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Ringbearer (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Spiritist (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Tribal Advisor (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Tribal Gatherer (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Tribal Gatherer (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Tribal Hunter (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Tribal Keeper (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Tribal Leader Garn (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Tribal Member (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Tribal Shaman (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Tribal Worker (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Tribal Worker (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Veiled Guide (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Sambata Witherer (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
samhain, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
sand giant, a (0.0-1.0; oasis/sro)
sand giant, a (0.0-1.0; nro)
sand mummy, a (0.0-1.0; sro)
sandbar serpent, a (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
Sandgiant Husam (0.0-1.0; sro)
Sanfyrd Featherhead (0.0-1.0; akanon)
sanguine kodiak, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
saprophyte spawn, a (0.0-1.0; echo)
Saramor (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Sarawyn Amorfin (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Sarik the Fang (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Sarkis Ebonblade (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Sarnak accoucheur, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
sarnak accoucheur, a (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Sarnak adherent, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
sarnak arbiter, a (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Sarnak aruspex, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
sarnak aruspex, a (1.0-1.0; chardok)
sarnak aruspice, a (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Sarnak avenger, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
sarnak berzerker, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
Sarnak berzerker, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
sarnak caedosaur, a (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Sarnak champion, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Sarnak Collective Auditor (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Sarnak conscript, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Sarnak conscript, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Sarnak courier, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Sarnak crypt raider (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Sarnak Dog Handler, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Sarnak dragoon, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Sarnak enthusiast, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
Sarnak enthusiast, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Sarnak enthusiast, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Sarnak extremist, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Sarnak flunkie, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Sarnak flunkie, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Sarnak Foreman, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Sarnak gem oracle, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Sarnak gem oracle, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Sarnak Herb Collector, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
sarnak janissary, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
sarnak janissary, a (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Sarnak knight, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Sarnak knight, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
Sarnak knight, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Sarnak legionnaire, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Sarnak Manager, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Sarnak myrmidon, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
sarnak myrmidon, a (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Sarnak Overseer, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Sarnak partisan, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
Sarnak partisan, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Sarnak Physician, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Sarnak pitboss, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
sarnak recruit, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Sarnak revealer, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Sarnak revenant, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Sarnak slave, a (0.0-1.0; nurga)
Sarnak Slavedriver, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Sarnak Slavemaster, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
sarnak spy, a (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
sarnak templar, a (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Sarnak Underboss, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Sarnak Whipcracker, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Sarnak youth, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Sarnak youth, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Sarnak zealot, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Sarot (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sarth Scarscale (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Saryrn (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Sasha Aliquin (0.0-1.0; katta)
Sateal Deirosap (3.0-5.0; bazaar)
savage cave kodiak, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Savage Deepwater Kraken (0.0-1.0; powater)
savage dire wolf, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
savage kobold, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
savage lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
savage pinewolf, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Savage Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
savage rockhopper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Sazan KJartan (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
scaevian fly, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
scaevian larva, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
scaled wolf elder, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
scaled wolf stalker, a (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone/warslikswood)
scaled wolf tracker, a (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone/warslikswood)
Scalek (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Scar Guardian, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Scar (0.0-1.0; freporte/highpass)
scarecrow, a (0.0-2.0; qey2hh1)
scareling, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Scarflank (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
scarlet cheetah gatherer (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
scarlet cheetah hunter (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
scarlet cheetah huntress (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
scarlet cheetah matriarch (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
scarlet cheetah patriarch (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
scarlet cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
scarlet rockhopper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Scarred Overseer, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
scavenger minnow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Scelestus Venator Taol (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Schnozz the Flighty (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
scorched magmin, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Scorched Stonegrabber, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
scorched tro jeg soldier, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
scoriae hornet, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
scorn banshee, a (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
scorned tronendi, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Scorpikis Guardian (0.0-1.0; overthere)
scorpikis scrounger, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
scorpikis, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Scound Dralin (0.0-1.0; echo)
Scound Trevor (0.0-1.0; echo)
scound, a (0.0-1.0; echo)
scourge hobgoblin, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Scourgetail Scorpion (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
scourgewing mosquito, a (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Scout Bladethorn (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Scout Bowfist (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Scout Grandan (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Scout Malityn (3.0-99.0; blackburrow)
Scout Tallstump (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Scout Treekill (0.0-1.0; firiona)
scouting kobold, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
scrap collector, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
screeching parasite, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Scriptor Ducis Yusi (0.0-1.0; sseru)
scrounging clockwork, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Sculpted Stonegrabber, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
scuttle bat, a (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
scuttle rat, a (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
scythe beetle, a (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
sea turtle youngling, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
seafury cyclops, a (0.0-1.0; oot)
seahorse matriarch, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
seahorse patriarch, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
sebilite golem, a (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
sebilite golem (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
sebilite guardian (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
sebilite juggernaut (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
sebilite protector (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Sectoid (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
sediment delver, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Sedona Raines (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Seeker Bulava (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
seeker, a (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Seeks (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Seetheker (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Segran Rajhar (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Sejako Mujan (2.0-99.0; paineel)
Semkak Prophet of Vallon (0.0-1.0; kael)
Seneschal Aldikar (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
sengian fly, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
sengian larva, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
senile sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Senior Arx Guardian, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Senior Guard Eihorn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Glendir (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Grelden (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Hammerfall (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Icemead (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Mjredner (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Mryrom (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Randeil (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Redblade (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Redbones (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Skendeldorn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Stoneaxe (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Tanslein (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Tymul (0.0-1.0; kael)
Senior Guard Whiteaxe (0.0-1.0; kael)
sensate reishi elder, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
sensate reishi, a (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Sentinel Adrial (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Aegeo (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Anderin (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Sentinel Balthar (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Belario (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Belstaerm (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Berdra (0.0-1.0; katta)
Sentinel Bjhern (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Blackaxe (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Brajnor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Bvakkren (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Bvellor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Charin (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Cholis (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Colm (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Corin (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Creot (0.0-1.0; tox)
Sentinel Crrlarn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Cymbelin (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Dadil (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Dekrendar (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Demitri (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Desde (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Dragonbane (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Drakeslayer (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Drom (0.0-1.0; tox)
Sentinel Edan (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Estrek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Fellysa (0.0-1.0; katta)
Sentinel Felshrefh (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Fhaard (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Flavius (0.0-1.0; tox)
Sentinel Fleshflayer (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Fridmar (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Sentinel Fyjrael (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Golas (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
sentinel golem, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Sentinel Gressio (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Harzok (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Hylin (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Jeast (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Kerrigan (0.0-1.0; katta)
Sentinel Knox (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Laphis (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Lergremor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Lixen (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Maldevor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Malvol (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Mellisy (0.0-1.0; katta)
Sentinel Mercutil (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Mjrakkor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Mjrell (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Nellenar (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Nolbain (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Ogen (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Othkel (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Paxin (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Sentinel Phis (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Phylos (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Polix (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Pylrek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Rethdeyn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Rysin (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Saedis (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Sentinel Sellov (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Sheila (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Sentinel Silvis (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Stonetrader (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Stormbeard (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Sunderdrake (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Thernek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Thron (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Thunderfist (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Thurdiel (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Tigonus (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Tybal (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Tyorpen (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Ursulo (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Uthjaern (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Uthnorn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Vanil (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Vejleorn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Veldrendyr (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Venci (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Sentinel Vllejenar (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Weldren (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentinel Wren (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Sentinel Yeljom (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sentry Alechin (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Sentry Andlin (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sentry Bangol (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Sentry Boris (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sentry Bruchz (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Dolsam (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Drahs (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Dumtew (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Ellison (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Sentry Eloka (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Sentry Emil (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Enots (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Galgix (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Gallius (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sentry Goman (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Haerz (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Halcix (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Hubniq (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Iglotn (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Janeal (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sentry Joanna (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Sentry Kale (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Kale (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Kaop (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Kcor (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Maof (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Meighan (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sentry Nalox (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry of Justice (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Sentry of Nightmares (0.0-1.0; nightmareb)
sentry of Ro, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
sentry of Sathir (0.0-1.0; karnor)
Sentry Plaxgc (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Ris (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Sentry Rotiart (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Theo (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sentry Trid (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Vak (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Sentry Valamar (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Sentry Valdair (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Sentry Vlaz (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Warren (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sentry Wegylx (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Wiosk (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Sentry Yeakloc (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sentry Zalgoty (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Seplawishinl Bladeblight (4.0-99.0; oot)
sepsis scarab, a (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
sepulcher skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
sepulcher spectre, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Serena Togges (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
serene forest spirit, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Sergeant Amon Tillan (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Sergeant Blestrom (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sergeant Boryek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sergeant Bransid (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Sergeant Breldimer (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sergeant Caelin (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Sergeant COrm (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Sergeant Cursah (0.0-1.0; grimling)
Sergeant Daelione (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Sergeant Fjrak (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sergeant Gauswick (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Sergeant Gerrin Bakeside (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Sergeant Greenblade (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Sergeant Heblaen (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sergeant Hurrid (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Sergeant JNarus (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Sergeant Johson Popoah (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Sergeant Lusahn Matthers (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Sergeant Miidenaer (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sergeant Rethdaen (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sergeant Sikfaun Bowah (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Sergeant Slate (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
Sergeant Squallsounder (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sergeant Tellsren (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sergeant Terrick Burns (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Sergeant Tharjor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sergeant Tidwah (0.0-1.0; grimling)
Sergeant Tylah (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Sergeant Voldeyen (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sergeant Windrager (0.0-1.0; kael)
Sergeant Yggrellnik (0.0-1.0; kael)
Servant Girl (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
servant manatee, a (0.0-1.0; sirens)
Servant of Air (0.0-1.0; poair)
servant of DelMaque (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
servant of Saryrn, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
servant of Saryrn, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
servant of Sythrax (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
servant swordfish, a (0.0-1.0; sirens)
Servitor of Luclin (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
Servitor of Xegony (0.0-1.0; poair)
Seta Bakindo (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Sevalak (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Seventh Hammer, The (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Severilous (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
shackled champion, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
shackled champion, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
shackled champion, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
shackled champion, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
shackled illusionist, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
shackled illusionist, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
shackled illusionist, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
shackled illusionist, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
shackled knave, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
shackled knave, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
shackled knave, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
shackled knave, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
Shackled Monstrosity (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
Shackled Monstrosity (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
Shackled Monstrosity (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
Shackled Monstrosity (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
shackled seer, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
shackled seer, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
shackled seer, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
shackled seer, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
Shadalis Oathbinder (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Shaded stones (0.0-1.0; akheva)
shaded torch, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Shadel Bandit, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
shadow beast cook, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
shadow beast guard, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
shadow beast necromancer, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
shadow beast servant, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
shadow beast, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
shadow crawler, a (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
shadow drake, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
shadow familiar, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
shadow guardian, a (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
Shadow Master Vinta (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Shadow Master, A (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
Shadow Overlord, A (0.0-1.0; maiden)
shadow steed, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Shadow Treebright (0.0-1.0; commons)
shadow, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
shadow, a (0.0-1.0; citymist)
shadowbone, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Shadowbound Horror (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
Shadowbound Horror (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
Shadowbound Horror (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
Shadowbound Horror (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
shadowbound mindshaper, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
shadowbound mindshaper, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
shadowbound mindshaper, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
shadowbound mindshaper, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
shadowbound skulker, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
shadowbound skulker, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
shadowbound skulker, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
shadowbound skulker, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
shadowbound spellbinder, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
shadowbound spellbinder, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
shadowbound spellbinder, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
shadowbound spellbinder, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
shadowbound warlord, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
shadowbound warlord, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
shadowbound warlord, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
shadowbound warlord, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
shadowed darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
shadowed man, a (0.0-1.0; commons/innothule/kithicor/lavastorm/lfaydark/nektulos/southkarana)
shadowed man, a (0.0-1.0; commons/innothule/kithicor/lavastorm/lfaydark/nektulos/southkarana)
shadowed man, a (0.0-1.0; commons/innothule/lavastorm/lfaydark/nektulos/southkarana)
shadowed man, a (0.0-1.0; commons/innothule/kithicor/lavastorm/lfaydark/nektulos/southkarana)
shadowknight, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
shadowknight, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
shadowknight, a (0.0-1.0; befallen)
Shadowman Leader (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Shadowy Assassin, A (0.0-1.0; umbral)
shadowy sage, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
shadowy scribe, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
shadowy scrivener, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Shaidin Bloodomen, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Shaidin Bonecollector, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Shaidin Conscript, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Shaidin Follower, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Shaidin Hemlock, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Shaidin Jannisary, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Shaidin Nightfear, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Shaidin Partisan, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Shaidin Savant, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Shaidin Soldier, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Shaidin Soultrapper, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Shaidin Warlord, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Shak Dathor (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Shak Dratha barkeep, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Shak Dratha blacksmith, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
shak dratha dathiar, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Shak Dratha Guardsman, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
shak dratha invader, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
shak dratha nightcaller, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
shak dratha raider, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
shak dratha senthien, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
shak dratha shadeguard, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
shak dratha shadeweaver, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
shak dratha shawi, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
shak dratha soul seeker, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
shak dratha thergrath, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Shak Dratha tradesman, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Shak Dratha trainee, a (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Shakey Scarecrow (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Shakrn Meadowgreen (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Shal Wildleaf (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Shaldyn Thunderhoof (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Shalena Roan (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Shaman Lenrel (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Shaman Lenrel (0.0-1.0; paw)
Shaman RenRex (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Shaman RenRex (0.0-1.0; paw)
shambling cube, a (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
shambling cube, a (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Shamus Aghllsews (0.0-1.0; wakening)
shard spider, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
shard wyvern hatchling, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Shardtooth (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Shardwing Courier (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Shardwing (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
shardwurm broodmother (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
shardwurm matriarch (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
shark, a (0.0-1.0; qcat)
shark, a (0.0-1.0; erudnext/erudsxing/oot)
shark, a (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
sharpfanged wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Shattered Golem, A (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
Shayde Higginsbot (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Shazda Asad (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
sheklak armanento, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Sheleric Vis (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Shellara Ebbhunter (0.0-1.0; kedge)
shellfish collector, a (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Shera Banneth (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Sheriff Roglio (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Shevra Kollintar (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Sheyna DLeen (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Shezlie Furscale (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Shiel Glimmerspindle (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Shieldbearer Buerd (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Shieldbearer Relios (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Shik Nar Aggressor, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shik Nar Centurion, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shik Nar Champion, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shik Nar Combatant, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shik Nar Defender, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shik Nar Drone, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shik Nar Gladiator, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shik Nar Grunt, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shik Nar Guardian, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shik Nar Hero, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shik Nar Legionnaire, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shik Nar Protector, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shik Nar Screecher, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shik Nar Soldier, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shiknar Forager, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
ShikNar Gatherer, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shiknar Herdmaster (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Shiknar Nurse, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Shiknar Royal Advisor (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Shiknar Royal Guard (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Shiknar Soldier (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
ShikNar Warrior, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Shiknar Warrior (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Shiknar Worker (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
shimmer drake, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
shimmering geonid, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
shimmering green drake, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
shimmering green drake, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
shimmering meteor, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
shimmering rockfiend, a (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
shimmering sea spirit (0.0-1.0; sirens)
shin ghoul knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
shin ghoul warrior, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
shipwrecked pirate, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Shissar Acolyte, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Arcanist, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Arch Arcanist, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Arch Warlock, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Assassin (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Defiler, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Disciple, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Experimenter, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Lich, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Lich, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Magister, The (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Mystic (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Observer, a (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Priest, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Revenant, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Revenant, a (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
Shissar Revenant, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Ritualist, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Spirit Binder, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Spirit Destroyer, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Spiritward, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Stalker, a (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
Shissar Taskmaster, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Templar, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Tormentor, a (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Shissar Warlock, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
shiverback, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
shiverback, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Shmendrik Lavawalker (1.0-99.0; lakerathe)
shrieker, a (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
shriveled mummy, a (0.0-1.0; oasis/sro)
Shrouded Anisher (0.0-1.0; akheva)
shrouded bat, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Shutter Silentstep (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Sifaye chancellor, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
sifaye knight, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
sifaye messenger, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
sifaye thane, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Sifaye troubadour, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Sigan Ilbirkun (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
Sigismond Windwalker (0.0-1.0; poair)
Signiferi of the Hand, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Signus Boran (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Sigra (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Sil Silverstar (0.0-1.0; commons)
Siladdarae NRiese (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Sill Kardo (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Silna Songsmith (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
Siltan Starfollower (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Siltria Marwind (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Silver Griffon, The (3.0-99.0; northkarana)
silvered guard, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
silvered Tae Ew observer, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Silverfang (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Silverflank guardian, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
silverflank shiverback, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Silvermane (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Silverwing (0.0-1.0; veeshan)
silvery sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
silvery wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Simon Aldicott (1.0-99.0; commons)
Sindlegrob (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Singe (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
Singultus Primorus (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
Singultus Proeliator, A (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
sinister shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Sir Ackmin (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Arlin (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Artanis (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Breel (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Costkin (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Drolfis (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Edwin Motte (1.0-5.0; freporte/highpass/qeytoqrg/rathemtn)
Sir Folon (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Fosco (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Glimmon (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Hallis (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Hogo (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Iot (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Karzad (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Sir Lindeal (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
Sir Lishmin (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Lucan DLere (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Sir Mollin (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Morgan (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Sir Nandruar (3.0-99.0; southkarana)
Sir Noshon (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Ollin (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Penan (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Phallin (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Rophol (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Shalint (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Willam (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Sir Xantille (0.0-1.0; freportn)
siren enchantress, a (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
siren enticer, a (0.0-1.0; sirens)
siren enticer, a (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
siren priestess, a (0.0-1.0; sirens)
siren seductress, a (0.0-1.0; sirens)
siren seductress, a (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
siren sorceress, a (0.0-1.0; sirens)
Sister of the Spire (0.0-1.0; airplane)
Sister Tomyn (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Sivar (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Sixth Disciple of Rhag (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
skeletal baron (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
skeletal berserker (0.0-1.0; karnor)
skeletal captain (0.0-1.0; karnor)
skeletal caretaker (0.0-1.0; karnor)
skeletal champion (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
skeletal cook, a (0.0-1.0; kurn)
skeletal crusader (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
skeletal drudge, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
skeletal duke (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
skeletal guard (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Skeletal guard (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
Skeletal Guardian, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
skeletal guardian (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
skeletal guardian (0.0-1.0; karnor)
skeletal harbinger (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
skeletal hierophant (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
skeletal jester (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
skeletal lookout (0.0-1.0; karnor)
skeletal minion (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
skeletal monk, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
skeletal monk, a (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Skeletal Procurator (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
skeletal protector (0.0-1.0; karnor)
skeletal scryer (0.0-1.0; karnor)
skeletal warder (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
skeletal warlord (0.0-1.0; karnor)
skeletal warlord (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
skeletal warrior, a (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
skeletal watcher (0.0-1.0; karnor)
skeletal watchman, a (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
skeleton advisor (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
skeleton guard (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
skeleton infantry (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
skeleton Lrodd (0.0-1.0; befallen)
skeleton monk, a (0.0-1.0; guktop)
skeleton officer (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
skeleton private (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
Skeleton Sepulcher, the (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
skeleton sleeper, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
skeleton squad leader (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
skeleton trooper (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
skeleton worker, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
skinless creature, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
skittering forest spirit, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Skrea Greenore (0.0-1.0; sseru)
SkriatChakku (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
SkriatChee (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
SkriatChet (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
SkrietatCha (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
SkrietatChu (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Skritch Fangtail (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
Skritch Fangtail (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
Skritch Fangtail (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
Skritch Fangtail (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
skulking brute, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
skulking brutling, a (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Sky Defender, A (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
skyash drake, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
skycinder drake, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
skyfire drake, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
skyseeker hatchling, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Skyshadow (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Skzik the Tormentor (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Slaggak the Trainer (0.0-1.0; kael)
Slakiz the Malignant (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Slani Veekilaleeki (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
slarghilug, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Slarin KVekn (3.0-99.0; nektulos)
Slaveblock Guard, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Slavekeeper Xiox (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
Slayer Captain (0.0-1.0; innothule)
Slaythe the Slayer (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Sleep Walker, The (0.0-1.0; povalor)
sleeping ogre, a (0.0-1.0; nurga)
sleeping Tarmok, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Slicia JSinge (0.0-1.0; overthere)
slime elemental, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Slixin Klex (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Slizik the Mighty (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Sludge Dankmire (0.0-1.0; runnyeye)
sluggish sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Slyder the Ancient (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
small mushroom, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
small underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
small zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Smesay Jacksby (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Smithy Rrarrgin (0.0-1.0; warrens)
smoldering goo (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
smoldering magmin, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
smudged grimling, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
smudged grimling, a (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
smuggler, a (0.0-1.0; highpass)
smuggler, a (0.0-0.0; highkeep)
Snaorf (0.0-1.0; frontiermtns)
Snarla the Fang (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
sneering gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
snow cougar, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
snow cougar, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
snow cougar, a (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
snow dervish, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
snow dervish, a (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
snow griffin, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
snow orc shaman, a (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
Snowbeast (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Snowfang fisher (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
Snowfang icehunter (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
Snowfang spearguard (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
Snowfang spearguard (0.0-1.0; iceclad)
Soarin Brightfeather (0.0-1.0; oot)
Soblohg (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Socho Darkpaw (0.0-1.0; blackburrow)
soiled shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
soldier of fire, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Soldier of Marr, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Soldier of Marr, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Solnebk the Unruly (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Solomen (1.0-99.0; soltemple)
Solstice Horror, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Solusek champion (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
Solusek goblin king (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
Solusek goblin (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
Solusek kobold king (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
Solusek kobold shaman (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
Solusek kobold (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
Solusek mage (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
Solusek priest (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
Solusek Ro (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Solvedi Aldeberan (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
some other piece (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
sonic bat (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
sonic battlehound, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
sonic devourer, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
sonic guardian, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
sonic hunter, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
sonic hunter, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
sonic mangler, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
sonic packleader, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
sonic pup, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
sonic ravager, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
sonic stalker, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
sonic tracker, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
sonic warwolf, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
sonic warwolf, a (0.0-1.0; grimling)
sonic wolf, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
sonic wolfling, a (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Sontalak (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Soonog (0.0-1.0; oggok)
soothebrine seahorse, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Soothsayer Dregzak (0.0-1.0; droga)
Soothsayer Greyal (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
sorcerer of Dizok (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
sorcerer of Dizok (1.0-1.0; chardok)
Sorcerer of Fire (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Sorceress Gnildaria (0.0-1.0; grimling)
Soriz Corpse, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Soriz Drudge, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Soriz Skeleton, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Soriz Slave, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
sorrow seeker, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Sorrowsong (0.0-1.0; potorment)
soul carrier, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
soul devourer, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
soul inveigling, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
soul seductress, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Soul Siphon (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
soul temptress, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
soulsipper, a (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
SoValiz (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Spanner Scrapsnatcher (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
spectral ancille, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
spectral caller (0.0-1.0; karnor)
spectral champion (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
spectral commander (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
spectral commander (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
spectral courier (0.0-1.0; citymist)
spectral crusader, a (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
spectral curate (0.0-1.0; karnor)
spectral duke (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
spectral footman (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
spectral guardian (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
spectral harbinger (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
spectral keeper (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
spectral knight (0.0-1.0; karnor)
spectral legionnaire (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
spectral librarian (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
spectral partisan (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
spectral protector (0.0-1.0; karnor)
spectral revenant (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
spectral turnkey (0.0-1.0; karnor)
spectral wolf, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Spectre Sepulcher, the (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
Spectre Spirtualist, the (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
spectre, a (0.0-1.0; oasis/oot)
spectre, a (0.0-1.0; feerrott)
spectre, a (1.0-99.0; qcat)
Spice (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
spiked succulent, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Spikefish (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
spinechiller spider, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
spined cactoric, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
spinereef seahorse, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Spinflint (0.0-1.0; beholder)
Spire Lord, The (0.0-1.0; letalis)
spirit chanter, a (0.0-1.0; paineel)
spirit flux wolf, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
spirit stalker, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
spirit stalker, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
spiritish ancille, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Spiritward Trilzic (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
spiroc arbiter, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
spiroc banisher, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
spiroc caller, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
spiroc expulser, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Spiroc Guardian, The (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Spiroc Lightbringer, a (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Spiroc Lightfoot, a (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Spiroc Lord, The (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Spiroc Proven, a (0.0-1.0; timorous)
spiroc revolter, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
spiroc vanquisher, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
spiroc walker, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Spiroc Warrior, a (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Spiroc Watcher, a (0.0-1.0; timorous)
spite golem, a (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
spite golem, a (0.0-1.0; hate_instanced/hateplane)
Splintered Claw (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Splitpaw captain, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Splitpaw commander, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Splitpaw Commander (0.0-1.0; blackburrow)
Splitpaw noble, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Sporali Defender, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Sporali gatherer, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Sporali Miner, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Sporali Moldmaster, The (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Sporali Scavenger, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Sporali worker, a (2.0-99.0; runnyeye)
Spore Guardian (0.0-1.0; innothule)
Spowry (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
sprited harpie, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
spurbone skeleton (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
spurbone skeleton (0.0-1.0; citymist)
Squad Leader, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Squallslither (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
squallsurge seahorse, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Squire Glik (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Squire Wimbley (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Sragg Bloodheart (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Srerendi slitherer, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
srerento armantis, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Ssraeshzian adept, a (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Ssraeshzian Blood Priest (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Ssraeshzian Death Priest (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Ssraeshzian fanatic, a (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Ssraeshzian Plague Priest (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Ssraeshzian Terror Priest (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Ssynthi (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Ssythar the Dreadcoil (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
Ssythar the Dreadcoil (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
Ssythar the Dreadcoil (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
Ssythar the Dreadcoil (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
Staff Sergeant Bayard (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Staff Sergeant Drioc (0.0-1.0; kael)
stalag terror, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
stalag terror, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
stalker, a (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Starr DreamSpinner (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
starved wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Statue of Rallos Zek, The (0.0-1.0; kael)
steadfast lookout, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
steadfast lookout, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
steadfast lookout, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
steadfast lookout, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
Steadfast Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
stealthy cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Stealthy Horror, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Stealthy Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
steel golem, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
steel golem, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
steel stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
stiletto fang piranha, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
stiletto tooth piranha, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
stingtooth piranha, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Stishovite (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Stoic Aealin (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Stone Abomination, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
stone cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
stone golem, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
stone golem, a (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
stone guardian, a (0.0-2.0; nektulos)
stone skeleton, a (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
stone spider (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
Stonebeak (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Stonefist Clansman, A (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
stonegazer cockatrice, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
stonegazer cockatrice, a (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
stonegazer cockatrice, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
stoneglint cockatrice, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Stonegrabber of Growth, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; echo)
Stonegrabber, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
stonegrabber, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Stonegrabber, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Stonegrinder Minion (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
stoneleer cockatrice, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
stoneleer cockatrice, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
Stonemason Galt (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
stonepeep cockatrice, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Stonesoul the Unmoving (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
storm battered traveler, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Storm Dragonchaser (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
storm drenched nophtan, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
storm giant architect, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
storm giant berserker, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
storm giant commoner, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
storm giant escort, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
storm giant foreman, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
storm giant general (0.0-1.0; kael)
storm giant gladiator, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
storm giant noble, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
storm giant surveyor, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Storm Giant Warlord, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
storm gruezok, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Storm Mistress, The (3.0-99.0; air_instanced/airplane)
storm watcher, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
storm worn armantis, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Stormcaller Bloodthresh (0.0-1.0; kael)
Stormcaller Bludlaen (0.0-1.0; kael)
Stormcaller Crystaleye (0.0-1.0; kael)
Stormcaller Rivenstell (0.0-1.0; kael)
StormClaw (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Stormrider Lightningclaw, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
stormrider, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
strathbone healer (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
strathbone runelord (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
strathbone spider (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
streamer, a (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Strong Horn (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Studded Stonegrabber, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
stuffed barracuda, a (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Stump Rundl (0.0-1.0; butcher)
sturdy sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
sturdy wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Styria Fearnon (0.0-1.0; oot)
Suez (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
suit of sentient armor, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Sulgar (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
Sulon McMoor (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
Sultin (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Summoner Teikk (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
sun fiend, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
sun guardian, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
sun reaver, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
sun reaver, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Sun Revenant Chancellor (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Sun Revenant Desecrator (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
sun revenant hero, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Sun Revenant Magistrate (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Sun Revenant Primatus (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Sun Revenant Smiter (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Sun Revenant Warlock (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
sun wraith, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
sunflower of darkness, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Sunlord Wedazi (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
sunny day, a (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
superior arisen skeleton (0.0-1.0; towerfrost)
Supreme Laochsmith Psorin (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Sustainer of Nightmares (0.0-1.0; nightmareb)
Svunsa (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
swamp rat, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Swarm Leader, The (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
sweltering mephit, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
swift air elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
swift earth elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
swift fire elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Swift Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
swift water elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Swiftclaw (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Swiftfingers (0.0-1.0; freporte/highpass)
swirling black mass, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Swirling Elemental Force, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
swirling goo (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
swirling green mass, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
swirling ooze, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
swirling red mass, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
swirlspine seahorse, a (0.0-1.0; kedge)
Swit Jestands (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Swordfang (0.0-1.0; powater)
Syenni (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
syl ren frost caller, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
syl ren frost warder, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
syl ren guardian, a (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Sylar Rites (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Syllina (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Sylp Tyanathin (0.0-1.0; innothule/rathemtn)
Sylra Fris (0.0-1.0; umbral)
sylvan protector, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Synger Foxfyre (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Syreth the Fathomkeeper (2.0-99.0; erudnint)
Sythrax guardian (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Tabien the Goodly (1.0-99.0; rathemtn)
Tabitha (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Tabularium Factor, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Tacar Tissleplay (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
tachnian fly, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Tack Shieldson (0.0-1.0; katta)
Tae Ew aggressor, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew Archon (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
Tae Ew Archon (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew Archon (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
Tae Ew bloodcaller, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew bloodcaller, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew bloodfiend, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew convert, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew crusader, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew defender, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew defender, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew defender, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew disciple, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew disciple, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew disciple, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew Diviner (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
Tae Ew Diviner (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew Diviner (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
Tae Ew fanatic, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew fanatic, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew fanatic, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew herald, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew hunter, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew judicator, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew judicator, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew judicator, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew justicar, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew justicar, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew justicar, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew lifedrinker, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew lifestealer, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew lifestealer, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew page, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew probationer, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew prophet, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew proselyte, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew proselyte, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew protector, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew protector, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew protector, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew sentinel, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew spear fisher, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew spiritcaller, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew Spiritualist, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew Templar (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
Tae Ew Templar (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew Templar (0.0-2.9; cazicthule)
Tae Ew trapper, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew warder, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew warder, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew warlord, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew warmaster, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew warrior, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew zealot, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tae Ew zealot, a (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Tae Ew zealot, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Taegria FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Taggart Hines (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Tagnis Ginfarr (0.0-1.0; butcher)
Tagrin Maldric (0.0-1.0; potactics)
TaGrusch the Abomination (0.0-1.0; potorment)
Tahia Felwah (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Taia Lyfol (1.0-99.0; lakerathe)
tainted aquagoblin (1.0-99.0; lakerathe)
tainted barracuda (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
tainted brownie (1.0-99.0; lfaydark)
tainted gorilla (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
tainted hill giant (1.0-99.0; rathemtn)
tainted lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Tainted Rock Beast, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
tainted seafury cyclops (1.0-99.0; oot)
tainted seahorse (1.0-99.0; kedge)
tainted swordsman (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
tainted wooly mammoth (1.0-99.0; everfrost)
tal ghoul wizard, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Tal Godin (0.0-1.0; innothule/rathemtn)
Taldrik Stumpystout (1.0-99.0; oasis)
Talendor (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
Talgixn FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Talliz (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Tallon Zek (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Talloth Vara (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Tallus Holton (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Tallyn Starwatch (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Talnifs (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Talok Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Talon Velic (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Talym Shoontar (0.0-1.0; freporte/qeynos/qeytoqrg/qrg)
Tamsin (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Tamyna Willowsong (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
tangrin, the (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Tani NMar (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Tann Cellus (0.0-1.0; innothule/rathemtn)
Tantisala Jaggedtooth (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Tantor (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
tar goo, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Tarbul Earthstrider (1.0-99.0; eastkarana)
tardak hunter, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Targin the Rock (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
targishin (0.0-2.0; fieldofbone)
Tarmok Beetle Herder, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Tarmok Defender, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Tarmok Lookout, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Tarmok Protector, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Tarmok Tribesman, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Tarn Bearcrusher (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Tarsa Yovar (3.0-99.0; freportw)
Tarskuk (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Taruun Arok (0.0-1.0; sharvahl)
Tashakhi (0.0-1.0; acrylia/frostfragment)
Tasi Vghera (1.0-99.0; kithicor)
Taskmaster Abyott (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Taskmaster Kavamezh (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Taskmaster Keuzozh (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Taskmaster Mikazha (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Taskmaster RevanKezh (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Taskmaster Torkazh (0.0-1.0; echo)
Taskmaster Vezhkah (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Taskmaster Zerumaz (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Taskmaster ZheVozh (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
tatterback ape, a (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
tatterback ape, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
tatterback gorilla, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Tavekalem (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Tawro Icequake (0.0-1.0; umbral)
Tazgar (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Tearon Bleanix (6.0-7.0; highkeep)
Teence the Naysayer (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Tegea Prendyn (0.0-1.0; oot)
teirdal assassin, a (3.0-99.0; kithicor)
TeirDal Elite (1.0-99.0; lfaydark)
TeirDal Mercenary (0.0-1.0; wakening)
TeirDal Prophet (1.0-99.0; lfaydark)
TekaTemariel Centi (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Tektite (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Telan Buvare (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Telkorenar (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Telnaq (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Tempest Reaver, The (3.0-99.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
tempest toad, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
tempest torn traveler, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Templar Franchus (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Templar Tingar (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
temple guard, a (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Temple Guardian, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
temple guardian, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
Temple Guardian, A (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
Temple Patroller, A (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
temple skirmisher, a (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Tempus (0.0-1.0; guktop)
tenacious darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
tenacious lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tenacious sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
tenacious shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
tenacious wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
TenAphiim (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Teneb Gresh (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
tentacle terror, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
Tentacle Terror (0.0-1.0; najena)
tentacle tormentor, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Teoc FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Terago Omath (3.0-99.0; tox)
Tergon Brenclog (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Teriling (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Terman Underbelly (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Terra (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Terris Thule (0.0-1.0; nightmareb)
terror bat, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
terror carver, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
Terror Matriarch (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Terror (0.0-1.9; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Terror (2.0-99.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Terror (0.0-1.0; fearplane)
Terrorantula (0.0-1.0; sro)
Terrorclaw (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Tesch Mal Gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Tesch Mas Gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Tesch Mas Gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Tesch Val DevalNmak (0.0-1.0; paw)
Tesch Val Gnoll, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Tesch Val Guard, a (0.0-1.0; paw)
Tesch Val Kadvem (0.0-1.0; paw)
Tetorau Xi Atraeth (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Tetragon Velic (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Thalith Mamluk (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Thall Va Kelun (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Thall Va Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Thall Va Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Thall Xundraux Diabo (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Thangbrand (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Thar Kelgand (0.0-1.0; butcher)
thaumaturgist, the (0.0-1.0; befallen)
Theldek the Stinger (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Thelin Poxbourne (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Thena Lonnes (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Theoris Bladespur (3.0-99.0; eastkarana)
Theurgus Ajeea Polaja (0.0-1.0; katta)
Theurgus Bella Geerlok (0.0-1.0; katta)
Theurgus Dala Abanjabi (0.0-1.0; katta)
Theurgus Meg Teralin (0.0-1.0; katta)
Theurgus Olius Matuya (0.0-1.0; katta)
Theurgus Ravy Helsin (0.0-1.0; katta)
Theurgus Talsen Farsky (0.0-1.0; katta)
Theurgus Zral Aristos (0.0-1.0; katta)
thick boned skeleton (0.0-1.0; kurn)
thifling chanter, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
thifling focuser, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
thifling lord, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
thifling orator, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
thifling sprite, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Third Disciple of Rhag (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Thirgus (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Thistle Underbrush (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Tholia Fastbond (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Tholius Quey (0.0-1.0; freportn)
thorny succulent, a (0.0-1.0; overthere)
thorny sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Thorolf Sutherland (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
thought bleeder, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
thought corruptor, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
thought defiler, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Thought Horror Corrupter (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
thought horror evoker, a (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
Thought Horror Overfiend (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
thought horror spiriter, a (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
thought horror, a (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
thought leech evoker, a (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
thought leech spiriter, a (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
thought leech, a (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
Thought Leech, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
thought spoiler, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
thought stealer, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Thrak Riftwing (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Thraxxus the Chained (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
Thraxxus the Chained (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
Thraxxus the Chained (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
Thraxxus the Chained (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
Throkkok (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Thul Tae Ew adept, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew bloodcaller, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew bloodcaller, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew Cenobite (3.0-99.0; feerrott)
Thul Tae Ew crusader, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew defender, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew defender, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew despoiler, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew fanatic, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew High Priest, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew judicator, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew justicar, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew justicar, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew lifestealer, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew protector, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew ritualist, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew spirtcaller, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew torturer, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew zealot, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thul Tae Ew zealot, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thulian High Ritualist, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Thumper (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
thunder spirit princess, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
thunder spirit, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Thurgen Thunderhead (1.0-99.0; qey2hh1)
Thuuga Dengible (1.0-99.0; frontiermtns)
Tiam Khonsir (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Tiblner Milnik (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Tibrinn Ember (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Ticar Lorestring (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Tigal Cama (0.0-1.0; sseru)
tiger cheetah, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tiger raptor, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
tiger, a (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
tigeraptor, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
tigerclaw racnar, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
tigesaurous, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Tihgren (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Tijoely (0.0-1.0; velketor)
timber griffawn, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
timber griffon, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Timbur the Tiny (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
timeless golem, a (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
Timtok Tonsmith (0.0-1.0; commons)
Timvu (0.0-1.0; qcat)
tin soldier, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
Tindo Frugrin (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Tiny Miller (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Tiplo the Gardener (0.0-1.0; shadowhaven)
tireless servitor, a (0.0-1.0; sleeper)
Tisella (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
Titail Sinok (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Tizina (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
tizmak augur, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
tizmak champion, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
tizmak shaman, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
tizmak spiritcaller, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
tizmak warrior, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Tjey Xeda (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Tlin Bowfright (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Tobala Honeyjar (0.0-1.0; katta)
Tobon Starpyre (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Togahn Sorast (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
Toilmaster, The (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Toko Binlittle (0.0-1.0; oot)
Tol Nicelot (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Tol Nicelot (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
Tolapumj (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
Tolkar Parlone (0.0-1.0; felwithea)
Tolo (0.0-1.0; erudsxing)
Tomas Zelnik (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
Tomas (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
tome keeper, a (1.0-99.0; kaesora)
Tomekeeper Bjordnessin (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Ton Twostring (0.0-1.0; freportn)
Tonvan FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Torgis (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Torin Krentar (3.0-99.0; qcat)
Torin Truestring (0.0-1.0; echo)
Torklar Battlemaster (1.0-99.0; unrest)
torment bat, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
tormented corporal (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
tormented dead (0.0-1.0; unrest)
tormented iksar slave, a (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
tormented vah shir, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
tormented wraith (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
torrid elemental, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Torsten Reidan (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Torstien Stoneskin (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
tortured banshee, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
tortured healer (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
Tortured Iksar Miner, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
tortured librarian (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
tortured slave, a (0.0-1.0; nurga)
tortured soul, A (0.0-1.0; potactics)
tortured spirit (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
tortured spirit (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Torzan Searfire (4.0-99.0; soltemple)
tottering ape, a (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
tottering gorilla, a (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
tottering gorilla, a (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
toughened underbulk, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Tourmaline (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Tovax Vmar (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
tower guard, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
towering brute, a (3.0-99.0; butcher)
Towering Geomancer, A (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
Towering Rock Formation, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
toxic jungle hunter, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Toxiferious (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
Toxonomist Drorjon (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Tpos Icepaw (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Tracker Azeal (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Tracker Azeal (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Trademaster Kroven (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Trader ShaDeno (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Traglimite Frog, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
trained obsidian spider, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Trainee Barkis (0.0-1.0; echo)
Trainee Durvich (0.0-1.0; echo)
Trainee Kelwyn (0.0-1.0; echo)
Trainee Robert (0.0-1.0; echo)
Trainer Daxgrr (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Trainer Wazzel (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
training kobold, a (0.0-1.0; warrens)
trakanasaur, a (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
trakanasaur, a (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
Trakanasaurus Rex (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
Trakanon (0.0-1.0; sebilis)
trakaraptor, a (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
trakaraptor, a (0.0-1.0; emeraldjungle)
Tral Paltora (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Tralinda (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Tranala (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Trancil Clearpond (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Tranixx Darkpaw (0.0-1.0; blackburrow)
Trankia (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
tranquil bloodtribe hero, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tranquil treant, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Transient Centi (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Transient Emissary (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Transient Patroller (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Transient Xakra (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Transient Xin (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Trantor Everhot (0.0-1.0; kaladimb)
Travala (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Travis Two Tone (0.0-1.0; nektulos)
Trazdon (0.0-1.0; najena)
Trazin DFeyl (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Treah Greenroot (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
treant, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana/northkarana/qey2hh1/southkarana)
treant, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Treasure Chest (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Treasurer MaQuivo (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Treasury Guard, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
tree frog, a (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Tregil Mucktail (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
tremulous bat, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Treskar (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Trevor Nalinson (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Tri Velic (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Tribal Advisor (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
tribal gatherer, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Tribal Gatherer (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Tribal Hunter (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Tribal Leader (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Tribal Lookout (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Tribal Prowler, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Tribal Shaman (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Tribal Worker (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
TriHeaded Leech, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Trilani Parlone (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Trilexior Aeridia (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Trillcor (0.0-1.0; echo)
triloun champion, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
triloun diviner, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
Triloun Egg Keeper (0.0-1.0; powater)
triloun gatherer, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
triloun keeper, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
Triloun Seer (0.0-1.0; powater)
Triloun Warder (0.0-1.0; powater)
triloun water guardian, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
Trisha Pettals (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Trissa Whistlesong (0.0-1.0; freportw)
triumphant sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
tro jeg aggressor, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg assailant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg augur, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg bane, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg captor, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg carver, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg commander, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg defender, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg diviner, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg dragon, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg dread bane, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg engraver, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg etcher, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg fire servant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg fire warder, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg fire worshipper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg firekeeper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg firerider, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg gemcutter, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg heathen, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg heretic, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg hooligan, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg invader, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg legionnaire, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg official, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
tro jeg rock collector, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg sentinel, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg sentry, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg shaman, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
tro jeg shaman, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg shaman, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg smith, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg soldier, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
tro jeg soldier, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg spiritward, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg spy, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
tro jeg visionary, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg warrior, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
tro jeg watcher, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Trog Bull, A (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Trog Hunter, A (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Trog King, The (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
Troglodyte, A (0.0-1.0; netherbian)
troll mercenary, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Troll Mercenary (0.0-1.0; wakening)
troll, a (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Trolon Lightleer (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Trooper Agash (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Trooper Azalin (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trooper Bargrik (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Begzei (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trooper Byzin (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trooper Chikzik (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Trooper Coldstone (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Curlish (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Trooper Daelbrund (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Dagnav (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Derheim (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Digdul (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Trooper Dlemdimor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Dragsk (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Ebonblade (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Eglo (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Egrephit (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Eshzik (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Trooper Feglesh (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trooper Fodcod (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Trooper Frogzin (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Trooper Fryp (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trooper Gegren (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Gepwyz (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Trooper Googin (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trooper Grouko (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Trooper Gryfkyz (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Gummin (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Trooper Gyarll (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Harkee (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Trooper Harpin (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Trooper Hegwez (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Trooper Hylpik (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Iggmin (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trooper Inkin (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Trooper Ishlin (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trooper Jhonev (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Keat (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Trooper Keplar (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trooper Khyren (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Kroniz (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Trooper Kylpog (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Trooper Larrin (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Trooper Lorgen (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Trooper Lunmiz (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Trooper Lyendejek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Melzok (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Trooper Mjflean (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Moggoz (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Mozo (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Trooper Mykeor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Nagraz (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trooper Neozite (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Nilzik (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Trooper Nishnish (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trooper Nyorll (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Ogmire (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Olon (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Trooper Ozlot (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Pejhayor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Relhjorn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Rofylin (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trooper Roklon (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Trooper Ryzee (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Sardek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Selbat (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Trooper Shestar (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trooper Shyzin (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Skalden (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Stengekkar (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Syenn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Syldon (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Trooper Taer (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Trooper Tygar (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Vaurk (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Trooper Walrun (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Trooper Xaxxot (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Yegmesh (0.0-1.0; cabwest)
Trooper Ymmedlor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Trooper Zishrin (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Trudo Frugrin (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
true darkwing bat, a (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Trug (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Tsaria Jnarus (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
tsetsian fly, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Tsiraka (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Tukaarak the Warder (0.0-1.0; sleeper)
Tulonk Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Tunarean Earthmelder (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
Tundra Jack (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
tundra kodiak, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
tundra kodiak, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
tundra mammoth, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
tundra yeti, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
Turgan (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
turmoil toad, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
turtle wrangler, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Tuuak (0.0-1.0; kael)
twilight sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
twilight wetfang minnow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
twisted ajrah treant (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
twisted crawler, A (0.0-1.0; potorment)
twisted phantom (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Two Tails (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Tycyn FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Tyddyn FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Tykar Renlin (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Tymoz (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
typhoon amphan, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
typhoon floraling, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
typhoon lorok, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Tyrana Slil (0.0-1.0; highkeep)
Tyrsa Henic (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Tziik Underbulk (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Tzitzi the Crazed (3.0-99.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Ualkic FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Uenlarc (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Uglan (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Ugrak da Raider (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Uiliak (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Ular Icepaw (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Ulia Yovar (3.0-99.0; freportw)
Ulrich McMannus (0.0-1.0; qey2hh1)
Ulrik the Devout (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Uls McMannus (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Ulth the Enraged (0.0-1.0; sirens)
ulthork hunter, an (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
ulthork man o war, an (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
ulthork warrior, an (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Ulump Pujluk (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Umbral Somnium, An (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
umbrous toiler, an (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Umplud (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Umvera Dekash (0.0-1.0; qeynos2)
undead advisor (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
Undead Annalkeeper, An (3.0-99.0; nektulos)
Undead Bard, An (1.0-99.0; sebilis)
undead barkeep, an (0.0-1.0; unrest)
undead blacksmith, an (0.0-1.0; dalnir)
undead brewer, an (1.0-99.0; unrest)
undead bridesmaid, an (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
undead cleric (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
undead crusader (0.0-1.0; kurn)
undead cyclops, an (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
undead dancer, an (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Undead Doorman, An (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Undead Footman, An (0.0-1.0; povalor)
undead foreman, an (0.0-1.0; overthere)
undead herald, an (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Undead Inhabitant, An (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
undead jailer (0.0-1.0; karnor)
undead jester, an (0.0-1.0; kurn)
undead keeper (0.0-1.0; trakanon)
undead king, an (0.0-1.0; butcher)
undead knight , an (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
undead knight of Unrest, an (0.0-1.0; unrest)
undead knight, an (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
undead marine, an (0.0-1.0; overthere)
undead mendicant (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
undead musician, an (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
undead oblation, an (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
undead reaver, an (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
undead slave, an (0.0-1.0; echo)
Undead Steward, An (3.0-99.0; nektulos)
undead usher, an (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Undead Vassal, An (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Undead Vassal, An (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Undead Vassal, An (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Underboss Myliki (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Underbulk Crawler, An (0.0-1.0; podisease)
Underbulk Defiler, An (0.0-1.0; podisease)
underbulk hatchling, a (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
underbulk, an (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
underbulk, an (0.0-1.0; echo)
Undertaker Lord, the (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
undertaker skeleton, an (0.0-1.0; charasis/charasis_instanced)
undertow skeleton, an (0.0-1.0; cauldron)
Undertow (0.0-1.0; kedge)
undine spirit, an (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Undogo Digolo (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
undying iksar, an (0.0-1.0; thegrey)
Uner Gnarltrunk (0.0-1.0; rivervale)
unholy shadow, an (0.0-1.0; twilight)
unicorn, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
unicorn, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Unked Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Unkempt Arborean, An (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
unkempt fanatic, an (3.0-99.0; rathemtn)
Unkempt preserver (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
unkempt preserver (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
unkempt preserver (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
unkempt preserver (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
UntelDak (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
urd ghoul wizard, an (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Urkath Greyface (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Urwenae the Cold (3.0-99.0; hole/hole_instanced)
Utandar Rizndown (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Utos McLarra (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Uuuz (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Va Dyn Khar (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Va Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Va Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Va Xi Aten Ha Ra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
vacillating loktole, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
VaDyn, The (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Vaean the Night (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Vaenor Husga (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Valaryn Elben (0.0-1.0; oot)
Valbrand (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Vali Greenwhisper (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
Valiant Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Valiant Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
valley spiritling, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
Valorian Guard, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Valorian Guard, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Valorian Guard, A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Valorian Guard, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Valorian Guardian, A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Valorian Sentry , A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Valorian Sentry, A (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Valorous Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
valorous vas ren guard, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vampire bat, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
vampire noble, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
vampire oracle, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
vampiric ancille, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
vampyre bat, a (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Van Shatblack (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Vaniki (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
vann geistlig, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vann hellig, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vann hellig, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vann kriger, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vann militis, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vann militis, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vann prest, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vann stav, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vann stav, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vapor golem, a (0.0-1.0; citymist)
Varjie (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Varsoon (0.0-1.0; qeytoqrg)
vas ren archon, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren attractor, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren bead collector, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren blesser, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren bruiser, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren champion, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren chronicler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren cohort, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren dawnlord, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren engraver, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren etcher, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren fugitive, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren grailkeeper, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren guard, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren guardian, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren highlord, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren holyman, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren holymaster, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren lake worker, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren librarian, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren lunar khan, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren musician, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren nomad, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren oracle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren priest, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren prophet, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren protector, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren rainlord, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren scout, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren shaman, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren shaman, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren shaman, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren soldier, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren spiritward, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren springmaster, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren stalker, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren tactician, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren tenor, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren trooper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren unifier, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren warder, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren warlord, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren warmaster, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren warrior, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren waterlord, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vas ren watermaster, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren woodkeeper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
vas ren worker, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Vaurien Sticklebush (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Vealok the Angry (0.0-1.0; kael)
Vedico Windwisper (1.0-99.0; butcher)
vehement wyvern, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Vehgar Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Veisha Fathomwalker (0.0-1.0; tox)
Vekerchiki Soldier, A (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
Vekerchiki Warrior, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
Velana Kelmuza (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Velarte Selire (2.0-99.0; qeynos2)
Velden Dragonbane (0.0-1.0; kael)
Velena Corgtec (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Veleroth (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Veli Greenwhisper (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
Velious Drake, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
velium broodling, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
velium crawler, a (0.0-1.0; crystal)
velium hound, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
velium hunter, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
velium miner, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
velium stalker, a (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Velketor the Sorcerer (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Velketors Experiment (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Vellar Toranalis (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Vellyn FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Veltar (1.0-99.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
Venar Icepaw (0.0-1.0; velketor)
Venenzi Oberzendi (1.0-99.0; nektulos)
venerable sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
vengeful lyricist (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
vengeful soloist (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
venomous lamprey (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
venomous lamprey (0.0-1.0; firiona)
venomous lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
venomous spikefish, a (2.0-99.0; kerraridge)
Venril Sathir (0.0-1.0; karnor)
Ventani the Warder (0.0-1.0; sleeper)
Veobryn FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Veratas Gastir (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Verda Slowfire (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vereor Primorus (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
Vereor Tesserarius , A (0.0-1.0; griegsend)
Vergad (0.0-1.0; grobb)
Verina Tomb (1.0-99.0; neriakc)
Verishe Mal Executioner (0.0-1.0; paw)
Verishe Mal Judge (0.0-1.0; paw)
Verix Kyloxs remains (0.0-1.0; karnor)
Verolk Kishneal (0.0-1.0; paineel)
Verona Rankin (3.0-99.0; freporte)
Vesagar Nekio (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Vessel Drozlin (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
Veteran Centurion, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Veteran Drillmaster, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Veteran Eiyloren (0.0-1.0; kael)
Veteran Hjrek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Veteran Icecaller (0.0-1.0; kael)
Veteran Kltrem (0.0-1.0; kael)
Veteran Mjrlind (0.0-1.0; kael)
Veteran Overseer, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Veteran Sjrelt (0.0-1.0; kael)
Veteran Skeldek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Veteran Surlren (0.0-1.0; kael)
Veteran Underboss, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Veteran Yllhaydm (0.0-1.0; kael)
vetri fly, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
vexed banshee, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Vexven Mucktail (0.0-1.0; highpass)
Vexven Mucktail (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
Veynar Aeridia (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Vhaksiz the Shade (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Vhalen Nostrolo (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
Vicar of Fire (0.0-1.0; pofire)
Vicious Raptor, a (0.0-1.0; timorous)
vicious shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Vicus Nonad (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
vigilant convoker, a (0.0-1.0; growthplane)
vigilant guardian, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
vigilant guardian, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
vigilant guardian, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
vigilant guardian, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
Vigilum Centurio, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Cohortis, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Cosaki (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Ealna (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Greel (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Mornus (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Naillo (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Nuno (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum of the Eye, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Pola (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Ripka (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Seniori, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Senorii, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Tsalf (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Uresko (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Vonari (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigilum Warsala (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vigorous Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
vigorous rockhopper, a (0.0-1.0; letalis/scarlet)
Vigulum Pola (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Vilefang (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Vilissia (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Vilnius the Small (1.0-99.0; qey2hh1)
Vin Moltor (0.0-1.0; qcat)
vind druid, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vind geistlig, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vind militis, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vind militis, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vind prest, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vind vill, A (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
vinecator, a (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Vinny V Dvicci (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
violent rockhopper, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Violent Rockhopper, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
violent sand storm, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Vira (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
virulent arachnid, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
virulent hatchling, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
virulent mosquito, a (3.0-99.0; cazicthule)
vis ghoul knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
visiting noble, a (0.0-1.0; kael)
visiting priestess, a (0.0-1.0; najena)
Vissix (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Vitaela (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Vius Centi (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Vius Tatrua (0.0-1.0; akheva)
ViusTekar (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Vivish SLon (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Vkaak (0.0-1.0; kael)
Vkjen Thunderslayer (0.0-1.0; kael)
Vkjor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Vluudeen (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Vobryn FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Voli Greenwhisper (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
Von (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Vopuk Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Vopuk Shralok (0.0-1.0; highpass)
voracious brute, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
Vores the Hunter (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Vorken Iceshard (0.0-1.0; kael)
Vorladien Webspinner, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
Vorshar the Despised (2.0-99.0; neriakb)
Vranol Blackguard (3.0-99.0; highpass)
Vraptin (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Vrionele (0.0-1.0; firiona)
Vrynn (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Vukuz (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Vuli Greenwhisper (0.0-1.0; ecommons)
Vulur Stonehold (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Vun Shatblack (0.0-1.0; qcat)
Vun Winstone (0.0-1.0; freportw)
Vurgo (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Vyakna (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Vyldin Flamereaver (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Vynn Thrildur (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
Vynon Estaliun (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Vyntok Bonkle (3.0-99.0; steamfont)
Vysi Caldo (0.0-1.0; sseru)
wailing Centi, A (0.0-1.0; akheva)
wailing shade, A (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Wallin Slyfoot (1.0-99.0; commons)
Waln Isna (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Walnan (1.0-99.0; butcher)
Walnut (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
walrus, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
walrus, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Walthin Fireweaver (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
wan ghoul knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
wanderer, a (0.0-1.0; hole/hole_instanced)
wandering grezlan, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
wandering spirit, a (1.0-99.0; qey2hh1)
wandering warrior (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
wandering wurm, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
wanton tronera, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
War Boar, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
War Boar, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
war boned skeleton (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
war boned skeleton (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
War Chieftain Dorwikak (0.0-1.0; codecay)
War Chieftan Awisano (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
War Chieftan Birak (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
War Chieftan Galronar (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
War Crow, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
War Priestess Tzan (1.0-99.0; kithicor)
War Shapen Earth Emissary, A (0.0-1.0; poeartha)
war wolf, a (0.0-1.0; eastkarana)
War Wraith, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
warbone monk, a (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
warbone spearman, a (0.0-1.0; lavastorm)
ward of ro, a (0.0-1.0; soltemple)
Warden Bruke (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
Warden Lius (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Warden Mekuzh (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Warden of Lost Shakers (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
Warden of Lost Shakers (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
Warden of Lost Shakers (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
Warden of Lost Shakers (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
Warder Cecilia (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
warder of Xalgoz (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
Warlord Drrig (0.0-1.0; warrens)
Warlord Geot (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
Warlord Gintolaken (0.0-1.0; poearthb)
Warlord Gok Thok (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Warlord Hikyg (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Warlord Shik Thras (0.0-1.0; shadeweaver)
Warlord Skarlon (0.0-1.0; soldungb)
Warlord Tkkiktthik (0.0-1.0; fungusgrove)
Warlord Urgalth (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Warlord Vyzer (0.0-1.0; warslikswood)
Warlord Zyzz (0.0-1.0; fieldofbone/towerbone)
Warmaster Utvara (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Warpaw Dankpelt (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
warrior of NelPtan (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Warrior of Zek, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Watch Captain Hirroul (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Watch Sergeant Coldbones (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watch Sergeant Deraekk (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watch Sergeant Feljar (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watch Sergeant Icestrider (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watch Sergeant Kredrer (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watch Sergeant Mjaek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watch Sergeant Reldryel (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watch Sergeant Rizoul (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Watch Sergeant Tlygrerion (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watch Sergeant Vedravik (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Brandrell (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Brjorall (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Bvorrek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Caal (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Watcher Devin (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Watcher Fenyerl (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Feytsteln (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Frozentoe (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Grinnis (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Watcher Hjrommar (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Hodstaen (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Khyriik (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Kiba (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Watcher Kryeel (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Kveani (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Morrjil (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Myjeltor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher of the Eye, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Watcher Opa (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Watcher Quen (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Watcher Scots (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Watcher Sergeant Hyren (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Skjorn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Skullcrusher (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Sprin (0.0-1.0; thurgadinb)
Watcher Stellrevn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Stonegrinder (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Tesmaelsor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Thernon (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Thrensheld (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Utgen (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Uthmeed (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Vashantir (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Vlorrelk (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Wilta (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Watcher Yeldor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher Zedlek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watcher, A (0.0-1.0; sseru)
watchful guard, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
watchful protector, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
watchful protector, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
watchful protector, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
watchful protector, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
Watchman Baelsteirn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Berakor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Bexlend (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Blackwolf (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Bledstrom (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Bloodrune (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Bremmn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Bvella (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Dexlin (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Watchman Deynreth (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Djobren (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Dool (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Watchman Dragsk (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Dreeb (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Watchman Erendor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Faelen (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Gardal (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Gemmarel (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Greysteel (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Halv (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Watchman Hodl (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Watchman Icebear (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Jhaorn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Kaldrel (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Lhaef (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Lyl (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Watchman Mjroldin (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Mylz (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Watchman Myrderon (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Myriin (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Njella (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Ogelren (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Othrener (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Prenn (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Watchman Prynn (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Watchman Qiz (0.0-1.0; akanon)
Watchman Reglekar (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Rydsheld (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Skaldojar (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Stalgen (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Sunderthorn (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Thyek (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Tylem (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Vedravik (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Vyiel (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Welvrak (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Weyaen (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Whiteblade (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Wolfcoat (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Yekkal (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Ymmedlor (0.0-1.0; kael)
Watchman Zakrek (0.0-1.0; kael)
water elemental, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
water protector, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
waterlogged floran, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
watery sunflower, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
wayward sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
Wealrn FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Weaponsmith Kozirr (0.0-1.0; lakeofillomen)
weathered clockwork, a (0.0-1.0; poinnovation)
weathered gargoyle, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
Weathered Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Weathered Stonegrabber, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Webclaw Murkwave (0.0-1.0; lakerathe)
Weeping Mantrap (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Welas Hollander (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Wellis Pestule (3.0-99.0; qcat)
WelWnas (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Wendlock Twiblik (0.0-1.0; katta)
Wenglawks Kkeak (0.0-1.0; kael)
werebat, a (0.0-1.0; unrest)
werewolf, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
werewolf, a (0.0-1.0; commons/kithicor/qey2hh1)
werewolf, a (0.0-1.0; southkarana)
werewolf, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
wharf rat (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Whes Nareya (0.0-1.0; erudnint)
Whimsy Larktwitter (0.0-1.0; lfaydark)
whirl of cinders, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
whirl of embers, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
whirl of magma, a (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
whirling rock storm, a (0.0-1.0; postorms)
white stallion, a (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
Widowmistress, The (0.0-1.0; najena)
wightish ancille, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Wiknak Grimglom (0.0-1.0; hollowshade)
Wild Fiery Spirit Steed (0.0-1.0; pofire)
wild lightcrawler, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
Wild Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
will pillager, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
will ravisher, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
will sapper, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
willowisp, a (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
Wiltan Crushgrip (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Wiltin Windwalker (0.0-1.0; oot)
Wilton Valewalker (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Wind Phoenix, A (0.0-1.0; poair)
windrider drake, a (0.0-1.0; air_instanced/airplane)
Windy Spire Spirit, A (0.0-1.0; letalis)
Winex Kloktik (3.0-99.0; steamfont)
Wislen Mamluk (0.0-1.0; kerraridge)
Wisp Nelonia (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Witchdoctor Orxkra (0.0-1.0; codecay)
withered treant (1.0-99.0; northkarana)
Wizened Herb Collector, a (1.0-99.0; chardok/chardok_instanced)
Woggir (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
wolf, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Wolfmaster Finnur (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
wood nymph, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
wooden sun revenant, a (0.0-1.0; scarlet)
wooly mammoth calf, a (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
wooly mammoth, a (0.0-1.0; everfrost)
wooly mammoth, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
wooly rhino, a (0.0-1.0; eastwastes)
worry wraith, a (0.0-1.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
wounded storm giant, a (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Wraith of a Shissir (1.0-99.0; fear_instanced/fearplane)
Wraith of Jaxion (0.0-1.0; citymist)
wraith, a (0.0-1.0; ponightmare)
wraith, a (0.0-1.0; citymist)
wraithbone champion (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
wraithish ancille, a (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Wrek Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Wres Corber (0.0-1.0; highpass)
wretched beguiler, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
wretched beguiler, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
wretched beguiler, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
wretched beguiler, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
wretched blackguard, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
wretched blackguard, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
wretched blackguard, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
wretched blackguard, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
Wretched Fiend (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
Wretched Fiend (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
Wretched Fiend (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
Wretched Fiend (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
wretched invoker, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
wretched invoker, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
wretched invoker, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
wretched invoker, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
wretched pusling, a (0.0-1.0; podisease)
wretched shadow, a (0.0-1.0; twilight)
wretched vanguard, a (0.0-1.0; injustice/injustice2/injustice3/injustice4/injustice5/injustice6)
wretched vanguard, a (0.0-1.0; injustice30)
wretched vanguard, a (0.0-1.0; injustice40)
wretched vanguard, a (0.0-1.0; injustice50)
writhing shadow, a (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Wrom Shralok (0.0-1.0; kithicor)
Wrulon Guard, A (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
Wrulon Guard, A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Wrulon Protector, A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Wrulon Protector, A (0.0-1.0; hohonorb)
Wrulon Sentry, A (0.0-1.0; hohonora)
Wuggan Azusphere (0.0-1.0; akanon)
wulfware lonewolf, a (0.0-1.0; dreadlands/dreadlands_instanced)
Wuoshi (0.0-1.0; wakening)
Wurgoz (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
wurm, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
wurm (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
wurm (0.0-1.0; burningwood)
Wybjorn (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Wylin Dodmil (0.0-1.0; qeynos)
wyvern hatchling, a (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
wyvern hunter, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
wyvern huntress, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
wyvern, a (0.0-1.0; skyfire)
wyvern, a (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
wyvern, a (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Xalgoti (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Xalgoz (0.0-1.0; kaesora)
Xantomo Salmor (3.0-99.0; qeynos)
Xanuusus (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Xaui Tatrua (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Xaui Xi Ans Vius (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Xaven White (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Xegony the Queen of Air (0.0-1.0; poair)
Xelha Nevagon (0.0-1.0; freporte)
XelMoar, The (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Xenioth the Endless (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Xenithen Sterbla (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Xenyari Lisariel (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Xerkizh The Creator (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Xeximoz (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
Xi Thall (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Xi Vius (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Xi Vius (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Xi Vius (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Xi Xaui (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Xi Xaui (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Xi Xaui (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Xi Xaui (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Xiblin Fizzlebik (0.0-1.0; timorous)
Xicotl (0.0-1.0; mistmoore)
Xin Renthais Ishan (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Xin Thall Centien (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Xin Thall Centien (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Xin Thall Centien (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Xin Thall Centien (0.0-1.0; maiden)
Xin Thall (0.0-1.0; akheva)
Xlixinar Arcut (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Xnyl (0.0-1.0; mischiefhouse/mischiefplane)
XTa Tempi (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
XTa Timpi (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
XTa Tompi (0.0-1.0; neriaka)
Xuzl (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Xygoz (0.0-1.0; veeshan)
Yaced (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Yaka Razorhoof (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
Yal (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Yalaki (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Yaroslav Verilak (0.0-1.0; tenebrous)
Yasiz the Devourer (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Yavik Teralin (0.0-1.0; katta)
Yaz Tolax (0.0-1.0; neriakc)
Yazmin Farsky (0.0-1.0; katta)
Yeka Ias (1.0-99.0; southkarana)
Yeldema (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Yelesom Paust (3.0-99.0; erudsxing)
Yelloweyes (0.0-1.0; paludal)
Yendar Starpyre (1.0-99.0; steamfont)
Yendilor the Cerulean Wing (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Yetarr (0.0-1.0; kael)
Yika Burrowbright (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Ymir Stormseer (4.0-5.0; bothunder)
Ymmeln (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Yollis Jenkins (3.0-99.0; qeytoqrg)
young centi, A (0.0-1.0; akheva)
young dire wolf, a (0.0-1.0; permafrost)
young goblin shaman (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
young goblin wizard (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
young goblin (0.0-1.0; soldunga)
young gorilla, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
young obsidian tree spiderling, a (0.0-1.0; pofire)
young panda, a (0.0-1.0; stonebrunt)
young ronin, a (1.0-5.0; oasis)
young sea turtle, a (0.0-1.0; powater)
young shardwurm, a (0.0-1.0; greatdivide)
young thought leech, a (0.0-1.0; thedeep)
Yovik Splegle (3.0-99.0; freportw)
Yranik Blackguard (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
yrendan scarab, the (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Yrrindor Emerald Claw (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Ysanna MacGibbon (0.0-1.0; halas)
Yuin Starchaser (3.0-99.0; felwitheb)
Yulcabis (3.0-99.0; steamfont)
Yumik Gropa (0.0-1.0; sseru)
yun ghoul wizard, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
Yurddle the Caretaker (0.0-1.0; katta)
Yventa VaSsula (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Yvolcarn (0.0-1.0; cobaltscar)
Yymp the Infernal (0.0-1.0; beholder)
Zabaltin Draux (0.0-1.0; sseru)
Zadyr Moralin (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Zagran the Mad (0.0-1.0; swampofnohope)
Zahal the Vile (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Zahal the Vile (0.0-1.0; northkarana)
Zakis Var Sltad (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Zaldin FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Zalerez (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Zammar of TialVok (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Zapho the Ancient (1.0-99.0; akanon)
Zarchoomi (3.0-99.0; butcher)
Zayenaekk (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Zazamoukh (0.0-1.0; rathemtn)
Zazlan Furscale (0.0-1.0; cabeast)
zealous zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Zech Terrun (0.0-1.0; povalor)
Zed Sticklebush (0.0-1.0; jaggedpine)
zek initiate, a (0.0-1.0; potactics)
Zeldaile FeDhar (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
ZelKrioz (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Zelniak Render, a (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Zelniak Ripper, a (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Zelniak Shredder, a (0.0-1.0; mseru)
Zelniak Tearer, A (0.0-1.0; mseru)
zelniak, a (0.0-1.0; dawnshroud)
Zelnithak (0.0-1.0; umbral)
ZelRekushoz (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Zelrin Morlock (0.0-1.0; potactics)
ZelZachum (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
ZelZoszh (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Zemlan Blackfang (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Zemm (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Zenoux (1.0-5.0; pojustice)
Zertuken the Unyielding (0.0-1.0; postorms)
Zhem Xecia (0.0-1.0; freporte)
Zhroushe Mezhkazh (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Zigg Flin (0.0-1.0; akanon/freportn)
Ziglark Whisperwing (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
Zil Sapara (0.0-1.0; westwastes)
Zlakas the Slayer (0.0-1.0; ssratemple)
Zlandicar (0.0-1.0; necropolis)
Zlexak (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
zol ghoul knight, a (0.0-1.0; gukbottom)
zombie advisor (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
zombie butler, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
zombie commander (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
zombie guard (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
zombie infantry (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
zombie maid, a (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
zombie of an Unrest noble (0.0-1.0; unrest)
zombie trooper (0.3-5.0; kithicor)
Zondo Hyzill (0.0-1.0; steamfont)
Zorash (0.0-1.0; overthere)
Zordak Ragefire (7.0-99.0; soldungb)
Zorglim the Dead (0.0-1.0; frozenshadow)
Zov Centien (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zov Liako Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zov Liako (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zov Senshali (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zov Thall Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zov Thall (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zov Va Dyn (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zov Va Liako Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zov Va Liako (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zov Zethon Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zov Zethon (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zrelik the Scout (0.0-1.0; thurgadina)
Zrexul (0.0-1.0; solrotower)
Zrithsadioun (3.0-99.0; southkarana)
Zun Centien Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zun Centien (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zun Liako Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zun Liako (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zun Senshali Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zun Senshali (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zun Thall Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zun Thall (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zun Va Dyn (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zun Va Liako Xakra (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zun Va Liako (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zun Zethon (0.0-1.0; vexthal)
Zure Bavuior (0.0-1.0; erudnext)
Zyerek Onyxblood (0.0-1.0; templeveeshan)
Zyle Bensmill (0.0-1.0; oot)
Zynil (0.0-1.0; skyshrine)
use current expansion